Delightful Dinosaur Drama

Learners kicked off this week with a drama session with Louise from The Red House Theatre. We were keen to share just how much we had learned in the classroom with Louise, who channelled our facts into drama. In teams , we became a T-Rex, a brachiosaurus, a triceratops and a pterodactyl. We sung about digging for fossils and we enjoyed every minute!

Back in the classroom, we have been learning about Mary Anning in history. We were amazed at her story and could not believe she had initially been left out of the history books because she was a woman and were glad the unfairness of the era was not present today. One of our very own Learners has created his very own museum at home and we were delighted that this week he gave us all a presentation on his amazing findings, bringing in some of his artefacts too. This was learning at it’s best and such an amazing morning. He hopes to be an archaeologist when he grows up and Learners agreed that he will make an amazing one!

In Geography this term we are finding out ‘What it is like to live in Shanghai’. Over the last few weeks we have been drawing maps of Sleights and identifying human and physical features to help make some comparisons. This week, we have been looking at where Shanghai is in the world using Google Maps. Using pictures, we have identified human and physical features of some area of Shanghai and were fascinated by the many tall buildings.

In dance we are continuing to practise dance moves and routines and are looking forward to a final performance in a few weeks.

Weather permitting, it will be Sports Day on Thursday afternoon – see newsletter for more details. Please make sure your Learner has their PE in school and earring are removed before they come in.