Good Morning Adventurers – the sun is shining again!

Well, I think we managed to blow the rain clouds away and the sun has returned!

Did you enjoy our new book ‘Rain Before Rainbows’? It’s a beautiful book and it was lovely to hear some of your thoughts about it.

I feel all refreshed after a miserable weekend and ready to tackle some new learning, so here’s today’s activities if you wish to try them. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Mm’

English – using the text ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ think of words to describe rain and rainbows and display them on a mobile. You might try to put these words into some descriptive sentences.

Join me to read together ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ By Judith Kerr.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then draw a 2D shape street. Include lots of different 2D shapes to make houses, trees and roads. We will look again at right angles and parallel lines so you can highlight these on your street.

Music – make two different musical instruments, using materials from around the house, to accompany the music ‘Sea interlude 4 storm’ by Leonard Berstein Britten and ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ performed by The Royal Philarmonic Orchestra.

Science – Make your own rainbow. 

I think you could have a very busy day!

But hope you have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – it’s back to school Monday!

I hope you managed to enjoy your weekend despite the horrible weather! 

Well lets banish those rain clouds and start the school week with a sunny smile.

I’m really excited as the teachers got together (virtually) to share a lovely new book with you on Tapestry called ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ by Smriti Hall which we are going to base our work around for the next few weeks. So have a listen then read it yourself.

Did you sign up for the library challenge? There’s still time and reading Rain Before Rainbows is a good start to the challenge.

Here’s today’s activities if you wish to try them. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Nn’

English – listen to then read the story ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ then respond with your thoughts about the book. You can record a video of you talking about the book or make a talking head and thoughts and feelings box in which you can write down your thoughts and post them in the box.

Maths – Key Skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then draw 2D shapes ad describe their properties.

There’s quite a lot of craft activities involved in English today which I hope you will enjoy. I really liked making my talking head and thoughts and feelings box and I look forward to seeing yours.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – Happy Friday

Go on Tapestry and watch ‘Lottie the Llama’ do a happy Friday dance. Perhaps you could make up your own dance and post it on Tapestry. It could be our Friday dance to welcome the weekend.

I’ve been really loving all the amazing habitat boxes you’ve been making. You’ve all been putting a lot of thought into them and they are all very different!

Don’t forget that today you can join up for the libraries virtual reading challenge as part of the ‘Silly Squad’

 We’ll share a book every day next week on Tapestry.

As it’s friday I’ve changed today’s learning so no handwriting or key skills but hopefully lots of other exciting things to do:

English – create a fact file for one more animal of your choice. Carry out some research and organise your information under subheadings. I chose a spider today.

Maths – listen to part of the story ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’  then find ingredients to measure and pour into your own potion. You can also join Professor Pipette in a capacity dance.

DT – finish off your animal habitat or simply enjoy playing with it.

The weather is not great today but I’m sure we can have a lovely time and dance the rain away!

Enjoy your day.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – It’s baking day!

I just thought as the weather still isn’t very nice and I had two very soft, brown bananas in my fruit bowl that it might be good to try out our weighing skills and make some banana bread (or you could try another recipe depending on the ingredients you have at home).

We will continue with our key skills, animal fact files and add to our mini beast/animal habitat boxes.

I’ve been very impressed with all the work you’ve done so far this week so please keep posting it.

Today’s activities include:

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Xx’

English – research information on your chosen animal and write this up using subheadings.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then try out your weighing skills baking.

DT – continue to add more detail to your mini beast/animal habitat box.

French – find the French names for different animals.

There’s lots of activities to choose from today and I hope you enjoy them. (More information for each task is on Tapestry)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy your day

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – Welcome to Wednesday!

Well, we’ve woken up to a cloudy, rainy day and the sunshine has gone for now!

But I think it’s a great day for doing some indoor exploring and learning and myself and Mrs Burton have lots of super activities you could try. (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Ww’

English – think of another animal you would like to study. Draw and label a picture of it and write down some facts you already know. I’ve chosen the Painted Lady Butterfly as we raised these several times in class.

Maths – Key Skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then we are going to explore weight/mass/. You could try making your own balance scale to compare the mass of different objects then weigh 10 everyday objects and order them by their mass/weight.

