Representing and Exploring

The Pioneers are comfortable exploring number in lots of ways. They like to use counters and ten frames, Stickies, Moshi Monsters, buttons and anything they can find to count and compare. They are adding written calculations to their repetoire and love to write the longest calculations possible to represent the composition of a number. The focus this week has been wonderful with excellent questioning and explanations when asked, “How do you know?”


Who’s That Trip-Trapping Over My Bridge?

The elves have gone and left us with trolls and goats.We started the term by retelling the story of the Three Goats and the Troll. The Pioneers have costumes and materials and figures to retell the story. We then discuss the concept of a map and created on for the setting of the story. This allowed us to look down from above and draw a 2D representation of our 3D world. The focus was incredible and every setting contained the key elements of lush, green grass, short grass and a bridge and a river with rocks.

We then went to the forest in the wind and the rain to make Stick Trolls to retell the story in another way. This was wonderful and the writing on our return was just amazing. 

Go Pioneers!

Launch the Rocket

The Pioneers had another letter and a package delivered this week. The package contained a water powered rocket to blast off on the field. The Pioneers read the instructions, created labelled diagrams and went out into the field. The launch needed the right weather conditions so we checked the weather everyday until the wind dropped and the rain stopped. The sun shone and after a few damp attempts the rocket took flight. We built our own small rockets and used all the new skills to join the parts. The Pioneers really enjoyed writing about the rocket launch taking great care and spending a lot of time on their work.

A love of learning.

This week has been another busy week of learning in Learners class.

On Wednesday we were lucky to be visited by the Open The Book Worship Committee, who told the bible story of the Good Samaritan. Children from Discoverers and Leaders joined in with the acting and story telling and were successful in bringing the story to life.

Back in the classroom, Learners have been enjoying learning about the Jewish religion in RE lessons. We have been identifying important objects and traditions. We looked closely at the Jewish mezuzah, which is a visual sign in Jewish homes acting as a reminder to live by God’s word. Learners were fascinated by Hebrew writing, contained within the mezuzah. We wrote our own class mezuzah and thought carefully about the values that were important to us. In the coming weeks we will be having our own class Shabbat and it’s safe to say we are very excited about this!

In Science this week we have been identifying common plants and trees and were able to identify the differences between the features of different leaves.

Learners love to read and we enjoy many stories and books throughout each week. We were inspired by a workshop from the Reading Leaders last week and on a visit to the library this week were keen to investigate the types of books on offer. Everyone chose a book to take home too!

We hope families will visit Learners class this Wednesday (7th Feb) where we will be celebrating Chinese New Year with many themed activities. Please join us at 9.15-10.30am.

We Built a Big Thing

After last week’s build, we decided to go big-big enough for us all to fit in! We were very lucky to receive donations of large sheets of card so we were able to build some nice walls. The Pioneers worked together to join them using special card fasteners . This needed cooperation and communication and perseverance with Pioneers working on both sides of the walls to make things fit. Over the week we learned how to use a screwdriver and a card saw. We took lots of things apart to see use as our bits and bobs to stick on the control panel. The building will stay in the classroom and so far has been a rocket, a house and a castle. The play is wonderful.

Marvellous Maths.

We begun our week this week with an open Maths Activity morning. We welcomes 24 families into Learners Class alone! The class was buzzing with problem solving, times tables and practical activities around money, shape and time. It was wonderful to be able to share our learning with our families.

We have been focusing on our 5 times tables this week, using our fingers to help with multiplication and division facts. We are certainly becoming more confident!

In computers we have had a great time enjoying the Beebots to develop our programming skills. We looked at the four direction commands on a Beebot and using our powers of prediction to decide on the outcome of an algorithm. We created an obstacle course in the hall for the Beebots and loved having a really long race.

In Geography we have been finding out about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We looked at maps and were able to identify the whereabouts each country and name their capital cities.

In History, we are continuing to enjoy our topic Inventors and Inventions. This week we turned our focus to the invention of the wheel. We all agreed that this was indeed one of the greatest inventions and were able to identify many different ways the wheel was useful today. We particularly enjoyed mastering how to pronounce the place ‘Mesopotamia’.

Learners love to learn 🙂


Letters from The Elves

This week the elves have been sending their messages on the typewriter. We discussed that this is a bit like our computer keyboard but you cannot change the font or the colour of the text. It is also a bit more difficult when you make a mistake. We have been using the words past and present to talk about some of the items in the Cobbler’s Shop.

The elves asked for a house and so we gathered large loose parts and got going with the building. The Pioneers did well to share the space and the resources and the results are fabulous. New vocabulary was picked up along the way to describe the materials used.

The classroom was full of wonderful, purposeful investigation. You could see plans being made and reviewed and tested out. 

A wintry week.

This week has been particularly wintry and we have had a few days of snow.

Our first swimming session on Tuesday was a great success. We managed to get changed and unchanged into our swimming things independently, build on our water confidence and skills in the pool and we enjoyed every moment. We are extremely excited to do it all again next week.

In English, we have been reading The Good Little Wolf by Nadia Shireen. We are researching whether all wolves are bad! In the story Rolf (the little wolf) was far from bad and enjoyed making cakes and sharing with his friends. We will be reading more fairy tales to find out more about the characters of the different wolves we come across.

In computers we have been enjoying the Bee-bots. We are really enjoying programming to make the Bee-bots move around.

Parents evening on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd January will be a wonderful opportunity to share the Learners’ successes and achievements with families.

Requests From Our Elves

The Elves have left us a note every day to ask for help. They needed a bed and a chair so we made plans and build them joining wood and card. They spilt paint and left red footprints so we had to clear that up and do some pictures. They asked for a “light in the night” so we got out some torches. We also talked about life in the past without electricity and how the Cobbler’s Shop may only have had a candle. We lit the candle and talked about the dangers and how difficult this would be. They also went outside and got stuck in the snow, in the igloo. We had to dig them out. All of the letters they wrote contained some of our current digraphs which was very useful! Great focus and lots of writing.