Autumn days

Learners have been learning about seasons this week in Science. We have been identifying each season and ordering them as they fall through the calendar year. We thought about weather patterns and the clothes we wear in summer compared to winter and how family activities  vary through the seasons.

In maths we have come to the end of the place value block and are set to begin addition and subtraction. Our daily key skills have enabled us to have plenty of prior learning.

We are continuing to enjoy cricket with Owen from Yorkshire Cricket and delighted in a fun team game this week, using the bats and balls. Our skills are improving and most importantly we all enjoy the sessions.


We are busy preparing for our Harvest service in church on Wednesday 25th October  at 9.30am and hope to see you there.



A busy timeline of events.

Wow, what a busy week in Learners Class.

On Monday, we were lucky to have a visit from Louise from the Red House Theatre Company. who took us on a whistle stop tour of the past. We  used drama to become Vikings, Romans, Whitby Abbey and even a Roman Road. It was such a fun way to learn more about history. Back in the classroom we  thought about ‘chronology’ and used our knowledge to create timelines of our own lives by ordering specific events.

It was delightful to welcome parents into school on Monday and Tuesday evening and be able to share each child’s achievements and successes so far. 

In art, we have been learning how to draw and shade, using the techniques of hatching, stippling and scribbling. Art is a firm favourite in Learners Class.

On Thursday we visited St John’s Church for our new starter service, where we also welcome Sleights’ new Vicar. Learners spoke about their inspirations and aspirations for their new class this year. Learners class sung beautifully in church, it really was very moving.

In computers, Learners have been learning more about online safety, where we carefully decided what could and could not be shared online.

Learners class love to learn 🙂


What is History?

Learners class were keen to find out the meaning of the word ‘history’ this week. We had wonderful discussions about the past, present and the future and could identify experiences in our own lives from each of these categories. Next week, we will learning how to plot these experiences using a timeline. 

In English, we are continuing to prepare our explanation texts answering the question ‘what is a global neighbour? We reflected on the school visit from the Zambezi Sunrise Trust earlier in the year and could articulate and write about the wonderful charity they run.

We have really enjoyed mark making this week in Art, in the style of Pablo Picasso. We used pencils, wax crayons and charcoals to draw zigzags, curls and lines in our sketch books. I think Learners are definite artists in the making!

We enjoyed computers with Mrs Gurney on Thursday and learned some key E-Safety rules. Learners created a paper chain of  5 trusted adults that they could talk to and ask for help from if they needed to. Learners had great fun making these and ended the session with a game of  ‘Does Sid say yes or no?’

We finished the week with a fun PE session, perfecting our throwing and catching techniques. There was a lot of concentration in the room as we raced each other while balancing beanbags on our heads.

Another busy week of learning in Learners Class 🙂


A whirlwind week.

Learners  Class’s feet haven’t touched the ground this week, we have been SO busy!

We started the week with cricket sessions with Owen from Yorkshire Cricket. We REALLY enjoyed this and had lots of fun practising our throwing and catching skills. There was a mention that cricket bats may be coming out in session 2, so we are very excited about this.

Also on a sports theme, Learners visited Caedmon College Whitby on Thursday afternoon and took part in a town multi-skills event. Learners were awesome, we ran, we balanced, we caught, we threw, we jumped over and we crawled under. We thoroughly enjoyed it and  gave it everything we had!

In the classroom, we have been consolidating tricky words in phonics sessions and revisiting Phase 3 and 4 words and sentences. Learners class love to read and Little Wandle phonics sessions are invaluable in building our skills.

In geography we have been looking at our location using google earth. We have been labelling features around our school grounds using an aerial photograph of the area. We were very interested in aerial views and proceeded to draw a map of our own classroom. We had a good look around and identified where things were. Then, carefully using a ruler drew our own maps. Learners worked with great focus and the finished maps were wonderful.

We finished the week with an Open Morning for our families. Learners class was a hive of activity, with a huge parent turn-out. Learners and visitors enjoyed learning together and the classroom had a very happy buzz.

Learners love to learn! 🙂



Learners Class Terra Carta.

Learners Class have been buzzing with ideas for their own Terra Carta this week, inspired by the book It’s Up To Us. We have had wonderful discussions and have painted pictures to match our plans for action. The future of the planet is in safe hands with the emergence of such a caring generation. 

In maths year 1 have been busy sorting objects into groups and even thought of as many different ways as they could to sort themselves, from eye colour, to the colour of their socks and lots more besides. Year 2 have been consolidating teen numbers and perfecting the spellings of the words to match.

In RE this week we have been identifying the special things important to Christians, a lot of which we have seen during our own visits to St John’s Church.

We had lots of fun in music this week, clapping out beats and passing the pattern around the classroom to each other, and adding beats to the pattern to make the pattern harder each time, there was a lot of concentration and lots of smiles.

Learners have had a fantastic first full week. We have shared a lot of stories and enjoyed identifying the meaning of words that we hadn’t heard before.

We are excited to begin cricket sessions on Monday and ready for the week ahead.


