Friday 7th October

It has been another brilliant week in Leaders class.

This week, Leaders have been working hard to complete their adverts about Whitby. I have been amazed by the vocabulary choices and the application of the new writing skills they have learned this half term. 

In science, Leaders have learned about the earth rotating on its axis and how this effects day and night. They drew diagrams and wrote explanations to demonstrate their understanding.

Our history unit for this half term is Black History. This week the Leaders found out about the first recorded Africans in Britain during the Roman era. They thought about how historians know that black people lived in Britain at that time and found out that bones and teeth can be analysed. They also learned about the Aurelian Moors. Ask your child what they have learned. Leaders love to share their knowledge!

On Wednesday afternoon, a group of Leaders took part in a football tournament. We are so proud of the great teamwork that they demonstrated and the way in which they represented the school. Well done to all involved!

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