First week of Summer term!

Hello families,

After having two weeks off, it was so lovely to see all of our friends again! We have started our summer term with lots of new learning. In Religious Education, we have started exploring the question of ‘What kind of world did Jesus want?’ We thought about what the world is like today and what we would like it to be like. This fits perfectly with out current Christian value of ‘service’ and in worship this week, we have explored things that we can do to help each other. 

In art, we have started to explore the work of ‘Dante Rossetti’ and have learnt some facts about his life. We have also started to look at the Ancient Greece period in history. Lots more fun learning to come!  

Thank you for reading and see you here next week!





Adventurers Collective Worship

I was very proud of Adventurers for leading collective worship this week in school.

The children worked very hard to produce posters, pictures, prayers and leaflets to tell the rest of the school about Earth Hour.

On Saturday 26th March 2022 at 8.30pm, millions of people across the world will take part in Earth Hour by switching off their lights for an hour.

Earth Hour unites people across the world who are passionate about our planet.

So why don’t you join us and SWITCH OFF FOR YOUR WORLD.

Learning in Forest School

Adventurers had a super afternoon in Forest School completing science investigations and creating a setting for a story.

In science we have been learning about the part played by evaporation in the water cycle and how the rate of evaporation is linked to temperature. To explore this further we created two puddles in the playground, one in the sun and one in the shade and left them for one hour to see what happened. After this time we discovered the one in the sun had evaporated whereas the one in the shade was still wet. We also set up two washing lines, one in the sun and one in the shade and hung out cloths to see which dried the first.

We also enjoyed creating our own settings linked to the story book ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker and even created a river to sail our red boats down.

Later in the week in DT we drew a setting from the story ‘Journey’ and made a little red boat move backwards and forwards by using a slider and paper fastener on a fixed pivot. The children were very pleased with the end result!


Celebrating World Book Day

Adventurers had a fantastic day celebrating World book Day. They really enjoyed talking about their favourite books and showing each other their costumes. There was a real buzz in school during collective worship and play times when all the children got together!

In class, we spent the day re-writing and illustrating the Fairytale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The whole class helped with the story by changing the plot, character traits and the settings. Our story took place in Sleights where a friendly little wolf helped Red Riding Hood find her way to school. Their journey together included lots of maths activities and questions we we hoped would engage the reader.

The children enjoyed being videoed reading their story so it could be shared on Tapestry.

Wearing Red to Support The Children’s Heart Unit Fund

Adventurers enjoyed wearing anything red to help raise money for CHUF. We learnt a little bit  more about this charity then coloured in and cut out hearts to hang in our bedrooms at home. Some children even wrote a prayer to share with others in their class.

We enjoyed finishing our newspaper articles about the Iron Man visiting Sleights School. Watch out for sightings of him around the Whitby area! The children also finished making and then painting their own Iron man which will be making their way home shortly.



Keeping Happy, Healthy and Safe

Over the last few weeks Adventurers have been learning the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe in school and at home. They have learnt about the how sleep benefits their health and wellbeing and what healthy choices they can make each day. For example: exercise, drinking plenty of water, having 5 portions of fruit and vegetables and spending time with friends.

For Internet Safety Day the children in adventurers designed posters highlighting how we can all stay safe online. Why not check their knowledge at home.

A Surprise Visitor!

Adventurers arrived at school on Thursday morning to discover their classroom had been trashed! According to the caretaker Mr Everall, The Iron Man was spotted leaving the school and stomping down the street. There was lots of evidence around school to show this,  including: giant footprints, nuts and bolts, squashed cans and half eaten computers and a toaster! The children were very excited to look for more evidence of his visit and find out exactly what had been going on. They even interviewed an eye witness and reported the main facts back to each other. Watch this space to find out more!


The children are really enjoying our class text ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and we started to make our own model Iron Men in DT which we plan to cover in paper and paste and then paint.  


An exciting week of music, French, hockey and science!

Adventurers have had a very busy week covering a wide range of subjects.

In music, they have been tapping out a beat to classical and popular music. Then using instruments to create different beats.

In French they have been learning the names for jungle animals and then were able to match pictures of animals to the French words.

We have been really impressed with the children’s hockey skills in P.E. They are now able to dribble with a ball, change directions, tackle each other and play a short game. 

In science we have continued to learn more about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We were able to act out how the particles moved in the different states of matter and then draw images of them.

To finish off the week the children used junk modelling materials to create their own ‘Iron Man.’ We plan to cover these in paper and paste and then paint them. We’re looking forward to seeing the end result.

New Year, New Topic.

Our new topic in school is ‘Inventors and Inventions’  and in English we have been writing imaginative and then real explanations about how a toaster and hoover works. The children have been really interested in finding out how two different types of hoover works (battery operated and a cable hoover). They are quite knowledgeable on this subject now and are well practised at hoovering up!

We are learning all about Ancient Egypt in history and the children took part in several hands-on investigations to explore the properties of solids, liquids and gases in science.

Adventurers have started dance lessons with specialist teacher Hannah Verity on a Tuesday afternoon and are continuing ICT lessons with Mrs Gurney every Thursday.

In P.E we have been learning different hockey skills and I must say I have been very impressed with the children’s abilities so far!

Celebrating Christmas in School

Adventurers have had a lovely week taking part in lots of activities to celebrate Christmas.

We really enjoyed our Christmas Party day on Monday, playing lots of games, dancing and eating a delicious party lunch!

Later in the week we made Christmas cards and snowman and reindeer paper chains. For our part in the nativity play, Adventurers learnt verses from the Nativity and sang ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in French and English. One of our children had the great idea to make star headbands and wrist bands so we could twinkle as we sang!

Christmas lunch was a BIG hit on Wednesday, we even had crackers to pull!

To finish off the week we have played more party games to get us in the Festive spirit!

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.