Happy new year. The first week of 2024 has been busy in Learners Class as always.
In English we have been reading fairytales, as many as we could find. All week, we have been choosing snippets of our favourites, in order to create a recipe for our own fairytale stew. On Thursday we each wrote our own recipe, using a selection of ingredients including a strand of Rapunzel’s hair, a horn from the Billy Goat’s Gruff, a button from the Giant’s coat and some bits of bobbly beanstalk – to name but a few. On Friday we delighted in making a class fairytale stew with a big pan and spoon. We took turns to add an ingredient and were able to stir it into the stew. We have really enjoyed this writing topic, which is evident from our wonderful final pieces of writing!
We have been exploring shape in maths this week, identifying 2D and 3D shapes and identifying the names and properties of shapes.
We enjoyed our first PE session with Hawkes sports coaches and are beginning to build skills to help us learn to play basketball.
In computers we were delighted to be programming Bee-Bots, finding out that our commands were causing our Bee-Bots to move where we wanted.
In PSHCE this week, we have been finding out the difference between physical and mental health and agreed that looking after ourselves is extremely important.
On Tuesday 16th January we will start our first swimming session at Whitby pool. Please make sure your Learner brings a swimming costume and a towel in a bag and that earrings are taken out before arriving at school on Tuesday. Learners are very excited to start swimming sessions.
Learners love to learn everyday and enjoy working together in class.