Team Work

The Pioneers worked together through a number of challenges, in the classroom and outside on the playground. To complete the challenges they had to work as a team and this can be pretty tricky.

They were given a selection of wooden pieces and told that they would be able to make a circle. They began by making their own piles and quickly realised that they couldn’t make a circle on their own. With a bit of help they managed to sort the pieces and some curves began to form. Eventually they got into a pattern and completed a circle. Without any support they were then able to do it again which was pretty impressive. 

On the playground we played relay games requiring concentration and communication. 

We finished with a complex team task of moving a ball using only the drainpipes and no hands allowed. They quickly got the hang of this and were able to move once the ball had passed their piece of pipe to extend the distance of transportation.

Everyone was very happy with themselves!