Geography – choose a country you would like to visit and create a leaflet about it.

DT – carry on adding more detail to your minibeast/animal box.

There has been some fantastic work posted on Tapestry and I am very proud of everything you are doing Adventurers. Please keep sharing.

Enjoy your day!

Mrs Roe 

Good Morning Adventurers – It’s another sunny day!

Thank you for sharing your news from your holidays, it was lovely to hear from you.

I’d like to draw your attention to the libraries virtual summer reading challenge called ‘Silly Squad’ which will celebrate funny books, happiness and laughter. you can sign up at from Friday. Perhaps it would be nice for us to share some funny books from this date too.

I was very impressed with all the outdoor learning you have been doing and hope you can enjoy the sunshine whilst completing today’s activities. (More details are on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Vv’.

English – complete some research about your chosen animal by looking in books or going online. Write a short report using headings and subheadings to organise your information. You could even try writing it up on the computer.

Maths – Key Skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then complete today’s measure task which is to measure the height of everyday objects.

DT – add more detail to your minibeast/animal habitat box.

I’ve enjoyed planning these activities and hope you enjoy completing them too. I love seeing the work you are doing so please keep posting it on Tapestry so I can reply to you.

Enjoy your day!

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – It’s back to school Monday!

I hope you all had a lovely break and I would love to hear what you’ve been doing. I’ve enjoyed lots of lovely walks and have taken more photos of the wonderful nature around us, which again has inspired me for some of the learning activities for this week.

Perhaps you could share your news and suggest ideas for learning you would like us to try.

Today’s learning includes: (More details on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Uu’.

English – we are going to choose three animals to research and create a fact file about them. Today we will study one animal, draw  and label a diagram of them and write down some facts that we already know.

Maths – Key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then we are going to explore measure. Today we are going to measure ourselves by creating a wall chart then measure parts of our body.

DT – our project this week is links to English and we are going to make a mini beast or animal habitat box. We can make a start today.

I’m really excited about this weeks learning and hope you’ll try one or all of the tasks! I love seeing all your work on Tapestry (only teachers can view it) as it gives me a chance to communicate with you and it feels like we are back to school together!

As it’s such a love day again why not take your learning outside.

Enjoy your day.

Mrs Roe

Thursday’s Learning Suggestion – Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Good Morning everybody,
The beautiful sunshine has been smiling at us this week, and after spending lots of time outdoors, I thought you might like to create a bird feeder. This will give you something wonderful to watch, as you look out of your window, or eat your lunch in the garden.
This bird feeder is very simple to create, and requires few materials. It also allows us to do some recycling: using any plastic bottles that are around the home. 
Here is the link to the video, which explains how to make the feeder, and exactly what you need. 
I have also included a written document, as you may find this easier to follow. 
Send us pictures of your bird feeders, and see if you can capture any birds in action. 
Have a wonderful day,
See you at story time
Mrs Taylor 

Good Morning Adventurers – Happy Friday!

It’s not such a nice day but I think the gardens will welcome the rain!

We’ve had a lovely week exploring colour in different ways, through our writing and art work and I can’t wait to see your colourful picture galleries.

As it’s Friday and half term next week I’ve changed today’s learning a little bit.

English – read the beginning of the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt and then answer some reading comprehension questions. I’ve shared the rest of the story with you.

Maths – answer questions on doubling and halving then make a Snakes and Ladder game.

Art – create some colourful flower art.

Enjoy your day and I hope you have a lovely half term holiday.

Mrs Roe

Good Morning Adventurers – another beautiful day!

I hope you all managed to enjoy the sunshine yesterday, it certainly helps to put a smile on our faces!

I had a lovely walk on the beach last night and couldn’t resist a peek in the rock pools. I didn’t see any crabs but found a star fish. I was really excited!

I’m really excited about our learning today and hope you are too!

I can’t wait to see and hear your poems and have a look at your wonderful art work.

Here’s today’s activities, if you wish to try them (All information on Tapestry)

Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Ww’.

English – finish writing your poetry booklet and please share it with me.

Maths – key skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then try adding fractions. Can you solve the Rubik’s Cube challenge?

Art – use colour and pattern to bring your pictures alive!

Don’t forget it’s French Thursday!

Enjoy your day.

Mrs Roe