Hello Monday – 18th May

Good morning Learners and families.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Today, the suggested learning is as follows;-

In Maths, we will continue to look at fractions. I would like you to think abut the word fraction and what it means. There are some practical tasks on Tapestry today to help you visualise a whole, a half and a quarter.

In English, we will have fun with some rhyming words today!

In Phonics today (as you’ve worked so hard) have some fun on Phonics Play (remember to select Phase 5).

In Music a familiar song to sing together. One of our favourites from assembly!

Congratulate yourselves today on just how well you are doing! There are no rule books for times like these and I think you are all doing an amazing job! 

Stay in touch via Tapestry and keep me posted with whatever it is you are doing!

Sending you a smile 🙂

Mrs Brown


The Sun Has Got His Hat On – Friday 15th May

Good morning everyone, 

I hope you are all well. The sun has got his hat on today and it’s Friday! Hurray!

today’s suggested activities on Tapestry today are;-

In Maths, we are testing our fractions skills. Can we work out a half of a number and a quarter of a number? Plates to the ready!

In English, you did so well with your acrostic colour poems, lets have some fun today and write one using our names – see Mrs Brown’s as an example!

In Art today, we will create our very own colour/feelings board. We can keep it safe and talk to our family about how we feel using colour. I really enjoyed making mine!

I have declared today Read-a-Book Friday. So grab a book (or go on Oxford Owl) sit in the sun and enjoy reading your book! 

Keep sending me you messages and videos of what you are doing!

Have a lovely weekend and hopefully the sun will keep shining!

Keep smiling and maybe hug each other today too!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown



Hello Learners – Thursday 14th May

Good morning everyone,


I hope you are all ok. The sun is shining today!

Todays suggested learning on Tapestry today is as follows;-

In Maths, we will be finding a quarter of a number today. Using the same activity as Monday we will split the objects into 4 equal groups today!

In English, we will used the colour information we gathered yesterday to write a colour acrostic poem. There are easier and harder options to try! Don’t rush this is will take some thought!

In phonics today we will look at the split diagraph o-e, as in the words home, nose and cone.

Let’s do some PE today as the sun is shining! Let’s practise our throwing and catching skills! You can use a ball, an apple, a teddy or a rolled up pair of socks! There are some video clips to practise throwing techniques or just to play some fun games! Enjoy!

It is lovely to hear from you whether you are doing these activities or creating your own!

Please keep in touch! (keep smiling)

Best wishes, 

Mrs Brown


It’s Wednesday – 13th May

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are al ok today!

Today’s suggested learning – details on tapestry – is as follows:-

In Maths today, we are are going to test our skills of how well we can spot a half! We should be experts by now! Remember a shape needs 2 EQUAL parts to be in half!

In English, we are collecting some colour information, in order to write our Acrostic Colour Poems tomorrow! I think you will enjoy this task today!

In Phonics, we will carry on with split diagraphs and focus on the i-e sound – there’s a fun sound spotting activity to do!

Last week in Geography, we researched continents and found out all about them. Today, we will investigate oceans – see if you can answer Mrs Brown’s questions about oceans today!

I think the weather is set to improve soon and the warm sun will return! 

In the meantime, keep busy and keep being kind to each other and keep smiling 🙂

I am missing you all,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Happy Tuesday – 12th May

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all happy and well today.

Today’s suggested learning – more details on Tapestry are as follows;-

In English today we will be writing our own Colour Poems – I can’t wait to read your poems!

In Maths, we will be searching for half of a shape. What shape will you find? What will half of the shape look like? Remember you need two EQUAL sides!

In Phonics today, we will continue with split diagraphs (as you are sooooo good at them). Today we will look at the split diagraph e-e.

In Science, we are learning about the parts of a plant and the important functions these parts have. There are two interesting video clips to watch to help you.

Have fun whatever you do today and keep me posted as always!

Keep smiling and being kind to each other! You are all doing such an amazing job! 

Best wishes (and a smile),

Mrs Brown

Hello Monday – 11th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all ok and had a great weekend! I hope you manged some sort of VE Day celebrations on Friday!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows;-

In Maths, we will be looking at finding the half of a number – there is a practical task to have a go at today!

