Happy Monday, Discoverers!

Hello, Discoverers. I am missing you at school, but pleased that you are all keeping safe at home. I am working in school with a number of children. We are have been busy making things and will work on the computers this afternoon.

I have heard there is a really fun exercise class each day on YouTube by the Body Coach. Why don’t you have a go at that this week? 

I will ring your families this week to check in on how you all are.

Take care, 

Mrs Taylor 

Home Learning Links

Dear Discoverers,

I wanted to put some links onto our blog, so that you can access some further learning at home. Some of these may help you when completing the learning within your packs, and you may use some for a break between written work.

Here are the links that can help you with your maths skills:







Here are the links that can help you with your English skills:






If you are struggling to answer any questions within your mental maths book, that was provided in your home-learning pack, please use the link that I have posted below. Scroll down the page until you find the topic that you need help with:


The link to the short film that we have written our ‘Treasure’ story about is below. Scroll down the page until you find the title ‘Treasure’:



Friday 6th March 2020

We have been back to school for two whole weeks since our half term, and this time has flown by so quickly!

Last week, we joined the year 3’s from Adventurers and took part in some fantastic Hockey training at Caedmon College. We all did really well with our skills and impressed Mr Hopper!

This week, six of us had the opportunity to return to the college and participate in some hockey tournaments. We did amazingly well and tried so hard, we managed to secure third place! We are very proud of this achievement. 

We are also proud of the people who performed in the Eskdale festival. Nine of the children in Discoverers took part, and we managed to achieve some medals, certificates, and plenty of praise from the visitors at the festival. 

After the past few weeks we have been creating eco-bricks. Building an eco-brick is a way of preventing unrecyclable plastic from entering our oceans and adding to landfill sites.  These bricks can then be used to build walls and furniture. Please check out the video below to see how you can start making them for yourself:


Here are our eco-bricks so far:

We have a long way to go to ensure that they are completely full. We will keep you posted when we have a finished product.

Friday 14th February 2020

It is our last day today, before we have a well-earned week off school, spending time with our families. 

We have had an exciting start to our spring term: we have learned so much about the environment, and are now well on our way to changing the world.

We have six eco-bricks in our classroom, which we are adding to each day. We eventually hope to create something with them, and continue to create new ones which we can send abroad to help make houses. 

We posted our letter today, which we have worked very hard to write. We know that our families are excited to see what we have been keeping a secret.

Congratulations to those children who have now been granted their pen licence, they continue to impress with their beautiful handwriting. 

In English, we managed to squeeze in time to write a poem for our loved ones. We used many adjectives, similes and metaphors. We are bringing these home with us this afternoon.

Here we are holding them:

Friday 7th February 2020

This week, we have been on an exciting trip to Preston Park, where we explored their Victorian Street and the museum, and we had a handwriting lesson in a themed classroom. We were shocked at some of the punishments for children in Victorian schools. Did you know that if a child wrote with their left hand, and was caught doing so, they would be made to stand at the front of the classroom with their fingers inside a finger-trap?

Take a look at our exciting day below:

Friday 31st January 2020

Hello readers, we can’t believe that the last day in January is finally here: Christmas seems like it was months ago.

This week we have been designing and creating our own Victorian houses. This has been really fun and we have worked so well as a team! 

We will upload some pictures of the finished products soon, but for now here we are in action:

Friday 24th January 2020

This week in maths, we have learned lots about fractions. We have been focusing on solving problems, that require us to complete more than one sum. This was tricky at first, but we are most certainly getting the hand of it now!

We have learned more about the life of a Hindu, within RE. Did you know that they believe in reincarnation: if somebody has lived a good life they return as a person, and if they have lived a selfish life they return as an animal. 

This week we were very excited to find out who would receive their pen license. Noah and Rachael were the first in Discoverers to prove that their handwriting was BRILLIANT all of the time. Well done to you two. 

We have finished writing our reports in English, and we have learned so much about the things that we can do to help save our planet. Did you know that a glass bottle take up to 1,000,000 years to decompose? So reuse them where possible, to avoid them washing away into our ocean. If you are interested in finding out about where your toothbrush goes after you have put it in the bin, please watch this link:


Friday 17th January 2020

This week, we have been very busy learning about how to protect our world. In English we are currently writing a report about the benefits of reducing our waste. Did you know that it can take up to 1000 years for a plastic bag to decompose?

We can help by making small changes such as: using reusable straws and crockery, purchasing items from second-hand shops rather than buying new and turning the tap off when we brush our teeth. 

Here are some images of us working together to improve our reports: