Monday 30th March 2020

Happy Monday Discoverers,

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend and your families have managed to connect to Tapestry (our Sleights communication site). On Tapestry, we can communicate using messages, pictures and videos, so let me know if you need any help with any of the suggestions I give you on here. 

For maths this week, it would be great to use some of the skills you’ve learned in statistics. Today, why don’t you keep an eye on how much physical activity your family are doing? Create a tally chart for each of the people in your home, and every time they are physical for five minutes or longer, give them a mark. If an activity lasts for ten minutes, they will get two marks, if it lasts for fifteen minutes, they will get three marks, and so on. At the end of the day, count up the tally chart and see which family member was the most physical. We will use this information tomorrow, so record it in your maths book so that you don’t lose it. 

In English this week, we will be focusing on writing instructions. For today, it would be great if you could plan a meal or snack that you can make for your family. This could be a baked product, like a cake, or if you’re feeling adventurous you could make lunch for everybody: chat with your family to see what produce you have available. Write the list of ingredients and equipment that you will need, and I will give you your next task tomorrow. 

Let’s plan a treasure hunt! Whilst we are all at home, let’s have some fun. In preparation for a treasure hunt on Friday, think of something that your family might like: this could be a token to watch a film of their choice, a token to choose their favourite game to play, a treat from the cupboard or something similar. Today, deicide the prize, plan how many clues you will hide around your home and plan where you might hide them. We will plan more tomorrow. 

Again, let me know if you need any help through Tapestry,

Happy learning everybody,

Mrs Taylor