Tuesday News – 28th April

Good morning everyone!

Todays suggested learning is as follows – more details on Tapestry.

In English, we will be making a story map for our own story. Remember this should only include key information. I have put an example on Tapestry.

In Maths we will be practising our number bonds today! Practise makes perfect!

In Phonics we will be looking at some tricky words. Practise reading them, then spelling them or even writing them in a sentence like we do in class.

History – In class we have been learning about Queen Victoria – she is so interesting. Watch the video link (Tapestry) and see if you can remember what we have already learned. can you learn anything new? Remember we said that she was EVEN smaller than Mrs Brown!

It is so lovely to receive your pictures/videos and messages on Tapestry. Please keep them coming!

We are voting for our favourite story this week. We have had Number 1. Elle and Elvis, look out tonight for story Number 2.

Keep smiling whatever you are doing today!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown


Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning Discoverers,
I know that you worked fantastically yesterday, so well done, and thank you
In English today, we are moving on to writing our fourth paragraph, where we will snatch away the hope from our character, and the reader! We are creating a roller coaster of emotions. In my paragraph I wrote about the eagle flying back to its home, and giving the impression that Jane would be alone forever. I know that some of you planned stories that were different to the original film, and to my version, so feel free to create a paragraph which captures your plan if you would prefer. Also, I am basing the amount of paragraphs we write, on my story, but if you find that you would like to write less or more than this, that it also fine to do. 
Check out the answers for yesterday’s maths questions, how did you get on? I could already see some fantastic answers from those of you who shared them with me, so thank you and well done! Here are today’s questions, I will upload the answers with tomorrow’s questions. Good luck! 
In Geography today, I would like you to think about Sleights, and what you think could be added to it, to make it a better place to live. Can you create a list of things that you would like to have in the village, with reasons why? I have created a short list of things. Feel free to use these ideas, or create your own. 
I am looking forward to seeing your work,
Have fun,
Mrs Taylor 

Dandelions and Doubles

Good Morning all you happy learners!

Today’s maths is looking at doubles.

Use dice,playing cards and dominoes to find doubles and work out some totals.

Look at my photographs pf dice. How quickly can you spot the doubles?

Don’t forget to do a bit of estimation and number formation first.

Do a Maths Magic warm up:
20 claps.
20 jumps.
20 star jumps.
Do some estimations
Write your numbers 1-9

Now you are ready to watch Numberblocks and have a chat about doubling.
Here is a link to the Numberblocks episode to suppport “Doubles”
Double means twice as many.

Take a pack of cards. Find the two cards with the same number on them.
2…find another…How many altogether?
4…find another…How many altogether?
You can record the number sentence:
2+2=4 or double 2=4 or 2×2=4
We have not introduced x-multiplication yet but if you fancy it then you can.

Get two dice.
Roll them.
Shout “Double” or ” No” depending upon whether you roll a double or not.
Find the total each time.
Increase the speed.


Go on a Plant Hunt

The-Great-Plant-Hunt-Identikit (1)

Use this guide to help you with the parts of common plants on your garden.
It is great and really user friendly.
Happy Hunting.

While you are out,try to find a dandelion. If you can,get a grown up to help you dig it out so you can see the roots.
Lay it out and put labels on it like my picture or you could just copy mine.


Use your sound mat to help with writing the words.

Read the poem together while you are looking at the dandelions.


Here is a link to a video of a book by the author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar,Eric Carle.

I would have read this to the children in the classroom.

Lots of excellent science to discuss.


Have a lovely day together.


Hello Monday – 27th April

Good morning Learners and families.

I hope you have all enjoyed the weekend!

Today’s home learning suggestions are as follows ;- (more details are on Tapestry)

In maths, we are counting today. How high can you count? Can you count backwards too? Mrs Brown is going to count how many dandelions she sees on her daily walk today. What can you count?

In English, we are going to retell our favourite stories to someone in our house. How much detail can you remember? Is it in the right order? Does it make sense? Use language like first, then, after that to help you.

In Phonics we will be looking at consonant clusters (our favourite). The words are on dandelions today, what could be better!

Science – plants – A dandelion theme today. Follow the link on Tapestry and read the facts to find out more. How many different flowers and plants can you spot on your walk today? Can you name them? Can you draw them?

Check out Sumdog for some new challenges that have been set today.

This week we will vote on our favourite story – just like we do in class. We may not be in the classroom but we can still do our favourite things. Tune in on Tapestry tonight at 6pm for story number 1.

Thank you to everyone who sent in a video ‘hello’ message, it was lovely to see everyone’s smiling faces.

Keep your pictures coming in and keep in touch.

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown




Adventurers activities – Monday 27th April

Good morning Adventurers. It is Monday! We hope you have had a lovely weekend relaxing and playing in the sun. 

Today’s activities are as follows if you wish to have a go at them.


This week in English I would you like to make your own super hero. Give them a name, decide what you would like their powers to be and how they use them to make the world a better place.
Later this week you can write a story, featuring your super hero, in the style of a comic. ?‍♀️ ?‍♂️
Today your task is to make your super hero, give them a name and design a logo to recognise them by.
My super hero is called Silver Moon Shadow and I’ve made her by adding features to a simple paper aeroplane design.
The logo is a silhouette of an owl flying in front of the moon.

I look forward to seeing your super heroes. You can even get them to fly!
Mrs Roe



Today for your maths activity, I would like you to do some target addition.
I have drawn some 2 digit numbers on my wall outside with chalk or you could write some on paper and stick them up (you can extend this by adding some 3-digit number in).
I would then like you to either throw a ball to hit the targets or use a nerf gun if you have one.
Once you have hit 2 targets, try to add the numbers together mentally or estimate the answer then use a written method to check these answers.
Hope you have fun doing this!



