Tuesday 31st March

Good morning everyone!

A big thank you to all those families who posted photos and comments on Tapestry yesterday it really made me smile! It was lovely to see all the wonderful things you are doing at home. I was also very impressed with how hard you are working to complete tasks!

Today, I would like to suggest the following activities, if you wish to try them. Are you up for the challenge?

More details and examples I have completed myself are on Tapestry.

Maths – continuing with time, I would like you to create a daily schedule recording the time you complete different activities through the day. For example: 8:15 have breakfast, 9:00 exercise.  Draw the clock as well to show the time.

English – continue the work on the picture treasure trail by writing and drawing all the clues you need.

Science – create a weather chart for the week so you can record the daily weather using observations and the equipment you may have made yesterday.

I hope you enjoy the above activities and I look forward to seeing your work.

Don’t forget story time around 3pm on Tapestry.

Hope you all have a lovely day.

Take care

Mrs Roe

P.S. Get ready with ideas to decorate eggs later this week!