It’s Friday! – 1st May

Good morning everyone!

Its is Friday today and it is also the new month of May.

Todays suggested learning is as follows;- (see Tapestry for more details)

In maths, I have added some links to Top Marks focusing on addition ad subtraction. If you haven’t accessed Top Marks before, give it a try – its lots of fun!

In English, we are going to write the second bit of our story – the middle – our character will set off on their adventure, where will they go and who will they meet?

In phonics today, we will look at the ph sound. This sound is in words like elephant, dolphin and phonics! Click on the document through Tapestry and see which real or pseudo words you can read.

DT – Let’s design and make a healthy sandwich today. Remember it is important to design it first and to think about the ingredients and utensils you will need. Also to think about how your sandwich is healthy. We have done this in class before so you will be experts!

Look out for our final story of the week tonight. Over the weekend I will send out a reminder of all five stories this week and we can vote for our favourite – just like we do in class.

Keep in touch with me on Tapestry whatever you are doing today and remember when you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

Keep smiling and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Brown

Good Morning Thursday – 30th April

Hello everyone!

I can’t believe it is Thursday already!

I hope you are all well and happy! It was lovely to speak to some families yesterday, you are all doing an amazing job!

Today suggested Home Learning activities are;- – more details on Tapestry.

In Maths, we had fun with Sock Addition yesterday, today we are going to play Sock Subtraction – so take away instead of add!  In English we are going to start to write our own story. Just the beginning today, paying particular attention to your setting and your charachter (adding as much detail as possible). Phonics today concentrates on the wh sound – in words such at ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘wheel. Finally, in Geography there is a lovely video clip to watch all about the United Kingdom – I think you will enjoy it!

Keep cheerful and look after each other. Keep me posted with whatever you are doing, as I love to hear from you.

Look out for story number 4 tonight! – tomorrow will be the last one, then we can vote for our favourite!

Keep smiling!

Best wishes, Mrs Brown



Wednesday’s Welcome

Good morning Learners and families. I hope you are all ok?

These are todays suggested learning activities – See Tapestry for further details!

In Maths, we will have some fun today with Sock Addition – follow the pictures carefully to help you!

In English, I would like you (using your Story Plan) to say through your own story. You might need to do this a few times to get it just right! Include as much detail as you can from your plan and make sure you have a beginning, middle and end to your story.

Todays phonics sound is the aw sound. Watch Mr Thorne and Geraldine – they always make us smile!

Music – A song to enjoy today! A song from the musical Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! Listen to the song and/or learn the words!

Please make sure you are reading everyday – even just a little. Check out Oxford Owl if you haven’t already!

Look out for Story Number 3 tonight on Tapestry – as we are voting this week!

Remember. when the sun isn’t out we have to make our own sunshine!

Keep smiling (you are all doing a great job)

Mrs Brown

Tuesday News – 28th April

Good morning everyone!

Todays suggested learning is as follows – more details on Tapestry.

In English, we will be making a story map for our own story. Remember this should only include key information. I have put an example on Tapestry.

In Maths we will be practising our number bonds today! Practise makes perfect!

In Phonics we will be looking at some tricky words. Practise reading them, then spelling them or even writing them in a sentence like we do in class.

History – In class we have been learning about Queen Victoria – she is so interesting. Watch the video link (Tapestry) and see if you can remember what we have already learned. can you learn anything new? Remember we said that she was EVEN smaller than Mrs Brown!

It is so lovely to receive your pictures/videos and messages on Tapestry. Please keep them coming!

We are voting for our favourite story this week. We have had Number 1. Elle and Elvis, look out tonight for story Number 2.

Keep smiling whatever you are doing today!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown


Hello Monday – 27th April

Good morning Learners and families.

I hope you have all enjoyed the weekend!

Today’s home learning suggestions are as follows ;- (more details are on Tapestry)

In maths, we are counting today. How high can you count? Can you count backwards too? Mrs Brown is going to count how many dandelions she sees on her daily walk today. What can you count?

In English, we are going to retell our favourite stories to someone in our house. How much detail can you remember? Is it in the right order? Does it make sense? Use language like first, then, after that to help you.

In Phonics we will be looking at consonant clusters (our favourite). The words are on dandelions today, what could be better!

Science – plants – A dandelion theme today. Follow the link on Tapestry and read the facts to find out more. How many different flowers and plants can you spot on your walk today? Can you name them? Can you draw them?

Check out Sumdog for some new challenges that have been set today.

This week we will vote on our favourite story – just like we do in class. We may not be in the classroom but we can still do our favourite things. Tune in on Tapestry tonight at 6pm for story number 1.

Thank you to everyone who sent in a video ‘hello’ message, it was lovely to see everyone’s smiling faces.