In English, we are thinking about how different colours make us feel. There are two lovely video clips to watch and discuss!

In Phonics, we are looking at split diagraphs – the a-e sound today – don’t be scared parents, the children know just what to look out for!

In Music today – I chose a song that I know you ALL love to sing! 

Look out for tonight’s story at 6pm – which has a colour/feelings them also.

Keep smiling, whatever you’re doing today and keep sending in your messages and videos as always!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Sunny Thursday – 7th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all ok!

As usual see Tapestry for details on todays Home Learning!

In Maths, we are going to practise all the times tables we have looked at this week – 2’s, 5’s and 10’s – there are some fun games to play to test yourself.

In English, we are thinking about capital letters in our writing and where we need to use them.

In Phonics today we are looking at the ey sounds – can you sort out Mrs Browns words?

In RE – we are continuing to learn about the Creation according to Christians. Last week we listened to a lovely song and today there is a sort story to watch.

The weather is beautiful today, so make sure you enjoy the sun on your faces too!

Keep sending me your messages and videos I love to see what you are doing!

I hope you enjoy celebrating VE Day tomorrow and have a fun Bank Holiday weekend!

Sending you a smile,

Mrs Brown

Wonderful Wednesday! – 6th May

Hello everyone. I hope you are all well and happy!

Todays suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows:-

In Maths, we will continue with our times tables (you are doing so well with them). Today we will practise counting in 10s. 

In English, we will play a Game of Pass the Story. Check out Tapestry for more details – it’s lots of fun!

In Phonics today there are some sentences to read together. These sentences have lots of our phonics sounds in them, so I know you will be great at this!

In Geography today you will need your detective hat on! Will you be able to find out the answers to Mrs Brown’s questions about continents? hmm I wonder who will answer them all?

Mrs Grason has set a Blue Peter Badge challenge – how totally exciting- I wish I could do it! Read the information on Mr Grason’s email or on Tapestry to see what you need to do. Go for it! You can do it, I Know you can!

The sun is shining today, so make sure you enjoy some time in the fresh air with the sun on your faces.

Keep sending your messages in!

Keep happy and keep smiling,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Happy Tuesday! – 5th May

Good morning Learners and families!

If you haven’t already voted for your favourite story from last week, then today is your last day to do this! Login to Tapestry and select the Let’s Vote update – its easy to do!

Today in English, we are going to play a game of Character Guess Who – describe in detail anyone you like (a super hero, a book character, a family member, a teacher) but don’t say their name. The other person has to guess who you are describing! – It’s fun!

Yesterday in maths we counted in 2s and today we will count in 5s – practise makes perfect!

In phonics we will focus on the au sound – as in the word haunted.

Let’s make some VE day bunting and flags today to prepare for Fridays celebrations!

Have a happy day, whatever you are doing and keep sending in your messages and videos on Tapestry!

Keep smiling as always 🙂

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown 

Monday 4th May

Hello Learners and families!

I hope you all had a good weekend! The sun did manage to come out after all, which was a bonus! It is forecast to come back out after a little rain this morning!

Don’t forget today is Voting Day for us! Check in to Tapestry and vote for your favourite story read last week – its very easy!

Todays suggested learning is as follows;- (details on Tapestry)

In Maths, we are counting in 2s today! Use socks, pasta or whatever you have around to help you.

In English, we are completing our story. We have done all the preparation, now its time to complete it. Don’t worry if you didn’t start this last week, there is a lovely story clip for you to watch and talk about!

In Phonics we are looking at the oe sound – in words such as toe, woe and Mrs Roe!

Its Music Time – Yes Mrs Brown is indulging herself with sharing her love of musicals with you! Today, here’s a lovely song from The Sound of Music for you to listen to, sing along with and enjoy!

Remember, to keep smiling whatever it is you are doing. Keep sending pictures, videos and messages on Tapestry! I think you are all doing an amazing job! 

Look out for tonight’s Story at 6pm

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown