Friday 19th June 2020

It’s Friday again already!!

This week seems to have flown quickly by. I hope you are all ready for a lovely weekend. You might want to try out your forest school knots making a den in your garden over the weekend to either enjoy in the sunshine or hide under in the rain. ?

It would be great to see your creations – happy den making.


English – Rain Before Rainbows 

‘A rope to hold on to.’

Today,I’d like you to have a go at a short piece of descriptive writing. Imagine you are a character in story. This could be any story you can imagine and you are up to the part where you need a rope to hold on to. Continue the story to tell me where you are, what you are doing and why you need the rope?


Maths – Ratio

This is the last set of ratio and proportion questions before moving onto a different topic next week.

See how many you can get.


Forest School

Another line from Rain Before Rainbows – ‘A rope to hold on to.’

There are a number of knots that we can learn to help us in forest schools – some of which are very useful in den building to help secure a tarpaulin.

Find yourself a piece of rope or you could even use a shoelace (remember to put it back in the shoe afterwards) and see if you can have a go at learning these knots.