Good Morning Leaders
I hope you have all had a good week so far. Today we are gong to be spending quite a bit of time outside so let’s hope that the sun shines – or it stays dry at least. ?
After making a list of questions to find out about the world, we are going to be taking a closer look at the things around us and hopefully collecting things to be able to create something beautiful next week (once we have dried the things that we find).
Why is the Sky Blue? – English
As we are looking closely at nature today in all our areas of learning, I thought it might be nice to continue this theme in our writing.
I would like you to choose a somewhere to write a descriptive piece of writing about. Preferably a view of a landscape or outdoor space. Make sure that you use all your senses to describe what you see.
E.g. Like a lullaby, I could hear the tweet of ten tiny birds tittering in tune.
Look at this example and see you can use some of the different language styles we have re-visited recently.
If you can’t find a landscape, or the weather isn’t nice, you could always use an image from the internet or one you can remember.
Fibonacci Sequence – Maths
The Fibonacci Sequence is a series of numbers. The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.

Have a go at these questions and then follow the link to find out some interesting facts about the Fibonacci sequence, which is often found in nature.
Challenge – see If you can spot the Fibonacci sequence in nature – take a photograph and upload it.
Collecting Flora and Fauna – Science/Art
Whilst out investigating nature for evidence of the Fibonacci sequence, see if you can collect some flowers and leaves that we are going to try and press.
There are a number of different ways that you can dry flowers but here is one recommended by the Natural History Museum.
You will need : a newspaper and some heavy books