It’s Friday – 5th June

Good morning everyone!

It’s Friday again, where do the days go?

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows ;-

In Maths this week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Today, let’s have a quiz and see what we have learned.

In English, we have been thinking about argument in our writing. Today we are thinking about what the term ‘pro’s and cons’ means.

It’s Mrs Browns’ Read-a-book Friday again – so grab a book and enjoy reading together – don’t forget to sign up to the Summer Reading Challenge today!

PE – let’s end the week in a relaxing way with a bit of yoga – there is a Frozen themed yoga activity and a Spiderman themed yoga activity for you to choose from.

Keep in touch with me and let me know what activities you are doing!

I hope you have a lovely weekend, even though the weather is a bit cooler – it’s set to warm up again mid-week.

Keep smiling 🙂

Best wishes as always,

Mrs Brown

Thursday’s News – 4th June

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all ok today!

The weather is a little bit cooler, but not raining at the moment – which is good!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows:-

In Maths we will begin to look at 3D shapes!

In English, I want us to think about where and why we use a question mark in our writing – so ask lots of questions today and draw an invisible question mark in the air when you do!

Some more spellings today, Lots to practise – how many will you get correct?

Mrs Brown came across an interesting short video about how computer games work – I thought you might be interested to find out!

Don’t forget you can sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge tomorrow – don’t forget!

Take care and keep in touch with me on Tapestry and let me know what you are doing!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Wednesday’s News – 3rd June

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all ok today! The sun has gone in for a while, but I’m sure it will be out again soon!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows:-

In Maths we are looking at 2D shapes and using the correct language to describe them.

In English, we are thinking about persuasion. What does it mean and how do we do it?

Let’s do some spellings today and become experts at spelling the days of the week!

In History, we are being introduced to a new historical figure – Henry VIII – he is so interesting!

Keep in touch with me through Tapestry as always. Do some colouring today or get out a board game – they are always fun!

Keep smiling even though the sun has gone in, it will be out again soon!

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Tuesday’s News – 2nd June

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all well and happy today!

Today’s suggested learning on Tapestry is as follows:-

In Maths, we are still looking at 2D shapes – lets have some fun and make pictures just using shapes! I wonder what you will come up with!

In English, we will have a reading focus today! Why not sign up for the Virtual Summer Reading Challenge on the 5th June – it’s such an achievement to complete it at the end of the summer. Also, make sure you are keeping up with your fantastic reading – it is the most important thing!

In Phonics we will practise our sounds by saying and writing the sounds – why not use different colours to write them.

In Art today, Mrs Brown was inspired by some feathers she found – can you draw or paint a delicate feather?

Keep in touch with me as always on Tapestry and keep smiling 🙂

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

A New Half-Term – Monday 1st June

Hello everyone, I hope you are all ok and have had a lovely half-term. Do let me know what you have been up to!

Today is the start of a fresh half-term and we all feel re-charged and ready to launch – like a rocket. (Did anyone see the live launch online on Saturday night? It was very exciting)

Todays suggested learning on Tapestry today is as follows :-

In Maths, we are looking at 2D shape – Let’s go on a shape hunt!

In English, we will start to think about what argument means and how we can look at both sides of a story!

In music, a song we love from Collective Worship – its one of my favourites too!

In Phonics, as there are rockets in the air – let’s play  Rocket Rescue on Phonics Play.

Keep in touch with me on Tapestry as always and don’t forget to join me at 6PM tonight for story!

Keep happy and keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown

Thursday’s Learning Suggestion – Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Good Morning everybody,
The beautiful sunshine has been smiling at us this week, and after spending lots of time outdoors, I thought you might like to create a bird feeder. This will give you something wonderful to watch, as you look out of your window, or eat your lunch in the garden.
This bird feeder is very simple to create, and requires few materials. It also allows us to do some recycling: using any plastic bottles that are around the home. 
Here is the link to the video, which explains how to make the feeder, and exactly what you need. 
I have also included a written document, as you may find this easier to follow. 
Send us pictures of your bird feeders, and see if you can capture any birds in action. 
Have a wonderful day,
See you at story time
Mrs Taylor 

It’s Friday – Hurray! 22nd May

Good morning Learners and families.

Yesterday was another sunny day, lets hope it lasts!

I can’t believe it’s Friday already!

Today, on Tapestry, I have set an extra fun task – seeing as its Friday – Pass The Water!

Also, in Maths there are some Key Skills to do today, just like we do in class.

In English, if you would like to, have a go at writing a poem about a flower today! See Mrs Browns example to help!

Also, in Art have a go at drawing or painting a flower of your choice – I have added some pictures from my daily walk yesterday!

Its Read-a-Book Friday again – so grab a book or go on Oxford Owl – make sure you keep up with your fantastic reading – it’s sooo important!

Enjoy the warm weather and the Bank Holiday Weekend – as much as you can!

Stay Safe and keep smiling 🙂

Best wishes as always,

Mrs Brown


Thursday’s News – 21st May

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all ok and that you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday!

Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows – (more details on Tapestry)

In Maths, we are looking a different ways to shade a shape using a certain fraction.

In English (I’m quite excited about this) we are going to have a go writing our own poem. This can be about whatever you choose. See Mrs Brown’s poem about Tractors.

In Phonics there is a consonant cluster challenge – our favourite!

In History, we have enjoyed learning about Queen Victoria so much in class, i thought I’d introduce you to Queen Elizabeth 1.

Have a good day whatever you do and keep me posted as always on Tapestry!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown


Sunny Wednesday – 20th May

Hi everyone, 

The sun has got his hat on today! hurray!

Here are some suggested learning activities you can do in the sun. Further details on Tapestry as usual.

Maths, talk about fractions today and see if you can answer Mrs Brown’s questions!

In English, I have declared it Talking in Rhyme Day! See how you get on! Talk in RHYME if you have TIME!

In Phonics, take your Phonics Mats outside in the sunshine and practise your sounds!

A fun game to play today in PE – Magic Beans – It’s such fun!

I have added the song  ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’ Sing and enjoy!

Have a lovely day whatever you are doing!

Sending you a sunny smile,

Best wishes,

Mrs Brown

Happy Tuesday – 19th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and happy today. The day has started a bit dull but set to improve and tomorrow is forecast to be areal scorcher!

Today’s suggested learning is as follows – further details on Tapestry.

In Maths, we will practise some Key Skills, just as we do everyday in Class. I have sneaked a couple of fractions questions in too!

In English, we will continue to look at poetry and Mrs Brown is asking today “what is your favourite poem”?

In Phonics, lets practise our sounds just as we do every day in our phonics lessons at school!

In RE we have really enjoyed learning about ‘what Jewish people believe’ We loved having out own Shabbat and making a Star of David. Watch the short video on Tapestry to see what you can remember! Talk about what you have learned with someone at home.

Please keep in touch whatever you are doing today – I love to hear from you!

Fingers crossed the sun will have his hat on tomorrow!

Keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Brown