Last week, I asked you to make some observations about human and physical features around your house.
Today, I would like you to learn about the 7 continents and 5 oceans.
I have attached a map of the world to help you with this and a video of my little girl Emily, singing the continents song – this has really helped her to learn them so I hope it helps you too!

Then can you use what you have found out/do a bit of research to answer these questions?
Where is the Artic and Antarctica located on Earth?
Which is the largest ocean?
Which is the biggest continent?
Which continents does the equator run through?
Which continent is Great Britain in?

You could then choose a continent to do some research about if you wish ?


There is more information about each of these activities and a little key skills activity over on tapestry.


We hope you have a lovey day and looking forward to seeing what you have done. 

Mrs Roe and Mrs Burton 


Monday 27th April 2020

Hello Monday!

Yet another lovely weekend. I hope you all spent lots of time outside in the sunshine with your families. We are going to carry on with our theme of doors in English; by the end of the week we will have written a story.


Today, read the extract from the Snow-Walker’s Son. Catherine Fisher uses the pattern of three actions in a sentence to advance the action and inject a sense of pace into her writing. This helps to balance description, action and dialogue. e.g.

  • The keeper hung his lantern on a nail, took the key from a dirty string around his neck, and fitted it into the keyhole.
  • With both hands he turned the key, then tugged out the red chain in a shower of rust and pushed the door.  
  • He stepped well back, handed the stranger the lantern, and jerked his head.  

Can you come up with three of your own sentences using this skill?


This week we are going to be looking at the four operations. Today we will start with addition – decimals. Remember to make sure that your numbers are in the right place value columns before you start to add them.

R.E. Islam

As we have been looking at Islam, I would like you to investigate Ramadan. You can find lots of information if you follow the link.


Why is Ramadan going to be celebrated differently this year? How are Muslims going to follow this festival?

Monday 27th April 2020

Happy Monday Discoverers, 
I hope that you had a lovely weekend, in the beautiful sunshine.
In English this week, we are continuing to write our ‘Adrfit’ story. You previously wrote your second paragraph, which focused on describing your character. Now, you are going to move on to writing the third paragraph. This paragraph is where you begin to introduce the problem to the reader. My paragraph touches upon Jane being lonely, and wanting a companion. It comes before the paragraph where we give the character, and the reader hope, that the eagle is visiting with good news. 
This week in maths, we are going to focus on the four main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I have created eight questions for you, each of which require you to use formal written methods. I have wrote the questions in the format of the written methods, so if you simply copy them into your maths books, you should be able to work them out as they are. This is similar to what we do during our 10 in 10, at the beginning of each maths session. I will upload the answers here tomorrow, when I give you your next set of questions. 
For our foundation subject this week, we are going to focus on Geography. I want us to think about the village that we live in, Sleights, and consider what we could bring to the village, to improve it. Today though, I want you to simply create a list of everything that Sleights already has. For example: a post office. I have included a picture of my list, but I know that you can think of other things to add to it. 
Have a great day,
Mrs Taylor 

Welcome to a New Week of Wonderful Learning!

Happy New Week,Pioneers!

To start our Maths week,  get counting to 20.

Put the digits in order again. Grown ups could make some mistakes when counting out loud. Pioneers,can you spot them making a mistake?

Get a number sqaure ready. Ask a grown up to say a number and you need to find it on the square. You could use a timer to see how quickly you can do this.


Watch and sing along with this episode of Numberblocks:


Play Race to 20. A video is on Tapestry. Here is what you need to play:


Here are some suggestions for your phonics and reading for the week.

There are documents over on Tapestry that you can dip into daily:sound button words,caption cards and the phonics posters we use in our daily lessons

I will add more words and sentence ideas about Seeds over the course of the week.


Scensational Seeds

Seeds are amazing.

Look for seeds in your food. I took some photographs of my breakfast and found lots

Look for seeds in your garden.

I found some dandelions. They are incredible. Have a look for some. They are magical.

Here is a little video of an dandelion life cycle. It is one of my favourites:


Happy Learning


Take a look at this amazing video. All this is going on in the garden .

Have a wonderful day of learning.


Hello Leaders

I know that lots of you, even though you have enjoyed the time off, are now missing your friends. I know that I am missing see you all. Learners have been taking part in a lovely idea that I would like us to re-create with your help.

I would like everyone to upload, or e-mail in, a video of themselves with a message for the class or even just a simple ‘hello’. I will then put them all together into one and post this for all the class to see.

Happy filming.


That Friday Feeling! – 24th April

Hello everyone!

Todays suggested Home Learning is as follow;- (see Tapestry for more details)

  • Maths – you have done so well with your data handling this week – todays task is to use some Scaled Pictograms to retrieve information. Do not be put off by the word Scaled it simply means that each picture is worth more than one. Have a go and see how you get on – it is a great skill to learn.
  •  English – think of some WOW words today. WOW words make our writing even better! What is the best WOW word you can think of? Use some story books to help you!
  •  Phonics – the ir sound today. Read the real and pseudo (alien) words – we love to do this in class!
  •  Art – Bubble Art – We have been thinking about bubbles in our story this week, so today sketch them, draw them, paint them even make them! have some fun with this.

I have received a lot of video messages to say ‘hello’ to each other – thank you so much! I will send these out at 12pm today on Tapestry – I can’t wait! Please remember to respect the privacy rules and not share these outside Tapestry.

Enjoy the sun today and keep in touch whatever you are doing!

Have a lovely weekend

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown