A fabulously fit week.

Learners have had a fabulously fit and energetic week.

We began the week with a golf session in school with representatives from Whitby Golf Club.

We used putters and balls to take part in different games and activities. Learners really enjoyed the session and showed great promise – information of how to become a young member of Whitby Golf Club will be coming home with your Learner.

In history this week, we have been learning all about fossils. We found out that fossils were made from the remains of animal bones and plants. We were delighted to find our that Whitby is often referred to as ‘The Jurassic Coast’ because of the many fossils found here. Lots of Learners brought in fossils from home for us to investigate. Next half-term we will be taking a trip to Scarborough to find out more about the Jurassic coast – we are very excited!

We finished the week with Quad Kids –  a local sporting event. We ran, we threw, we jumped and kicked and had the BEST time. Our wonderful attitude and team-spirit was second to none! What a fabulous way to end a fabulous half-term of wonderful learning! 

A reminder that our swimming sessions at Whitby Pool have come to an end for this academic year.

Enjoy the half-term break and hopefully the sun will shine!