Happy Monday Discoverers,
I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend, what did you get up to? I finally cut my grass!
In English, you finished writing your fabulous stories last week, and although we are now going to move on, we are still going to use the short film ‘adrift’ to help us. You are all familiar with the video now, which makes it easier for you to focus on the writing. I want us to look at speech this week.
Firstly, today I would like you to create an emotion graph. This is where you plot how Jane (or your character) is feeling, at different points in the story. I have plotted an emotion for every paragraph, you may decide to plot an emotion for the beginning, middle and end of your story. Here is my example to help you:
Today, in maths, I have given you your answers for Friday’s questions, and I have again set you another eight. We are continuing to work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division this week. Let me know if you have any questions.
I have also included a bonus question, can you rise to the challenge?
We are going to focus on French, during our foundation subject this week. We will be looking at ‘days of the week’. Today, I would like you to watch the video, which helps you to say, and write the days of the week in French. And then I would like you to create a poster of the word Monday in French, and place this in your home somewhere for all to see. At the end of the week, I thought you might like to give your family a quiz, and see if they remember how to say the different days in French.
Enjoy your day, speak soon,
Mrs Taylor