Disgusting Sandwiches in the Forest


After reading The Disgusting Sandwich we went to our beautiful forest to recreate the tasty treat for badgers and foxes. The sun shone and it was so lovely. The Pioneers collected grit,grass,sand,bark and the odd log to fill their sandwiches. Some children realised that dry ingredients didn’t make for great sandwiches when all the filling fell out or blew away. This led to some unintended extra learning about texture and consistency!

We took the opportunity to sit quiet;y and listen to the birds. In a very short time the birds came back to the trees and the tweeting increased. We filled up the bird feeders and trudged back to school.

Back in the classroom we will be able to write lists of ingredients for our own sandwiches.

Pop in to see the progress.

Very happy learning.

Friday 24th January 2020

This week in maths, we have learned lots about fractions. We have been focusing on solving problems, that require us to complete more than one sum. This was tricky at first, but we are most certainly getting the hand of it now!

We have learned more about the life of a Hindu, within RE. Did you know that they believe in reincarnation: if somebody has lived a good life they return as a person, and if they have lived a selfish life they return as an animal. 

This week we were very excited to find out who would receive their pen license. Noah and Rachael were the first in Discoverers to prove that their handwriting was BRILLIANT all of the time. Well done to you two. 

We have finished writing our reports in English, and we have learned so much about the things that we can do to help save our planet. Did you know that a glass bottle take up to 1,000,000 years to decompose? So reuse them where possible, to avoid them washing away into our ocean. If you are interested in finding out about where your toothbrush goes after you have put it in the bin, please watch this link:


Next Pet Please-Looking after our pets


One of the Pioneers said that he would like to be a vet when he grows up so we turned our role play into a vet’s consulting room and reception. During the week we have looked at what pets need,what might be going on on the inside and doing some wonderful writing,drawing and reading.

The cats and dogs all have name tags on now and have been well fed and have a cosy bed to lie on.

Look in reading records for a photograph of our sentences to read together.

Happy Learning

Sleights Toddler Group-A Beautiful Day

From start to finish, today was beautiful.

We had an early start at school,enjoying the sunrise on the playground while we packed the car full of wonderful things to explore. We made our way to the village hall and got everything where it needed to be;paint,glue,dough,rose petals,crates and keys.;ducks,funnels,oranges and lemons.

All the small people arrived and moved everything around and created wonderful works of art. It is always so exciting to see what happens during play and the residue left behind is a thing of great beauty.

Thank you so much to Sleights Toddler Group  for inviting us back for another session. The group is just lovely.

Such Happy Learning together.

Friday 17th January 2020

This week, we have been very busy learning about how to protect our world. In English we are currently writing a report about the benefits of reducing our waste. Did you know that it can take up to 1000 years for a plastic bag to decompose?

We can help by making small changes such as: using reusable straws and crockery, purchasing items from second-hand shops rather than buying new and turning the tap off when we brush our teeth. 

Here are some images of us working together to improve our reports:


Maths Magic

The new year has started with new maths. Many of us are ready to use numbers to represent our thinking.The Pioneers are so organised that we can all sit on the carpet and work together with Numicon. This is really amazing.Everyone has returned with an excitement about number so we have worked hard this week. We have had fun with the number wheel,talked lots about zero and written down our calculations using plus and equals.

So much going on. So many questions.

Happy Maths.

New Year.New Books

The Pioneers have really got the hang of choosing a new book. When we visit the library they go straight to the shelves and delve in. Some go straight to fiction picture books,choosing authors and illustrators that they recognise. Others go to the big non-fiction encyclopedia type books and pour over the pictures. Others have found the books that they can actually read themselves and this is a great joy. They then assume a reading position and chat and browse. The whole class was really intent on reading when we visited this week. It was wonderful to stand back and watch the interactions.

Take a look in bags to see which book your little reader selected.

Happy Reading