Enormous Vegetables

This week has been all about vegetables. We began by digging up some root vegetables and looking closely at the roots. Some of the onions had roots like a birds nest. The Pioneers also had a good look at the roots and the leaves of a pumpkin,noticing the curling tendrils they use to attach themselves to fences and trellis and other plants. We had a good poke around.

We acted out the story of the Enormous Turnip and worked on a story map to go with this. The Pioneers made their suggestions to add vocabulary to this and this was really wonderful.

The classroom is now full of pumpkins of all different shapes and sizes and colours . We have been lifting and carrying and counting and subitising Next, we will be having a poke around inside these next week to look at the seeds and get them dried and saved for next spring.

Very Happy Learning


Friday 4th November 2022

Hello All, 

Thank you for stopping by! 

It’s been a while since we last updated you, as we had our wonderful half term holiday last week. 

On the Friday before we broke up, we visited Whitby for a day being tourists. We visited Whitby Abbey, Whitby Museum and ate delicious fish and chips at the amazing Quayside. 

In RE this week, we continue to learn about Hinduism, and what it is like to be a Hindu in Britain today. Exploring this in more detail, we have been learning about the story of Rama and Sita, and how this resulted in the incredible Diwali festival. 

During Collective Worship, and within our prayer spaces, we are thinking about the value compassion. As we worship this value we thinking about how we can put others before ourselves. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will speak soon,


A Wonderful Week!

Learners have had a great start to the new half-term.

This week, in PSHCE we have been concentrating on our emotional health and well-being and have been becoming more aware of our own emotions. We have been able to recognise and label a range of feelings and enjoyed drawing pictures to help us understand the effect of our feelings in our day to day lives.

In RE, we have been learning more about a traditional Chrisitan infant baptism. Thank you to the families that sent in pictures on Tapestry, this was enjoyed by us all and really brought our learning to life. Learners could recognise the important actions and symbols within the service and were very keen to share their own baptism knowledge.

Learners always have their ‘Hedgehog Hero’ hats on. This week we have been writing letters to raise awareness of the dangers hedgehogs face as Bonfire Night approaches. If you are attending a Bonfire, please check there are no hedgehogs snuggling in the sticks, before you light it!

On Thursday we were amazed to listen to a visiting Band in School, it was an absolute joy. We found out about different musical instruments and the families they belong to. This was topped off by a performance from our own Discovers and Leaders, showing us their musical talents. What a musical delight.

In history, we have been learning about Elizabeth Botham and were delighted to find out that the Botham’s Shops we know and love, originally started with Elizabeth Botham selling bread from a basket in Whitby’s Old Market Place 150 years ago. We all had a current favourite item from Bothams that we could name and lick our lips about!

Such a wonderful week of learning!

I wonder what next week has in store?




A brilliant end to our first half term

To end a brilliant first half term in Leaders class, we had a fabulous day exploring Whitby On Friday.

First, we headed to the Abbey, counting the 199 steps on our way up. We explored the museum, finding out lots of interesting facts about the Abbey’s history and looking at artefacts found on the headland to learn more about Whitby’s history, dating to as far back as the Neolithic period. We then explored the Abbey ruins and a rainbow even appeared as we admired the view out to sea.
After a busy morning, we were ready for lunch. The children enjoyed a delicious lunch at Quayside.
Finally, we enjoyed looking around Whitby Museum, taking in the different items they have on exhibition.
It was a brilliant day from start to finish and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all!


A great week

What a fantastic week it has been in Leaders class!

On Monday, the children demonstrated excellent historical skills when they used evidence from Tudor times to find out about black history during that era. They used an image of a painting from the time and thought about what they could see, what they could infer from this and questions that they had. They then considered the same things when looking at a letter from the time. The children then used information texts to find out more and were able to answer their own questions. They learned about John Blanke, Mary Fillis and Jacques Francis. Ask your child what they know about these people and their lives in Tudor Britain. Leaders love to share their knowledge.

On Thursday, Leaders had a fantastic day out at Scarborough Spa to take part in the Scarborough Science and Engineering Week.
To start off their visit, they watched a show in the theatre that helped them to understand more about engineering and science in everyday life.
Next, after lunch, the children explored the exhibitions. There were a variety of these and they showcased more about science and engineering as well as careers in these areas. The children also enjoyed collecting freebies as we moved from stand to stand!

On Friday, the children continued to use their focus artist, Esther Mahlangu, to inspire their art work. The children created geometric patterns and used acrylic paint to block colour. The children thought about how to use brush strokes to do this.

Fun week in Adventurers!

Hi families,

What a fun week we have had for our sixth week of the autumn term! On Monday afternoon, we had a very exciting drama session in the school hall. We were learning about the history of Whitby and turned our learning into a play! Check Tapestry for our performance 🙂

In science, to end our learning on ‘Rocks’ we carried out some research on a famous fossil hunter called Mary Anning. Did you know she discovered the largest dinosaur fossil in the world? Also, she discovered seven different types of dinosaur.

 Yesterday, we were designing our Christmas cards that will be sent away and made in to real cards ready to give to family and friends!

Have a great weekend,


Happy Learners

This week in History, we have been researching how food shopping has changed over the years. We have been looking at Frank Meadow Sutcliffe’s pictures, which show the Market Square in Whitby dating back to 1640. In the past we were shocked to find out that the market sold urine as a cleaning product. This revelation produced lots of shocked gasps and groans in class.

In Science, we have found out that the Earth orbits the sun, with one orbit constituting a year of roughly 365 days. This lesson provoked some wonderful discussion points around the Sun, Moon and Earth. We all agreed that Space facts are fascinating.

Learners have felt a real pride in their writing this week, which has been a joy to see. Each individual is continuing to focus on ways to improve their own writing skills. This dedication has been wonderful and has really paid off with some great writers emerging. Keep up the good work Learners.

We are very happy learners in Learners Class 🙂

The Colours of Autumn

This week we began looking at how the trees are changing. The Pioneers looked at a selection of leaves and compared their colours and used paint charts to match them up. The Pioneers looked closely and noticed that the leaves varied in size,shape and colour.  They used hole punches to make leaf confetti and used these shapes to subitise and make number patterns.

Every Pioneer is working very hard on phonics and we are starting to write words together. Blending is great and whiteboards are being filled with wonderful writing.

This week we have been subitising all over the place. The Pioneers are experts at spotting groups of 1,2,3 and 4 and representing these numbers by drawing. We have been building towers and making shapes.

Happy Learning

Friday 7th October

It has been another brilliant week in Leaders class.

This week, Leaders have been working hard to complete their adverts about Whitby. I have been amazed by the vocabulary choices and the application of the new writing skills they have learned this half term. 

In science, Leaders have learned about the earth rotating on its axis and how this effects day and night. They drew diagrams and wrote explanations to demonstrate their understanding.

Our history unit for this half term is Black History. This week the Leaders found out about the first recorded Africans in Britain during the Roman era. They thought about how historians know that black people lived in Britain at that time and found out that bones and teeth can be analysed. They also learned about the Aurelian Moors. Ask your child what they have learned. Leaders love to share their knowledge!

On Wednesday afternoon, a group of Leaders took part in a football tournament. We are so proud of the great teamwork that they demonstrated and the way in which they represented the school. Well done to all involved!

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Abstract Artists.

A busy week as always in Learners Class. 

This week we have welcomed a new member of our class – Story Mouse. Story Mouse has very quickly made lots of new friends and has become a very popular Learner. We have enjoyed reading and telling stories to Story Mouse and are excited to learn more about his role in our classroom. On Thursday, Story Mouse left us a letter with a gift of HIS/HER favourite book to share. We delighted in sharing the story together and were eager to write letters in response.

We are continuing to enjoy learning more about the past and have been thinking about Museums this week. We discussed the Museums we had visited and also the Museums we would like to visit in the future. We watched some virtual tours and talked excitedly about artefacts and their importance.

We have also produced some stunning artwork this week, inspired by this term’s artist Kandinsky. The pieces of art were just amazing. We hope you enjoy them too!

We are busy preparing for Harvest Time and rehearsing our own class song, it’s going to be sensational!

Happy Learning as always 🙂

Learners Class