Summer term is here already!

Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a lovely Easter break!

We have lots of fun activities to look forward to this term. Learners Class will begin swimming lessons on Tuesday mornings this term. Please make sure to give your permission on Parent Pay if you haven’t already.

Mrs Gurney will be teaching computers on Tuesday afternoons this term.

This week in Maths, we have enjoyed learning about position and direction. We have made quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and full turns with lots of objects around the classroom and have had lots of discussion around clockwise and anti-clockwise.

In Science, we have classified animals in to 6 main groups depending on their features and enjoyed drawing pictures to demonstrate our learning.

In English this week, we have been making posters about animals that are good ‘Learners’ – like our class name! We each has our own ideas of animals that were smart and were able to back-up our opinions with facts.

In Art, drawing is our new topic and we have been looing at the artist Pablo Picasso. We learned about his style of drawing portraits and had a go ourselves. We thoroughly enjoyed this and the finished pieces were fantastic!

As part of Hedgehog Awareness week, next week, we will be having a ‘hedgehoggy day’ on Thursday 5th May. We will keep you posted!

Learners love to learn!

10 is Exciting

Its been a long time coming and the excitement has been building but this week we have done a full and thorough investigation of the composition of ten.

The Pioneers have made 10 with Numicon and spotted patterns in their calculations. We have build different shapes with numberblocks and written the calculations to match the shapes. From this we have counted in 2’s and 5’s and are now ready to go beyond 10.

A snowy end to the week!

Who would have thought, we would be ending the week with flurries of snow? There’s nothing like the British weather!

I think hedgehogs will stay in hibernation for a little bit longer! Despite that, this week we have started some persuasive writing around how we can persuade the other classes in school to join our plight to protect the hedgehogs in our surroundings! We have been thinking about the features of persuasive writing this week and next week will be writing a speech to share and persuade our peers to hep us.

In maths, we have been learning about fractions and in particular we have explored equal parts of a whole and have been finding a half of an object.

In RE we have been thinking about Salvation, we are able to explain the meaning of Salvation ( Jesus rescuing people) and to articulate how Salvation links to the Easter Story. We are really enjoying learning about the Easter Story and it is prompting some very meaningful discussions.

We delighted in playing out in the snow flurries this week, but now need some sunshine for our newly planted seeds to grow! Roll on summer!

Learners Class



Our Visit to St John’s

On a beautiful sunny Tuesday, the Pioneers made their way to visit St John’s Church. We managed the walk and arrived to be greeted my Mrs Jones. We had a bit of time to explore and then Mrs Jones told us all the Bible Story of the Shepherd and the Lost Sheep. The Pioneers then went off to find this retold in a stained glass window.

We discovered lots of new vocabulary-pew,pulpit,aisle,organ and font and vestments.

So lovely.

Reading,Writing and Measurement

Every Friday we go to the Library to select a new book. In the process we have noticed how the books are arranged on the shelf and how the are stored with the spines facing out so we can read them. We are getting quite good at returning books too.

Trolls and giants have featured heavily in this week’s learning and we have been measuring using different bricks. The Pioneers took great care with this work and their attention to detail was amazing . The maths chat was wonderful.

Having written stories about the troll and the goats and discussed other versions of this,the Pioneers were delighted to have a go at constructing their own story maps for their own traditional tale. The focus and the ideas were brilliant and everyone presented their own story. This all happened late on Friday afternoon at the end of a very busy week. These ideas will for the basis of our writing next week. They are so good.

To be continued…

Adventurers Collective Worship

I was very proud of Adventurers for leading collective worship this week in school.

The children worked very hard to produce posters, pictures, prayers and leaflets to tell the rest of the school about Earth Hour.

On Saturday 26th March 2022 at 8.30pm, millions of people across the world will take part in Earth Hour by switching off their lights for an hour.

Earth Hour unites people across the world who are passionate about our planet.

So why don’t you join us and SWITCH OFF FOR YOUR WORLD.

Out and About!

The Learners have been out and about this week and have enjoyed a lot of outdoor learning.

This half-term our Science topic is Plants. On Monday, set with pots, compost, trowels and seeds we enjoyed planting our own herbs and flowers in our outdoor area. The sun was shining and we worked together to dig, plant and sow. The children had such enthusiasm, we definitely have some budding gardeners in Learners Class.

On Tuesday, we picked the BEST day to visit the forest, the weather was warm and Spring was most certainly in the air. With our hedgehog hero hats on, we began to assess our school surroundings for encouraging hedgehogs. We listed potential hazards and also things that were already hedgehog friendly. We delighted in making some warm, cosy areas that hedgehogs might like to visit when they come out of hibernation – we are expecting some actual hedgehog houses to arrive soon and are very excited about this!

On Wednesday, we started writing our stories, based on the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The writing produced so far has been wonderful! The children have been working really hard to use interesting vocabulary to engage their reader. Early next week they will be reading their stories to Pioneers. They are in for a real treat!

Spring is on the way and we have been so lucky to have had lots of outdoor learning this week.

Learners love to learn!



Fire Engine Visit

Today was the day the fire engine and fire brigade came to visit Explorers class. The children were extremely excited and very intrigued to look around the Fire-Engine. Fireman Jay brought his crew along to show some of the equipment they use when going to an emergency. Fireman Joe put on the protective clothing and breathing equipment to show the children what they wear when going into a fire. Fireman Jay and Frazor showed the children some of the equipment that was inside the Fire-Engine and talked about the machinery to cut vehicles, the pump to retrieve water, one of the hose pipes and the ladders to help people stuck in tall buildings. We then listened to the sirens and watched the flashing lights! What a great experience for the children.The children received a fire-man Ted sticker. What a morning!

Who’s that Trip Trapping Over My Bridge?

This week has been all about Trolls,bridges and goats,making plans and writing labels. It has been a wonderful week of learning together and our classroom in ablaze with writing and photographs and paintings. The floor is a bit wet too as we had to try out some Goat Boats to allow the goats another way across the water to the lush,green grass.

We discovered that like us,all trolls are different and all trolls are beautiful so we have started work on some troll description.

Our Christian Value is Justice and we spent a while talking about the story of the Hare and the Tortoise. Great chat.

Very Happy Learning

Learning in Forest School

Adventurers had a super afternoon in Forest School completing science investigations and creating a setting for a story.

In science we have been learning about the part played by evaporation in the water cycle and how the rate of evaporation is linked to temperature. To explore this further we created two puddles in the playground, one in the sun and one in the shade and left them for one hour to see what happened. After this time we discovered the one in the sun had evaporated whereas the one in the shade was still wet. We also set up two washing lines, one in the sun and one in the shade and hung out cloths to see which dried the first.

We also enjoyed creating our own settings linked to the story book ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker and even created a river to sail our red boats down.

Later in the week in DT we drew a setting from the story ‘Journey’ and made a little red boat move backwards and forwards by using a slider and paper fastener on a fixed pivot. The children were very pleased with the end result!