Hello Learners and hello April!

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and happy!

I was so impressed with the caves you made for you bears yesterday. Your bears looked so cosy inside!

Here are some suggested activities to try today (See Tapestry for further information on each one).

  •  Still thinking about ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, can you write some instructions of how to get to the bears cave. Start your sentences with words like First, Next, After that……
  •  There is a fun maths/memory game to try! We loved this in my house yesterday!
  •  Phonics – Eva spotted the split diagraph a-e sound on her walk yesterday (clever girl Eva) it was in the word Iburndale and again in Lane. Can you spot some more today. (see document on Tapestry).
  •  History – We are loving learning about Victorians in our class, today can you draw, paint or even build a Victorian house.

Keep smiling whatever you’re doing today and keep me posted as always!

(See you at Storytime at 6pm) Mrs Brown

Tuesday News!

Good morning everyone!

Learners, today is the last day of March. What month will it be tomorrow? Sing the months of the year song and see if you can figure it out!

Below, are some suggested activities you might like to do today (see Tapestry for further details).

  •  Thinking about the story ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’, have a go making a cave/den for your own special bear! When I was young I  used to put a sheet over the kitchen table and make a den underneath! After that, you could write some instructions in your purple book to tell others how you did it.
  •  Phonics “ou” sound – watch Mr Thorne and Geraldine (further details on Tapestry)- They are always so much fun!
  •  Record your daily routine today – Check your clock and tell me what you are doing and when today!
  •  Science – We’re going on a materials hunt!

Remember these are just suggestions. Keep in touch with me and send me your pictures/videos of whatever it is you do today!

Don’t forget to tune in on Tapestry at 6pm for tonight’s story!

Sending you a smile 🙂    Mrs Brown

Monday 30th March

Good morning Learners and families. I hope you are all ok and have had a lovely weekend together.

The sun has gone behind the clouds for now, but I’m sure will be back out soon.

To keep you busy and entertained, I will be suggesting daily activities for you to do as part of your Home Learning!

Please do as much or as little of these activities as you can manage as part of your daily routine. Please access Tapestry for pictures and further details on each of these activities.

Todays activities are;-

  •  I will be reading “Were going on a Bear Hunt” as tonight’s story, so gather up your favourite bear (i’ll be brining mine) and join me at 6pm. You could draw a picture of your special bear in your purple book and tell me why he/she is so special.
  •  Fold some strips of paper to make caterpillars. Can you make a family of caterpillars of different lengths?  Decorate them too (be as creative as you like).   Which is the longest? Which is the shortest? Can you order them in length? if you have a ruler you can measure them. If you have a straw you can blow them to make them move!
  •  Phonics – our favourite! Todays sound is the “ay” sound – There are some real and pseudo (alien) words to practice on Tapestry.
  • A family portrait – let your artistic side out today. Draw a picture of yourself or a family member.

Please remember, these are suggestions only to help you keep busy.

Please send me pictures/videos on Tapestry of what you have done today or just a message to say hello.

Sending you a smile 🙂

Mrs Brown



Friday’s update.

Good morning Learners and families!

Today Chester Zoo are holding a Virtual Zoo Day (from 10am onwards). This might be fun to check out.

You could even draw a picture of your favourite animal and write a description of it in your purple book! hmm I think mine would be a giraffe! 

Its fantastic to see what you’re getting up to through Tapestry….so keep posting!

Look out for tonight’s Bedtime Story too!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Hello Thursday!

Good morning everyone!

The sun is shining again, so make the most of the fresh air and enjoying your outside spaces!

I am really enjoying keeping in touch via Tapestry. Spread the word to other families in Learners Class that haven’t yet logged on but would love it too! Even just to watch the bedtime story slot!

Keep busy today and if you would like a task, how about learning some times tables today (only 2’s, 5’s or 10’s) Can you remember we used clapping to help us in class?

Keep me updated with what you are doing through Tapestry, even just to say hello!

I will continue to be ring families regularly. My number will come up as “withheld”. Looking forward to speaking to you all soon!

Keep smiling!

Mrs Brown


Sunny Wednesday

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well! The sun is shining on this lovely Wednesday morning!

I am declaring today a “National” (well Learners class) Read a Book in the Garden Day. So get outside, just a chair in the sun will do and enjoy reading any book you like with the sun shining down on your face. What could be better!

Don’t forget to send me your pictures and videos on Tapestry….. it’s a great way to stay in touch!

Keep smiling!

Mrs Brown

Happy Tuesday!

Good morning everyone!

The sun is shining today, which is lovely!

Tapestry is up and running for Learners Class. Some of you have already been adding photos and videos or just posting a quick hello! It is a wonderful way of keeping in touch! This morning on Tapestry I have posted a daily timetable that you might want to use or adapt to suit your routine! It is only a suggestion and there to help you if you need it! I know I like a daily routine!

You could create your own timetable and decorate it to make it colourful! 

I will be contacting families through the week by telephone to make sure everyone is ok!

Keep in touch Learners (via Tapestry, the Website or contacting School) and please let me know if there is anything I can help you with and I will do my best to do so!

Keep smiling!

Mrs Brown

Good morning Learners!

Good morning Learners…..Mrs Brown here. I hope you are all ok! Make sure you use your Home Learning Pack to keep busy and check the links on the Home page. I will be checking on you all regularly so you can keep in touch with me and let me know how you are. Keep smiling….. from Mrs Brown.

Useful Website To Support Learning

Below you will find a list of fantastic websites to support you and your family in their learning.

These websites can be used by all learners. 


This website has lots of fun maths gadgets to play around with. Look out for dice,clocks and geoboards.


Which One Doesn’t Belong? Have a chat about the shapes and numbers and patterns. Do you agree about which is the odd one out?


Make number sentences and move 100’s,10’s and 1’s.


This is only a trial version but you can do a lot of counting in 2 minutes!


A List of Numberblocks episodes and powerpoints.


An interactive Numberline-write,draw,count.


A wonderful rich collection of videos and ideas-really great stuff


A collection of interactive Learning resources.


A wealth of science discovery


Watch a selection of Orchestra perform major music masterpieces.


A fine selection of stories for any time of the day


Games to play to support learning. Follow the link and find your age range. Suitable for all.


Follow the link and select your age range. Suitable for all.


Active quick blast maths and literacy activities to keep us physically well-interval training  and yoga.

Happy Learning All