Good Morning Leaders
Thank you to those of you who braved making videos yesterday. It would be fantastic to get more of you involved – even if I don’t see your faces and just hear your recording.
I am really missing see you all so it would be amazing to hear/see more of you involved next time. ?
Rain Before Rainbows – English
Today, I’d like you to go back and listen to the story again.
This time think about how they story makes you feel – this might be different in different part of the story.
You can either draw these thoughts and feelings like a story map or just discuss them with your family. Remember – it might not make everyone feel the same.
Money – Maths
When you want to start saving money it is important to know what things cost.
Today, I’d like you to do some research to find out how much things cost to buy.
If you had £20.00 to spend what would you buy? It doesn’t need to be from the list (but make sure you have done your research).
Rain Before Rainbows – Science
Today, we are going to investigate how rainbows are formed before seeing if we can make our own rainbow.
Rainbows are amazing – did you know that no two people will see exactly the same rainbow!! ?
You’ll be pleased to learn that you can make a rainbow without rain – have a go and see if you can create your own.