Learners love to learn!

Learners are always busy and this week has been no exception.

In English we have been busy adding interesting adjectives to some of the wonderful places in Sleights, ready to add these to our letter to the Linda Community School in Zambia.

In Maths we are launching into addition and subtraction and are already showing such confidence around number bonds and part-whole models.

In History, we have delighted in learning about artefacts and LOVED exploring some of the artefacts we have in school. We were particularly mesmerised by the old telephone and astonished that originally it used to attached to a wall.

In Geography, we took our learning outside to explore our playground and school grounds, using our map skills we created maps of the playground using keys to help us.

We are really looking forward to performing our Harvest song in Church and have been busy practising for this. We are sounding truly awesome!

We have enjoyed stories as always and are always keen to read whenever possible.

So much learning in just one week!

Learners just love to learn! 

Harvest Apple Crumble

There is so much learning which takes place while we make an apple crumble. We looked at the tree and the stalk and the leaves and the seeds. We made a list of the ingredients we needed and the equipment required. We discussed safety measures and why we needed a chopping board and the need to wash out hands.

The Pioneers read together the key words-cut,rub,mix,pat,tap and hot. They mixed and they stirred and they rubbed and the sifted. They talk about the job of the sieve and looked at how the apple peeler worked. It was fascinating to watch the peel fall off in ribbons and leave the apple in slices.

The Pioneers assembled the crumble and await to eat it after swimming.

They can all identify the ingredients,the equipment and are able to talk through the process.

And there really was not too much mess.

Global Poverty and Our Actions

Hello Visitors,

This week, we came together as a whole school to think about those in need and discuss the global issue of poverty.

Here are some staggering facts about poverty, and the responses that the children gave:

World poverty affects 330,000,000 people.

Beth told us that everyone matters.

International and global response is important.

Ava told us that it affects people all over the world.

Coco told us that when it’s the whole world that helps, it benefits more people.

Nobody should be starving.

Dignity for all – clean clothes, toilets.

As we work together, as a whole school, we hope that we can help change this disaster!

To help make a change, we have been raising donations to be delivered to the local food bank. 

If you can help, please do.

Autumn days

Learners have been learning about seasons this week in Science. We have been identifying each season and ordering them as they fall through the calendar year. We thought about weather patterns and the clothes we wear in summer compared to winter and how family activities  vary through the seasons.

In maths we have come to the end of the place value block and are set to begin addition and subtraction. Our daily key skills have enabled us to have plenty of prior learning.

We are continuing to enjoy cricket with Owen from Yorkshire Cricket and delighted in a fun team game this week, using the bats and balls. Our skills are improving and most importantly we all enjoy the sessions.


We are busy preparing for our Harvest service in church on Wednesday 25th October  at 9.30am and hope to see you there.



A busy timeline of events.

Wow, what a busy week in Learners Class.

On Monday, we were lucky to have a visit from Louise from the Red House Theatre Company. who took us on a whistle stop tour of the past. We  used drama to become Vikings, Romans, Whitby Abbey and even a Roman Road. It was such a fun way to learn more about history. Back in the classroom we  thought about ‘chronology’ and used our knowledge to create timelines of our own lives by ordering specific events.

It was delightful to welcome parents into school on Monday and Tuesday evening and be able to share each child’s achievements and successes so far. 

In art, we have been learning how to draw and shade, using the techniques of hatching, stippling and scribbling. Art is a firm favourite in Learners Class.

On Thursday we visited St John’s Church for our new starter service, where we also welcome Sleights’ new Vicar. Learners spoke about their inspirations and aspirations for their new class this year. Learners class sung beautifully in church, it really was very moving.

In computers, Learners have been learning more about online safety, where we carefully decided what could and could not be shared online.

Learners class love to learn 🙂


Learning Outside

The Pioneers have so many wonderful places to learn. We step outside the classroom into a wonderful space surrounded by green. There is always sand and water to explore and lots of things to climb on and to build with. This week we worked under the canopy to explore printing and colour and to get our acorns ready for their “hibernation” to plant next spring. We used a story map to remind us of what we needed to do and this included words that we could segment and blend.

Later in the day we walked around the edge of the field and the forest looking closely at the colours around us. The selection was fabulous. The Pioneers noticed the different shaped leaves and the changes that have happened since we returned to school.


What is History?

Learners class were keen to find out the meaning of the word ‘history’ this week. We had wonderful discussions about the past, present and the future and could identify experiences in our own lives from each of these categories. Next week, we will learning how to plot these experiences using a timeline. 

In English, we are continuing to prepare our explanation texts answering the question ‘what is a global neighbour? We reflected on the school visit from the Zambezi Sunrise Trust earlier in the year and could articulate and write about the wonderful charity they run.

We have really enjoyed mark making this week in Art, in the style of Pablo Picasso. We used pencils, wax crayons and charcoals to draw zigzags, curls and lines in our sketch books. I think Learners are definite artists in the making!

We enjoyed computers with Mrs Gurney on Thursday and learned some key E-Safety rules. Learners created a paper chain of  5 trusted adults that they could talk to and ask for help from if they needed to. Learners had great fun making these and ended the session with a game of  ‘Does Sid say yes or no?’

We finished the week with a fun PE session, perfecting our throwing and catching techniques. There was a lot of concentration in the room as we raced each other while balancing beanbags on our heads.

Another busy week of learning in Learners Class 🙂


Out and About with the Pioneers

The Pioneers spent the day outdoors exploring our wonderful site. We packed up our trolley and took responsibility for the kit we needed. Some helped to carry some very heavy buckets. We talked about looking after ourselves,looking after others and looking after our environment.

As we went along we pointed out hazards like nettles and thorns and big holes in the ground. We speculated that these could have been made by badgers.

Our first Forest Find was a sycamore tree and it’s seeds so we stopped to take a look . We walked the boundaries and discussed where it was safe to go. We then set up camp next to the Oak tree and had a good rummage around. Lots of ladybirds were relocated and acorns and leaves made their way into the treasure boxes. We shared a good book before moving up onto the field to explore.

We had snack in our outdoor area and a good phonics session before lunch.

In the afternoon we headed back to the forest to look closely at leaves,selecting some to press for printing later. One Pioneer suggested this.
We pulled some vegetables which was very exciting.  One Pioneer could identify the vegetable from the leaves.

To finish the day we repeated our bread dough making from last week with greater efficiency and a different kind of mess!

It was glorious.