In our class we are taught by Mrs Walker, with Mrs Creek. We are in Year 5, which means that we are 9 turning 10 (we love to share our birthdays).
We have busy weeks in here, with English and Mathematics lessons taught daily, and some lessons that happen once a week, like computing with Mrs Gurney on a Wednesday afternoon.
Also on a Thursday, we have magical music with Ralph (our amazing music teacher). We need to remember to practice our instruments at home, and then bring them in on a Thursday morning ready for our lesson.
On a Tuesday morning, we have swimming, so need to bring our kits in for this. We usually leave our PE kits in school for the half term, and take them home just before the holidays.
We bring our books and reading records to school each day, and change them when we have finished reading them. This happens during the week when we share our books with Mrs Curphey.
Each week, homework is set up for us on Sumdog. Sumdog is a fun website, which helps us practice our maths skills through playing games. It is set up for us to complete on a Thursday. We also get spelling homework too. This happens every other Thursday, and we are tested on the spellings during the Tuesday of the second week. We practice our spellings during the week at school, too.
Below, you will find blogs that we write, to share all of the special memories we make in this class. Feel free to check them out
Green Screen Antics
This week, we have enjoyed lots of green-screen fun, as we have learned how to use IMovie to create images of ourselves on different backgrounds. Check out our pictures below:
We created images of ourselves in different places, as our new topic is ‘When I Grow Up’, and in English we are thinking about some imaginative things we could do when we’re older. We’re working towards writing poetry about this, and we can’t wait to share it with you.
We have also been learning about ‘Friendship’, which is our new value for this half term. We have been thinking about what it means to be a friend, and enjoyed collective worship time: sharing our thoughts on this.
We hope you’re having a great week,
Another Successful Week
Hello Visitors,
In Discoverers this week, we have had great success in a local cross country event, shared reading opportunities with Pioneers class, and continued to think about forgiveness and how this can help our own hearts, as well as the receiver’s.
In RE, we are continuing to explore Holy Week, and have been thinking about times when we have felt joy, sadness and hope. We believe these were the three feelings that Christians felt during Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Monday.
We hope you have a wonderful week, as we look forward to our trip to York Minster and York Castle Museum, on Monday.
Storytelling Week
Hello Families,
This week we have enjoyed embracing ‘Storytelling’ within each day.
We have spent time writing thought-provoking stories, to share the struggles of those who are refugees and migrants.
When we were joined by families on Thursday morning, we shared our stories to raise awareness, and we also worked on writing new stories that were inspired by the things we are interested in.
Including our newly-learned IT skills, we have also worked hard creating stories using Chromebooks, and made them look professional through the use of formatting.
As we spend our final week of this half-term learning about Generosity, we are thinking of ways that we can continue to help Refugees and migrants. Please pray for those in needs, and help where you can.
Safety First
Hello again, Visitors,
This week, we have been thinking about ways that we can stay safe. We have worked with our play therapist Mel and thought about how we can look after our own metal health, we’ve spoken with Mrs Taylor about road safety and how to avoid taking risks, and we have learned about electrical safety, and why it’s important to not overload sockets or have wet hands when using electricity.
As well as learning about keeping safe, we have also been learning about some people who have to take huge risks in order to stay safe. We have learned all about refugees and migrants, and are beginning to write a narrative about somebody who has to flee their country for safety.
We are praying for those who are having to move out of their homes so quickly, and for those people who find themselves lost or afraid in a new country. We are considering ways that we can help refugees, in addition to the collections that we gather at school.
Chinese New Year Celebrations to End the Week
Hello Visitors,
This week, we have spent maths lessons focusing on how to calculate tricky division questions. We have used bus stop method, and our times table, to help us work through questions.
In English, we have finished writing our newspaper reports, and are so excited to share them with our families and the local community. They certainly highlight the importance of giving, and being generous (our current Collective Worship value).
Families joined us today, to end a brilliant week. We celebrated Chinese New Year in style, and created lanterns, origami bunnies, fortune cookies and pictures. Take a look at the pictures below to see us in action:
Sleights Inspired by Hope Whitby
Hello Visitors,
Since returning to school after the Christmas break, we have been thinking about how charities help others. We had a visit from Bec at Hope Whitby this week, and we are feeling very inspired by the work of her team: providing a foodbank and warm space to Whitby and the surrounding areas.
With this is mind, we are hoping to raise awareness of this fantastic charity, and are in the process of creating newspaper reports to share with our family and Friends.
In addition to this, our new value for this half term is ‘courage’. We are learning about courageous people in history, and the things that we can do to make a difference in the world. We seek strength from the bible quote: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1.9
We hope that you can join us in standing up for what’s right, and challenging the wrong!
Christmas Preparations Are Well Underway
Hello Visitors,
We are well underway with preparations for Christmas, including lots of nativity practise. We have learned so many lines, and so many songs: we are very ready for our performance on Tuesday!
Another preparation has been the creation of our school advent calendar. We created a reverse calendar, so instead of taking something, we give something to others.
Have you heard of Henri Matisse? He is an artist, who created fauvism art. It’s a type of modern art that uses bold colours and textures in paint. Take a look at our inspirations:
A Very Dramatic Week
Hello All,
This week has been somewhat dramatic, with drama featuring in many areas of our learning. We have been created scenes from Shakespeare’s Tempest, acting out our parts for the Christmas Nativity, and dramatising new vocabulary to help us remember the meaning behind it. We love drama!
On Wednesday, we also created posters advertising our own Diwali festival. As we have been learning all about Hinduism, and the importance of Diwali, we thought it would be great to design a poster that included the meaning behind it.
Although the rain hasn’t stopped for what feels like the entire week, the sky was bright for a very special event on Wednesday morning, as we were joined by families to celebrate the opening of our two new buildings. This was a wonderful celebration of Mrs McGill and Mrs Bland who have dedicated many years to our incredible school, and have been here since the first buildings were erected.
Remembrance at Sleights
Throughout the week, the children have taken part in some excellent discussions about Remembrance. Children shared their own reflections with great sensitivity and thought. To mark Remembrance Day in Sleights, each child created a piece of art or message.
After school, Mrs Hann and I walked to St John’s and the War Memorial monument to display the children’s fantastic and thoughtful Remembrance reflections. The work is incredible and is now firmly in place to help the full village mark Remembrance Sunday this weekend.
Well done, Sleights.