Blue and Green and White

This week we have been reading “Lost and Found” and a selection of other texts by Oliver Jeffers. The Pioneers have all drawn wonderful story maps and pictures of the characters. They are able to retell the story using the story map and have added vocabulary to this.

At the end of the week we focussed on finding out about day and night and the rotation of the earth and the earth’s relationship with the sun and the moon. We looked at the globe and representations of our planet, spotting that blue was the sea and greens represented the land. In the story the boy and the penguin travel to the South Pole so we located this on the globe and painted this on our own representations.


Celebration time!

On Wednesday, we were delighted to formally open our new classrooms. After months of hard work, it was finally time to celebrate. We held a special event to share with Sleights’ children, families and staff, starting with a special assembly and following with the official cutting of the ribbons by our own Mrs Bland and Mrs McGill. The morning was perfect and enjoyed by all.

Earlier in the week, we were able to enjoy our second cricket session outside in the autumn sunshine. This week (with great excitement) we progressed onto being able to use the bats. There were a few sixes hit, despite some excellent fielding! We can’t wait for next week.

In English, we have been delving into Shakespeare’s The Tempest. We have been excited to meet the characters and to familiarise ourselves with the plot. With the help of story maps and drama, we were able to re-tell the story with confidence and enthusiasm. We are so excited to continue learning more about this fascinating Shakespeare play.

This week has been anti-bullying awareness week. Learners have been able to identify the difference between being rude, being mean and bullying and the clarification of these definitions prompted some purposeful discussions.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and Nativity practise has begun! We will keep you posted!

Learners love to learn 🙂

Wonderful Week!

Hi families,

Another busy week for us in Adventurers. We started the week with another fun session of cricket! We played lots of fun games and did some great work practising our fielding skills.

In English we started to look at the play ‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare. We learnt that the play is about a violent storm that causes a shipwreck and the characters are consequently abandoned on an island. We made a story board of the key events, acted it out and drew what we imagined the characters to look like.

In art, we creates some masterpieces inspired by ‘Henri Matisse’. Take a look at some below!

Have a great weekend everyone,

The Adventurers 🙂 



A Very Dramatic Week

Hello All,

This week has been somewhat dramatic, with drama featuring in many areas of our learning. We have been created scenes from Shakespeare’s Tempest, acting out our parts for the Christmas Nativity, and dramatising new vocabulary to help us remember the meaning behind it. We love drama!

On Wednesday, we also created posters advertising our own Diwali festival. As we have been learning all about Hinduism, and the importance of Diwali, we thought it would be great to design a poster that included the meaning behind it. 

Although the rain hasn’t stopped for what feels like the entire week, the sky was bright for a very special event on Wednesday morning, as we were joined by families to celebrate the opening of our two new buildings. This was a wonderful celebration of Mrs McGill and Mrs Bland who have dedicated many years to our incredible school, and have been here since the first buildings were erected. 

Friday 18th November

It has been another wonderful week in Leaders.

In maths, the children have continued to focus on multiplication and division. On Monday, the children worked with cubes to make arrays to identify cube and square numbers and were able to calculate to find them too. The rest of the week has seen Leaders focus on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 with great application of their learning to reasoning and problem solving questions. 

In English, we have found out about William Shakespeare and began to explore his play The Tempest. On Thursday, we explored lines from Act 1 Scene 1 and were able to predict that there was a ship in a storm, which sank and had a King on board. We then created a storm soundscape using our voices and used drama to add in the lines that we had explored earlier. We then moved on to look at similes and personification  to describe the storm, with excellent descriptions produced by all.

On Wednesday, the children enjoyed the official opening of the new Early Years buildings before welcoming some family members into class. During this session, the children completed their Esther Mahlangu inspired art. I am sure that you will agree that the finished art work looks brilliant!

