Tuesday 14th July 2020

Hello Discoverers,

Today, in English, I would like you to create a front cover for the story you are going to write.

Use your plan, to help you design your cover.

You may decide to use the characters from your story on the front, or you may wish to leave the reader guessing, and put something which only hints towards the story’s plot.

It is always best to design your cover using pencil, which allows for changes to be made if they are needed.

Then, you might like to add colour.


Today’s maths question requires you to use your maths book or squared paper, and a colouring pencil/ pencil.

Use six squares in your book, to create shapes which are symmetrical.

If you want to check that they are symmetrical, you can cut them out and try folding them. If the sides then match, your shape has at least one symmetrical line.


Today in science, we are continuing to learn about nocturnal animals.

Visit yesterday’s website, and scroll down to the section which is titled: Night Creatures.


Scroll through the selection of twenty two nocturnal animals, and choose one which you will research throughout this week.

Today, using the image on this website, and any other images you find through research, draw your chosen animal and learn its features.

Have a great Tuesday all, 

Mrs Taylor