Good morning Discoverers,
Thank you for sharing your work yesterday, it was such a pleasure to see your engagement with the tasks I have been setting for you.
In English today, you are going to use your emotion graph, which you created yesterday, to write some speech sentences.
Please can you watch this video, and then write a speech sentence, for each of the points in the story that you labelled on your graph yesterday. I have included an example for you.
Well done to those of you who sent me in your answers for the maths bonus question. The answer was: Red flower = 20 and blue flower = 5. I saw that many of you got this correct, so well done 😀
I have also uploaded the answers for yesterday’s questions, and set you your next ones. Don’t forget to mark them and let me know how you got on.
In French today, please can you create your poster of Tuesday’s translation, and put it up somewhere in your home for all to see. You may want to tell your family members, that you will be giving them a quiz at the end of the week, so that they make sure to pay attention to your poster. I have included an example below:
Have a great day everybody,
Mrs Taylor