Keep your pictures coming in and keep in touch.

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown




That Friday Feeling! – 24th April

Hello everyone!

Todays suggested Home Learning is as follow;- (see Tapestry for more details)

  • Maths – you have done so well with your data handling this week – todays task is to use some Scaled Pictograms to retrieve information. Do not be put off by the word Scaled it simply means that each picture is worth more than one. Have a go and see how you get on – it is a great skill to learn.
  •  English – think of some WOW words today. WOW words make our writing even better! What is the best WOW word you can think of? Use some story books to help you!
  •  Phonics – the ir sound today. Read the real and pseudo (alien) words – we love to do this in class!
  •  Art – Bubble Art – We have been thinking about bubbles in our story this week, so today sketch them, draw them, paint them even make them! have some fun with this.

I have received a lot of video messages to say ‘hello’ to each other – thank you so much! I will send these out at 12pm today on Tapestry – I can’t wait! Please remember to respect the privacy rules and not share these outside Tapestry.

Enjoy the sun today and keep in touch whatever you are doing!

Have a lovely weekend

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Thursdays news – 23rd April

Good morning Learners and families!

I hope you are all well today!

Todays home learning is as follows (more details on Tapestry)

  •  In maths, see if you can read some information using my pictogram. Then, use your own from yesterday to write some questions of your own.
  •  In English today we are looking at the Bubbles story and thinking about who Gabby met a long the way on her adventure. Who will your character meet a long the way and what will they be doing?
  • Phonics – today is the oy sound. Watch Geraldine the Giraffe search around her home for oy sounds.
  • RE – The Creation. The Bible teaches us that God created the World in 7 days. Play and singalong to a lovely tune to learn more.

Further to Mr Grason’s email yesterday I logged onto Oxford Owl to access reading books. It is very simple to do and totally free. You can choose your child’s reading level to suit all abilities! Give it a try!

Remember, today is the last day to send me a video message (if you haven’t already) I will be putting these together to send out tomorrow. I cant wait!

You are all doing a fabulous job with your home learning, keep up the good work!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown 

Hello Learners – Wednesday 22nd April

Hello Everyone.

We are being so lucky with the weather right now. Long may it last!

Todays suggested learning (more details on Tapestry) is as follows;-

In maths, we are going to create a pictogram from the information we collected yesterday. This is quite a skill so be really proud of yourself if you manage it! I have provided lots of examples to help you!

In English, there is a delightful audio clip of some beach sounds. Close your eyes and imagine you are there.  What can you hear? How does it make you feel?

Geography today, this will help us with our story. Where will our magic bubble take us? to a different country perhaps? Can you name 4 countries in the World and find out a little bit about each one? What is the weather like there? What foods to they eat? Are there any famous landmarks (ie the Eiffel Tower is in France) 

Please remember these are only suggestions to be enjoyed if you would like to use them.

Don’t forget to send you video ‘hello’ messages in by the end of Thursday. I will put them together and send them out to you on Friday! I think this will be lovely!

Stay happy whatever you do today!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Happy Tuesday – 21st April

Good morning everyone!

The sun is shining today, what a bonus!

Todays activities are ;- (more information on Tapestry)

  • English – We are going to describe some characters today. Firstly, using Gabby from the ‘Bubbles’ video clip yesterday, then make up your own character for your story this week and describe them too! What do they look like? What sort of person are they? shy? noisy? adventurous? curios?
  • Phonics – todays sound is the ‘ea’ sound – see Tapestry for a fun sorting activity!
  • Maths – On your daily walk today, we are going to collect some information data! Choose four things you can look out for ie Flower colours red, pink, orange, yellow. How many of each can you see?
  • Music – Grab a pan and a wooden spoon – lets make a rhythm using different beats!

Please remember to read a little everyday! This is THE most important thing!

I did speak to some families yesterday (which was lovely). I will catch up with more families today!

Keep me posted with whatever you’re doing!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Monday 20th April – Home Learning

Good morning Learners Class and families. I hope you had a happy Easter and stayed well and safe!

I have put some suggested tasks on Tapestry this morning.

In English we will be writing a story this week and there is a delightful story called ‘Bubbles’ to watch today!

In maths I thought we would practise some Key Skills (like we do in class every day).

There’s some fun phonics with Mr Thorne and Geraldine – always a winner with Learners Class.

Finally, some PE! Just Jump! – see Tapestry for further fun details!

I will be ringing all families in the next couple of days, so please have a think if there’s anything in particular I can help you with and I’ll do my best to provide it!

New Sumdog challenges have been set today – which I know you all enjoy!

Most importantly keep being happy and kind to each other and of course keep smiling 🙂

I am missing you all!

Mrs Brown

Ps look out for tonight’s bedtime story at 6pm