Thank you for sharing your news from your holidays, it was lovely to hear from you.
I’d like to draw your attention to the libraries virtual summer reading challenge called ‘Silly Squad’ which will celebrate funny books, happiness and laughter. you can sign up at from Friday. Perhaps it would be nice for us to share some funny books from this date too.
I was very impressed with all the outdoor learning you have been doing and hope you can enjoy the sunshine whilst completing today’s activities. (More details are on Tapestry)
Handwriting – practise the letter ‘Vv’.
English – complete some research about your chosen animal by looking in books or going online. Write a short report using headings and subheadings to organise your information. You could even try writing it up on the computer.
Maths – Key Skills for Year 2 and Year 3 then complete today’s measure task which is to measure the height of everyday objects.
DT – add more detail to your minibeast/animal habitat box.
I’ve enjoyed planning these activities and hope you enjoy completing them too. I love seeing the work you are doing so please keep posting it on Tapestry so I can reply to you.
Enjoy your day!
Mrs Roe