Remembrance at Sleights

Throughout the week, the children have taken part in some excellent discussions about Remembrance. Children shared their own reflections with great sensitivity and thought. To mark Remembrance Day in Sleights, each child created a piece of art or message. 

After school, Mrs Hann and I walked to St John’s and the War Memorial monument to display the children’s fantastic and thoughtful Remembrance reflections. The work is incredible and is now firmly in place to help the full village mark Remembrance Sunday this weekend.
Well done, Sleights.

Friday 4th November 2022

Hello All, 

Thank you for stopping by! 

It’s been a while since we last updated you, as we had our wonderful half term holiday last week. 

On the Friday before we broke up, we visited Whitby for a day being tourists. We visited Whitby Abbey, Whitby Museum and ate delicious fish and chips at the amazing Quayside. 

In RE this week, we continue to learn about Hinduism, and what it is like to be a Hindu in Britain today. Exploring this in more detail, we have been learning about the story of Rama and Sita, and how this resulted in the incredible Diwali festival. 

During Collective Worship, and within our prayer spaces, we are thinking about the value compassion. As we worship this value we thinking about how we can put others before ourselves. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will speak soon,


A Fabulous Week

Hello Visitors,

Thank you for visiting our class blog 🙂

We have had a fabulous week, where we have celebrated World Heart Day, learned more about Hinduism, and visited Robin Hoods Bay to learn more about rocks. 

For World Heart Day, we thought about how our hearts help us, as well as considering what we can do to keep them healthy. We decided that eating well, and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, would help. 

In RE, we are considering what it means to be a Hindu in Britain. We have started to explore Hinduism in more detail, looking at the four main aims of their lives, and then thought about four main aims for our lives. Some of us decided that if we live a life where we are kind, generous, respectful and loving, we will be happy 😀

Finally, our trip to Robin Hoods Bay was fantastic! We searched for fossils (and found so many), rockpooled for new and interesting sealife, and took a circular walk around the area, which was part of the Cleveland Way. 



An Excellent First Week as Discoverers

Hello Visitors, 

We are so excited to be writing our first post as year 4 pupils! 

We are now in Discoverers class and can’t wait to share all of the exciting things that happen during our week.

This week, we went out to watch the Tour of Britain cycling race. It was amazing to see the cyclists pedalling so hard. We were inspired by their efforts and have organised our own cycle-to-school day. Check out our picture of posters below.


Nearing The Summer Holidays


Thank you for visiting Discoverers’ blog 🙂

We have had a very busy week, after lots of trips have been happening for different classes, and we had our transition days where we spent time with our new teachers.

We visited the North Yorkshire Moors, where we learned about the environment there, and the work that goes in to protecting it. 

We spent time with Mrs Porter this week, and did lots of fun activities getting to know each other better.

In class, we have also been thinking about the journey of different religions, and the important events that happen within Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism. 

We hope you have a lovely week,


A Thunder Storm Didn’t Stop Us

Hello Visitors,

This week, we have enjoyed lots of learning inside and out. We spent all of Friday in the forest, and tackled lots of new challenges: following tracks, creating maps, finding and hiding treasure and shelter building. Despite the thunder storm, we had an amazing time, and it made the atmosphere even better! 

The weather has given us some interesting thought for poetry, whilst we have been using figurative language within our English work. We thought about some interesting new language when we were outside, and we also used the stimuli of the amazing building work that is happening right outside our window. 

In RE, we are continuing to thinking about how life can be seen as a journey for some people. We are considering our life’s journey so far, and perhaps what our future may look like. We will be looking at religious events in some life journeys over the coming weeks. 

During collect worship, we have considered how many acts of service happen throughout our day. From the building creating our wonderful new classrooms, to the small gestures from our friends in class, we think about those who we serve, and who serve us, and send thanks to them.



An Active Week for All

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for visiting our page again, this week. We have had another busy week, with so much fun and excitement. 

Earlier in the week, we spent time with Suzie, from Dogs Trust, and we learned how to keep ourselves safe around dogs. Then, later in the week, some of us took part in Bikeability, and learned how to ride our bikes safely. We practiced on the playground, and then traveled around Sleights Village, gaining experience on roads and different junctions. 

On Thursday afternoon, we had our amazing sports day. We had been waiting a lot time to welcome our families into school, and we showed them our great sport skills, and brilliant team spirit. 

For a look at this week’s adventures, take a look at the images below:


The World’s Most Disgusting Lesson

Hello Visitors,

We would suggest ensuring that you have eaten, before reading this blog!

This week, we completed a very disgusting task: creating poo! 

We have been learning all about the digestive system, and the body parts that are included within. We focused on new vocabulary, and learning the purpose of each part. 

Check out the photos below, to see our end product. 

Our new value for this half term is truthfulness. In worship, we have been exploring this word, and what it means to be truthful. We are thinking about what Jesus would do throughout this exploration, but are also considering the benefits to ourselves when we tell the truth. 

The End of Another Brilliant Week

Hello All,

Over the last few weeks, we have been so excited to be taught by other teachers within school. We have enjoyed learning more about the five British values, and have loved creating some wonderful work alongside this. 

We had a great time in the forest recently too, where we created our own pencils using elder. 

In worship this week, we have explored Christian Aid and the amazing work that the charity does. We have enjoyed learning more about how this links with our Christian Value: service, and have questioned the things that we can do to help others. 

We hope that you have a wonderful week,



Our First Week Back After Easter

Hello Visitors,

Our first week back has been jam-packed with lots of learning about new topics.

In RE we have started to explore the question: ‘What would Jesus do?’. We have focused on the parable of ‘The Two Builders’ this week, from Matthew 7:24-27. We discussed the parable’s meaning: if we trust in God, and live the life that he wants us to live, we will lead a successful and happy life. 

We have also worked hard to complete a poster about animals in English lessons. We have included conjunctions and relative clauses within our writing, and practised drawing the animal of our choice. Did you know that snow leopards can’t roar?

Finally, we wanted to share our new Christian Value with you all: Service. We will be exploring this in Collective Worship each day, and completing activities that are related within our prayer spaces. 

We hope you have had a great week too.
