Ending the Week Wearing Red

Hello Everybody,

Our week started in the forest, where we worked as a team to tackle some tricky obstacles. We worked in teams and had to help each other navigate the forest by using clear directions, whilst some were blindfolded. 

We have worked hard with our fractions work in maths, where we have learned to confidently add and subtract fractions that are improper or mixed number. 

We managed to finish our newspaper report about an Ancient Egyptian battle, and published a final copy to share with our families and on display around school. We spent the rest of the week working on an independent explanation text about mummification! You don’t want to know how the Ancient Egyptian’s extracted a person’s brain!

We have ended our week wearing red, to raise money for the CHUF charity. This is an organisation that supports children in hospital. We created a happy heart to send the children, and managed to raise lots of money to support the work of this wonderful organisation. 

We hope you have a wonderful week,


Music Through the Corridors

Hello Viewers,

This week has been a special week in RE, as we have started to explore the month of Ramadan for Muslims. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink anything during daylight hours. This is so that they feel closer to their God, by sacrificing and giving. Did you know that Muslims also pray five times each day?

We are so excited that we have been invited to join an after-school club on a Monday, where we can create bands, within our whole-class band. We can form part of a separate woodwind band, or separate brass band. 

Another highlight this week has been writing our final copies of our explanation text about the water cycle. We are going to take our final copies home, share them with local businesses who require the water cycle to keep going and read them to our siblings to teach them all about it. 

That’s all for this week, but we will update you with more next Friday,

Discoverers (Romy, Wesley and Tamsin) 


Swimming Success and More…

Hello again visitors, 

Thank you for checking out this week’s blog.

In Discoverers’ class this week, we have continued learning about the water cycle. As part of this we completed an experiment, where we put boiling water in a glass jar, then placed a plate of ice cubes on top. We watched as rain was created! 

We have also learned more about Ancient Egypt. Did you know that when a pharaoh died, they were mummified and buried within a tomb? 

This week, we had our first swimming lesson. We managed exceptionally well within the water, and all tried hard to learn some new skills. Next week, some of us have been tasked with taking a shirt, so that we can create a float in the water! Wish us luck 😀

Our First Post of the New Year

Happy New Year Everybody,

We came back to school on Wednesday, and have already got stuck into our new topics!

We have started to explore Ancient Egypt, in history. We can’t wait to find out more!

In English, we have began writing an explanation text, explaining how the water cycle works. Do you know anything about it? We will share our work with you in the coming weeks. 

When exploring the water cycle, we created it on a plastic bag which holds water, and taped it to the window. We have been watching as the water has evaporated and turned into condensation, and then dripped back to the bottom of the bag. 

We also have an exciting, new book which we are reading as our class text, its called The Wild Robot. We can’t wait to read the first part this afternoon, but it has been strongly recommended and the blurb makes it sound fun. We have read some other Peter Brown books, and enjoyed them all!

Here are some pictures of our water cycle bags:

Friday’s Weekly News

Hello Everybody, 

This week has been another busy one, with lots happening. 

We were visited by Paddy from the radio, who recorded our beautiful singing, many of us joined our first ECO committee meeting and we have started our new design and technology project: sewing. 

We also visited the forest, and created some wonder stick stars using a clove hitch and square lashing. 

Finally, we have some exciting news for you all:

WE ADOPTED OUR CLASS PANDA! Its details will have arrived by next Friday, so we will update you with their name then 😀

A Bright Week in Discoverers’ Class

Hello All,

This week has been bright for many reasons, not just because the sun has been shining:

We celebrated Children in Need on Friday, and raised over £100!

We had a visit from Justin who works with Whitby Rugby Club, to teach us some rugby skills.

We thought about God’s three promises, and recognised that even when we feel we are alone, we can always turn to Him for support.

We celebrated the end of this beautiful week with a celebration worship, which identified many of the wonderful attributes that we bring to not only the classroom, but to others’ lives.

We hope your week is as bright as ours 😀


Our Busiest Week Yet!

Hello Everybody,

This week has certainly been a busy one! It is our last week of the first half term, and it has been jam-packed with fun and excitement.

Some of our highlights have included: creating our skyscraper structures in design and technology, making pumpkin soup to celebrate Harvest, using polystyrene to create a Harvest-themed print and finally, getting to meet the inspirational David Atherton (2019 Great British Bake Off Winner).

We are just about to finish our class text: The Firework Maker’s Daughter, and can’t wait to see if our predictions are accurate. 

Apart from that, we are looking forward to spending time with our family and friends during the next week. 

We hope you enjoy your time too,


This Week’s Adventures

Hello Everybody,

This week has been another busy one, where we have been on lots of outings with our friends 😀

We visited Eskdale school again on Wednesday and we played several football competitions. We competed in such high spirits, and had lots of fun! 

Then, on Thursday, we visited Scarborough Spa, where we explored lots of different careers within science, technology, engineering and maths. We played games, completed activities and learned all about the different skills needed for our potential, future jobs. 

Whilst we were at the Spa, we were thinking about our Christian value: Thankfulness. We felt thankful that there were no gender stereotypes at this event, and it was refreshing to see both genders promoting work in a typically male dominated industry!

This afternoon, we are off to Whitby Rugby Club where we are playing a tag rugby competition. Wish us luck!



Friday 8th October 2021

Hello All,

This week has been a super busy week for Discoverers class. 

On Wednesday, our boys football team visited Eskdale School and played many matches of football against local Whitby schools. We played together well, used lots of communication, and achieved third place overall 😀 We were very proud of this. 


On Thursday this week, we took part in a class band lesson. Each week, will we have a music lesson to teach us how to play the clarinet, saxophone, trombone or trumpet. We are taking home our instruments today and can’t wait to share what we have learnt with our families.

In Collective Worship, we have been thinking about the quote: ‘Write your troubles in the sand, but carve your blessings in stone’. We have explored the meaning behind this and are trying to focus on the positives in our lives, and the things we are thankful for. 

Have a great weekend,