A great start for the new Learners!

What a brilliant first week back for the Learners Class. The new year ones have settled in wonderfully, in just three days. This has been amazing to see. Both year groups have already been working collaboratively, which is a great sign of things to come.

Learners have had a busy few days visiting our school library to choose books for our classroom. Our class  now has a range books, both fiction and non-fiction for us to enjoy at our pleasure.

Our times table focus this term is the ten times table and we have spent some time this week using resources to aid our learning.

We are exploring the book ‘It’s Up To Us: A Children’s Terra Carta’ and have had some wonderful discussion and drawn pictures around nature and the planet. We were delighted to watch the King introduce the book and ask for our help. Next week we will be collecting our ideas of how we can help the planet and writing to the King. We will keep you posted!

The sun was bright on Thursday, so we opened the doors and went outside where it was cooler. We collected autumn leaves from the tree outside and with a partner created our own autumn trees.

We finished a busy week getting started on Sumdog and with some fun PE in the Hall.

What an amazing first week. I am very excited to see what Learners Class 2023-24 achieve! 

Mrs Brown

Music is in our soul.

In Re this week, we have been celebrating everything wonderful about our world. We learned that Christians believe that God made the universe and everything in it. We had some meaningful discussions and drew pictures of the things in the world that we found most wonderful!

In music, we continue to enjoy soul music and have been singing and clapping along to the beat. Learners class sing with joy and enthusiasm.

In PSHCE we have been recognising stereotypes and were able to give some great examples. We then drew pictures to recognise that jobs and careers are achievable by any gender, ethnicity and background!

In Maths the Year 2’s have been getting to grips with time and have been dedicated in using our class clock to determine different times of day during this week. The Year 1’s on the other hand have been enjoying learning about capacity and volume.

As always we have enjoyed sharing stories together and reading our favourite stories.

Don’t forget it will be class photographs this Tuesday 16th May.


A Really, Royal week.

Learners have been busy, busy, busy with incredible learning during this four-day week.

We have enjoyed digging deeper into poetry and have delighted in sharing the poems we love. We have explored rhyme and alliteration, alongside our theme of  ‘When I grow up’. This week we have been creating our own poems, each individual to our owns dreams and aspirations for the future. The finished products are sensational and will without a doubt be displayed proudly on the board outside our classroom for all to read – We are going to make a class poem book to put in the School library too. There really is no end to our talents!

In History, we have been learning about Captain Cook and exploring his link to Whitby.

In DT, we have begun to think about where are food comes from and how it gets from farm to fork.

In Music, we are learning a new song. The style of music is soul music, which is prompting lots of musical discussions around beat and tempo.

In PE this week we have enjoyed dance sessions, along with gaining skills around tennis and are looking forward to improving just in time for celebrating Wimbledon!!

In Art this term, we are focusing on collage. Our new focus artist is Kazimir Malevich a famous Russian artist who uses shape and colour to create wonderful art. Learners were inspired by his style and created some amazing art work in their art books.

What a jam-packed week we’ve had, which ended with a wonderful open afternoon on Friday to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles 111. Families joined us in class to make bunting, flags and thought about the rules we would make if we were King for the day? Thankyou to everyone that joined us.


Summer term is here.

The summer term is here already and it was lovely to welcome Learners class back into the classroom.

Learners are always busy and have a buzz for learning and this week was no exception.

The sunshine brought great delight and we were able to enjoy playtime on the field at last!

We have begun dance sessions with Hannah Verity this week and are really looking forward to learning some new moves and routines in the coming weeks.

In maths, Year two have started to build on their knowledge around fractions and have enjoyed finding halves of shapes and amounts, whereas Year 1 have been measuring using standard and non-standard measures.

In English, we have been embracing poetry and have enjoyed exploring poems and spotting rhyme and alliteration within familiar poems. We enjoyed sharing our favourites and even brought poems in from home – some made us laugh out loud!


Please check out this weeks newsletter, to see up and coming events over the next term.

Learners Class

Spring is on the way.

Learners class have noticed signs of Spring around the school grounds this week. Spring flowers are appearing outside our classroom and we have noticed that the days are getting longer. We have even spotted the odd bee buzzing by.

In the classroom we have been  fascinated to learn more around habitats in Science and are very much looking forward to our trip to Dancy Moors Centre next week, when we hope to transfer our learning to the outdoors in Danby.

In Collective Worship this week, we have continued to focus on our value ‘forgiveness’, thinking about how we can help ourselves to forgive others and how important this is for us as well as for them. This weeks worship prompted some wonderful, open discussions in School.

In Geography, we have have been locating the Equator on the globe and on World maps. We looked at countries nearest the Equator and how they were the hottest places in the world. We were also able to understand why the polar regions were cold places too.

Learners Class have enjoyed sharing stories in class as always this week. We are particularly enjoying ‘A Handful of Buttons; by Carmen Parets Luque, a book around family diversity. This wonderful book is the focus of our writing around biography in English at present.

Please make sure your Learner has a PE in School for PE days.