Vote! Vote! Vote!

The Pioneers have been voting and became familiar with some new vocabulary-Democracy,Polling Station and Voting Slip. They could not believe that it was possible that not everyone had a vote. When reading about Emmeline Pankhurst one voice said,”Was this in real life?” They could not imagine a life where women would not have a vote,be able to attend university or have certain jobs.

The Pioneers certainly understood that this was not fair.

Strong Learning

Friday 20th May 2022

 The Leaders have really enjoyed their learning in PHSCE this week, where they have learned about careers and finance. The children thought about their own skills and goals for the future, learned about the qualities and skills needed for particular careers, salaries and how to be successful in a job selection process. The children have also learned about tax and how the money that people earn can help the community.

Below are some of the goals that Leaders have for the future:

-To own my own house

-To have a well-paid job

-To have a family

-To do well in school

-To own my own pet

-To learn how to drive and own a car

– To live a happy life

– To become a horse riding instructor

– To play professional sports

– To become a scientist

– To become an archaeologist


In addition to their PHSCE work, Leaders have also been learning about types of teeth in science, where they matched descriptions to teeth before finding more out about them. In history, the children worked in groups to order historical periods that they have studied in Key Stage 2 and considered where the Ancient Greek period would fit in. After revisiting the dates of each period, the children created their own timelines.


The End of Another Brilliant Week

Hello All,

Over the last few weeks, we have been so excited to be taught by other teachers within school. We have enjoyed learning more about the five British values, and have loved creating some wonderful work alongside this. 

We had a great time in the forest recently too, where we created our own pencils using elder. 

In worship this week, we have explored Christian Aid and the amazing work that the charity does. We have enjoyed learning more about how this links with our Christian Value: service, and have questioned the things that we can do to help others. 

We hope that you have a wonderful week,



A Healthy, Happy Week.

This week in Learners Class, we have been super healthy!

We have enjoyed our swimming session at the pool.  Our water confidence is growing with each week we go! It’s lovely to see such happy faces in the pool.

Alongside swimming this week, we have been lucky to have enjoyed some dance sessions with Hannah Verity Dance. This is always a winner with Learners class as we dance to the music and learn new routines.

Now the warmer weather is here, this makes running our daily kilometre much more enjoyable, We have delighted in trying to pace our jogging technique this week.

In PHSCE this week, we have been learning more about finances, recognising the money we use and discussing the range of ways we can pay for the things we need.

Also, with the Queen’s Jubilee just around the corner, we are continuing to learn about British Values. Even better, we have had some visiting teachers from other classes to help us learn. What a treat!

Let’s hope the sun continues to shine.

Join us here next week, to find out what Learners have been up to!

Learner Class 🙂

Forest Schools- Mini Beasts

Today we visited forest schools with small groups of children. With us we took some spades and forks, cardboard sheets, a tuff tray and some water. The idea was for the children to dig some mud and place it into the tuff tray to use for our activity. Each child had a piece of cardboard with their name on to create a mini-beast of their choosing. The children used their hands to mould the damp mud into a shape and then hunted around the forest to decorate their creation. The children used sticks, flowers and different plants to decorate.Aren’t they fabulous?

Summer is on the way!

Summer is certainly on the way. We have enjoyed having our playtimes on the field this week and being able to leave our coats inside.

The learning in the classroom has been busy as always.

In history, we have kick started our new topic of ‘Dinosaurs’, as you can imagine this certainly sparked real excitement in class. We used books from the library to find out some very interesting facts and can’t wait to keep on finding out more in the coming weeks.

Our focus artist in Art this term is Pablo Picasso and this week, we have been drawing some Picasso-style animals. There are definitely some budding artists among us!

In RE, we have discussed the meaning of the word ‘Gospel’ and how Christians interpret the good news that Jesus brings. This week we have thought in particular about how Jesus showed forgiveness to others.

In PHSCE we recognised we have to pay for the things that we buy and we have been able to identify the everyday things our families need to spend money on. 

Swimming is most definitely the highlight of our week. We are just loving going to the local pool and learning new skills!

Keep posted nest week to find out what exciting things we have been learning about!

Learners love to learn!


Fitting Five Days of Learning into Four!

It has been another busy week of new learning for the Pioneers. We are following our interest in eggs and popped down to the forest to consider,discuss and build some nests. We asked,”What does a nest need to be?” and “Where should a nest be located?”

The Pioneers selected materials and discussed the shapes and structures required to keep the egg safe. No eggs were cracked in the making of these nests.

The nest needs to be “comfy” and the tree selected should be “stable”. We had a walk around to look for the best tree. “Nests should be in a tree to be safe from badgers and foxes”. “They are predators”

Way back in October when we were all small, we had a fiddle around with some seed heads and collected some for planting in the spring. The time has come to get them potted up and labelled.

Some are even poking through the soil already.

Exciting times.

Maths Magic has been taking place all over the place as Pioneers discover how amazing arrays are. We looked at different ways to arrange 12 and spotted columns and rows.

So much maths chat.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us with our learning this week. Sleights is a wonderful place to learn.

Happy Learning

A busy week in Leaders

The children have enjoyed another busy week in school.

This week, we have continued to spend time preparing for the SATs assessments, which will take place next week. We are incredibly proud of the positive and hard-working attitudes that the children have had towards their preparations and we know that they are ready to give them their all next week.

In addition to SATs preparations, Leaders were back in the pool this week and impressed me with their water confidence. On Wednesday afternoon, the children also enjoyed learning about and playing cricket with Mr Gokool.

To finish off a busy four day week, the children continued to learn the song ‘Happy’, which is our focus in music this half term. We hope everyone has a very happy weekend.

Four days of fun and learning.

Even though it’s been  a four day week, we’ve been so busy!

In Maths we have been focusing on position and direction. We have practised quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and full turns. We took our learning outside on Wednesday to practise our left and right movements. 

We are starting to learn a new song in music, called ‘Zoo Time’. It’s definitely catchy!

We have been busy writing book reviews this week, reading books is something Learners Class love, so it was easy to write down our recommendations to others.

On Thursday, we marked National Hedgehog Awareness Week by having a fully hedgehog day! Everything we did was connected to hedgehogs (even maths). In the afternoon we made hedgehog bookmarks and we took three hedgehog houses down to the forest. We  really hope we get some spiky visitors!

The weather is getting warmer and it’s wonderful to be able to take our learning outdoors.

If anyone has any hedgehogs in their garden, please post a picture on tapestry and we will make a plan of local hedgehog sightings. #hedgehog heroes.