Seed,Soup and Fungus

We continue to explore the world around us. Sunflower heads have been drying out on the window sill and we got stuck in with the tweezers to harvest the seeds. We dried them out alongside last week’s pumpkin seeds and popped them into jars to plant in the spring. This involved a huge amount of concentration.

We went to the forest to collect forest treasure to add to our version of Pumpkin Soup. Compost,grass,seeds and conkers were mixed and mashed. The Pioneers used mashers and ladles to create a huge Pumpkin Feast. They filled egg boxes with soil and water to make chocolate eggs. Everyone helped with the tidy up job which made life much easier.

We looked closely at a number of different types of fungus but we decided not to touch. All the Pioneers were aware that some things should not be picked.

We noted the changes in the forest and kicked up the wet leaves.

Everyone manged their own welly boots and this is quite an achievement.

Well done Pioneers!



Remembrance at Sleights

Throughout the week, the children have taken part in some excellent discussions about Remembrance. Children shared their own reflections with great sensitivity and thought. To mark Remembrance Day in Sleights, each child created a piece of art or message. 

After school, Mrs Hann and I walked to St John’s and the War Memorial monument to display the children’s fantastic and thoughtful Remembrance reflections. The work is incredible and is now firmly in place to help the full village mark Remembrance Sunday this weekend.
Well done, Sleights.

A wonderful week!

Hi families,

We have had a very busy week this week in Adventurers. We started the week with an exciting cricket session, where we learnt how to be efficient at catching the ball as well as hitting it! We played some fun games and Mrs Brown won the last batter standing!

In science, we started our learning on ‘Forces and Magnets’ where we learnt about friction , properties of materials and poles on magnets.

In RE, we looked at the story of Noah’s Ark and discussed the pact that Noah made with God to help him and make the world a better place.

We are looking forward to another cricket session on Monday and our new learning in English on ‘William Shakespeare’.

Have a great weekend!


A wonderous week of learning.

Learners have been awesome this week! We have had SO much fun with our learning!

On Monday, we were lucky to welcome Owen from Chance to Shine Cricket. He worked with Learners Class to develop our throwing and catching skills. We thoroughly enjoyed the session and are overjoyed to have 5 further sessions each Monday until Christmas.

In RE, we have been identifying ways people show they belong to each other when they get married. We had thoughtful discussions and were lucky to welcome Mr Grayson-Taylor to share his recent wedding celebration with us too. 

Our current topic in Science is Seasonal Change. Our learning focus this week has been George James Symons, a meteorologist who studied rainfall. With this in mind, we set up our own rain gauge outside our classroom and recorded the results each day. We were delighted with Tuesday’s 15mm of rainfall!

We have introduced William Shakespeare into the classroom this week (literally). We created our own research workshops and activities to find out about him. We found out he was born 500 years ago and had to write with a quill and ink at school, we had a go at this ourselves and found it very tricky. We laughed at the words Shakespeare had invented such as “bedroom, hobnob” and green-eyed” and found out the names of some of his most famous plays. We even asked for Mrs Gurney’s IT skills in using media to bring our research to life. We have been bursting with ideas to write about and Shakespeare has definitely made an impact on Learners Class this week!


I cannot wait to share Learners Classes successes with families in next week’s Parents Evenings!

Mrs Brown

Friday 11th November 2022

It has been another busy week in Leaders, with lots of brilliant leaning happening.

In maths, Leaders have been learning about common multiples and factors and have done a brilliant job of identifying these and applying their understanding to reasoning and problem solving questions.

Over the past two weeks in English, the children have been learning about explanation texts, with a focus on the life cycle of a star. The writing that has been produced so far has been amazing, with brilliant application of the skills they have been taught.

This week, there has been plenty of opportunity to be active in Leaders class. In addition to their usual swimming and dance sessions on a Tuesday, we were joined by Owen from Chance to Shine Cricket, who will be in school every Monday until Christmas. The children were able to develop their throwing, catching, batting and fielding skills in the lesson. The progress from one session was brilliant to see! We look forward to sharing how we get on each week with you.