Monday 20th April – Home Learning

Good morning Learners Class and families. I hope you had a happy Easter and stayed well and safe!

I have put some suggested tasks on Tapestry this morning.

In English we will be writing a story this week and there is a delightful story called ‘Bubbles’ to watch today!

In maths I thought we would practise some Key Skills (like we do in class every day).

There’s some fun phonics with Mr Thorne and Geraldine – always a winner with Learners Class.

Finally, some PE! Just Jump! – see Tapestry for further fun details!

I will be ringing all families in the next couple of days, so please have a think if there’s anything in particular I can help you with and I’ll do my best to provide it!

New Sumdog challenges have been set today – which I know you all enjoy!

Most importantly keep being happy and kind to each other and of course keep smiling 🙂

I am missing you all!

Mrs Brown

Ps look out for tonight’s bedtime story at 6pm