Monday 8th June 2020

Good Morning Leaders

I hope you have all had a good weekend albeit much colder than it has been recently. The gardens will be thankful although let’s hope the sun returns soon.

We are going to be using a beautiful book called ‘Rain before Rainbows’ for some of our learning and we will be investigating the themes that it contains. You might have seen a rainbow over the weekend, heard thunder or even seen hailstones (in June!). There will be lots of things to talk about and we will start off today with a ‘big question’.

Happy chatting.?

Rain Before Rainbows – English

This week we are going to be using a beautiful book called ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ which you can hear being fully read on a different post.

Here are a few lines from the book;

Rain before rainbows, Clouds before sun.

Night before daybreak. The old day is done.

See if you can find any other pairs of things where one would come before the other. Make a list of the ones you can think of.

Money – Maths

This week we are going to be focussing on money and using some of the MoneySense activities from NatWest

Today, you are going to find out more about how a bank works. Use the link below to find out more.

Big Questions

Having time at home and being made to slow down often makes us look at things more closely. It makes us ask questions and notice smaller things that we might not notice in our busy lives.

Today, I’d like you to talk about one of these big questions with your family. Remember that not everyone might have the same answer or opinion.

Where in the world would you like to be right now? Why?

There is no need to record anything, just take time to talk to each other.