Fantastic fairytales.

Happy new year. The first week  of 2024 has been busy in Learners Class as always.

In English we have been reading fairytales, as many as we could find. All week, we have been choosing snippets of our favourites, in order to create a recipe for our own fairytale stew. On Thursday we each wrote our own recipe, using a selection of ingredients including a strand of Rapunzel’s hair, a horn from the Billy Goat’s Gruff, a button from the Giant’s coat and some bits of bobbly beanstalk – to name but a few. On Friday we delighted in making a class fairytale stew with a big pan and spoon. We took turns to add an ingredient and were able to stir it into the stew. We have really enjoyed this writing topic, which is evident from our wonderful final pieces of writing!

We have been exploring shape in maths this week, identifying 2D and 3D shapes and identifying the names and properties of shapes.

We enjoyed our first PE session with Hawkes sports coaches and are beginning to build skills to help us learn to play basketball.

In computers we were delighted to be programming Bee-Bots, finding out that our commands were causing our Bee-Bots to move where we wanted.

In PSHCE this week, we have been finding out the difference between physical and mental health and agreed that looking after ourselves is extremely important.

On Tuesday 16th January we will start our first swimming session at Whitby pool. Please make sure your Learner brings a swimming costume and a towel in a bag and that earrings are taken out before arriving at school on Tuesday. Learners are very excited to start swimming sessions.

Learners love to learn everyday and enjoy working together in class.

The Elves Have Arrived

There has been much excitement on our return to school to find that we have elves. It started with just one and now we have six. Every day they have left us a letter and given us a job to do. This has involved quite a bit of reading using our new digraphs and a trigraph. The Pioneers have been finding out about the past by handling the items used in the Cobbler’s Shop. The elves used the leather to make the shoes and left them on the table, we compared this process with a video of how shoes are made now. Some things are the same but some are very different.

We made Elf Snacks by mixing and kneading the dough before cutting and cooking

The elves have been spotted on night vision video in the library and they were outside in the rain.

We made Elf Books and fastened these with paper fasteners and used the hole punch and glue.

We did some planning to build chairs and beds, realising that some structures were stronger than others.

So much happens in Pioneers in just 4 days.

Happy Learning!

It’s beginning to look ‘a lot’ like Christmas!

Sleights put on 2 wonderful nativity performances this week. The Church was packed and the atmosphere was magical. Learners class shone in their roles of shepherds and angels and they enjoyed every moment of it.

In English this week we have been creating story maps around the advert Sprout Boy and are keen to begin writing our narratives next week.

We have enjoyed lots of stories this week and Learners have been bringing in their favourite Christmas stories from home to enjoy in the classroom.

We had a wonderful day on Friday, finishing our DT Christmas decorations. We were successful in threading needles and showed some amazing sewing skills. We cut templates and pinned these to our chosen fabric. We then cut around these carefully, fastened them to hessian squares and decorated them with sequins and sparkles. We were delighted to take these home at the end of the day and display these proudly at home. We will be evaluating our design and creations next week.

Next week is jampacked with Christmas crafts, a Christingle service, Christmas dinner and parties and a trip to the pantomime. Hold on to your hats, it’s going to be lots of fun!

Learners class wish you all hope, peace and love for the Christmas holidays ahead.

The Nutcracker

As well as everything else that has been going on, the Pioneers have had a look at The Nutcracker We have listened to the wonderful music and danced and moved in time. We read the story together and they were fascinated that the toys came to life. We watched a beautiful performance of the ballet from The Royal Opera House and they loved the costumes and seeing the orchestra. We also had a bit of a chat about real and imaginary because some parts of the story are a bit scary. We also took time to prepare for next week’s trip to the pantomime. We are filled with excitement and wonder.

Advent adventures.

The festive period has begun and we have been busy preparing for oncoming Christmas activities.

In RE we have been thinking about the different symbols of advent. To consolidate our learning, we were lucky to be able to visit St John’s Church on Friday to look around and identify the signs of advent first hand. We could see the Church colours were purple, which matched our class prayer space. We saw an advent wreath with 5 candles, which represented the 4 Sundays of advent and 1 for Christmas Day. We stood in awe of the magnificent nativity stained-glass window and could identify some key people from the Christmas story.

In art this week, we produced some wonderful self-portraits. We have been working very hard on developing our drawing skills and techniques and were able to showcase these in our fantastic self-portraits. We were extremely proud of the results.

We are keen to begin writing our narratives next week, based around the Christmas advert ‘Sprout Boy’. This week we have been looking closely at Sprout Boy’s emotions through the story and have thought about different story starters. We are all bursting with ideas for our own individual stories.

We are looking forward to performing our nativity performance of Superstar this week at St John’s Church. If the rehearsals are anything to go by, the audience are in for a real treat!

Joining Materials

The Pioneers all love cutting and sticking and this week we have added other techniques for joining materials. They have used treasury tags, paper fasteners, paperclips and elastic bands. They tried a bit of weaving the paper and sticking with tape and blutac. They have experimented with cutting slits and tabs to join and have been incredibly focussed and skilled in this. There was not prototype or model to complete and the variety of structures was magnificent. Their creations were used in play during the week. This exploration will continue.

Lost and Found

This week we have been reading Lost and Found and the playing has been wonderful. A boat and a selection of maps have been added to the classroom and these have been very useful. The Pioneers wrote lists of what to pack for their journey. The played with the animals of the antarctic. They looked at globes and maps and atlases and Google Earth to spot the icy land masses. They were very interested in what a harbour was. We talked through the story map adding vocabulary and even sentences. The Pioneers are spotting punctuation all over the place.Mrs Gurney worked with the ipads  and made videos of ourselves retelling the story.

So much learning this week.

Advent-Preparing for Christmas

This week the Pioneers discussed their Advent Calendars and we are starting to get a bit excited about Christmas! We looked at our class book,The Path To the Church which details all the events in the Christian Church calendar. We changed the prayer space cloth to purple to reflect the colours seen in church and we will look for these signs of Advent when we visit next week. We then made our own Advent crowns and put in the candles. We discussed the colours and the textures and the hazards of flower arranging.

The oasis rings were a source of many questions and experimentation.

What An Amazing Week

Hello Visitors,

This week has been AMAZING! We have enjoyed writing our adverts, to try and tempt people to visit the Alps. Did you know the Alps attract over 30,000,000 people each year and they were formed over 65,000,000 years ago? They are the youngest mountain range in the world!

Not only have we been enjoying English, we have also learned lots more about Tudors in history. This week, we studied Elizabeth I, and why her time in reign is known as the Golden Era. Here we are presenting our findings to the rest of the class: