Thursday the 26th of June – Pioneers,Here is your Learning Menu for Today.

Spin the wheel and make a word…or two.
Can you complete the words using the sounds on the wheel.

Make your wheel at

I have repeated the sounds to make it more exciting.
Happy Phonics Folks.

Here is a worksheet for you to try.


Yesterday’s suggestion was about what to pack for a journey.
Continuing on that theme,here is a suggestion for you:
Below are photographs of a selection of tools you might need on your journey.
What would you use them for?
Which one would be good for scooping peanut butter from a jar?
Which one would be good to lift up a wiggling worm?
Which one would you chose if you needed to help a baby bird back into its nest?
I’m not sure what they are all for. Could you tell me what you think and why?
Could you use any of them to dig a hole?
Would you be able to paint with any of them?
I’d love to hear what you think.

Wednesday 24th June 2020

Good morning, Discoverers,

I hope you are well 🙂

Here are the answers for yesterday’s maths questions. How did you get on?

Today, you are continuing to look at statistics, and Jack needs some advice.

Look carefully at the graph he has created, and answer the questions related.


Today, in English, we are focusing on the lines ‘Night before daybreak, the old day is done.’

What do these words mean?

You may interpret the lines as meaning that every day, when you wake up, it is a fresh start.

I want you to imagine that you can do anything when you wake up tomorrow. You have the whole day to plan as you wish.

I would like you to create a plan for what you would do with your day, from the minute you wake up, to the minute you go to sleep.

You might like to create a timetable, and present your plan within it. Or you could write your activities in a list, but remember to include timings so that you know you can fit everything in!

I can’t wait to read about where you would go, and who you would see 😀

Today, in RE, I would like you to think about your future.

Which celebrations would you like to see in it?

I would like you to think about important events that you would like to happen in your lifetime and try to answer this question: Why do you want these things to happen? What would it mean to you? How will you celebrate?

For example: You might like to go to university, so you may see yourself at graduation. You might want this to happen, so that you can get the job you are wanting. It may be very important to you and so you might celebrate by attending a graduation event, and then having a special meal with your family.

You could discuss this task with a family member, or you may like to write it down.

I am sure that there are many celebrations that you are looking forward to, and I can’t wait to hear about them.

Have a great day everybody, 

Mrs Taylor 

Wednesday the 24th of June 2020- Suggestions for Pioneers.

Count the strawberries on the plate.
Count the ponies in each photograph.
How many strawberries can each pony have?
Can you make it fair?
You can draw pictures.
You can write number sentences.
That’s maths magic!


“I went on a trip. I put my things in a brown bag. I am sure I forgot stuff. I checked my list…
In my brown bag I put…”

In the story “Rain Before Rainbows” there is a line about going on a wonderful journey.
If you were going on a journey you would need to pack a bag.
What would you take with you to go on a trip?

Look at the tings that I have packed in my brown bag. Can you list all the things.
You could use my sentence starter to play the memory game.
Are all the things that were in the bag on the 2nd photograph?
Is there anything missing?
Is anythiing differemt?
You can write a list or some sentences.


Here is you phonics suggestion for today. Revise the sounds from Monday and Tuesday and add in todays which is “ar” Flash cards Geraldine

Enjoy the sunshine.

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good morning, Discoverers, 

I hope that you had a lovely day in the sunshine yesterday 😀

How are you finding statistics so far?

Here are your questions for today’s maths task?

Let me know if you need a hand with any of them. 


Yesterday, in English,  we looked at pairs of things, where one comes after the other. In the story, there is a particular emphasis on the second outcome being more positive than the first. Especially rain (miserable) rainbows (wonderful), clouds (dull) sun (bright).

Can you think of any pairings, where the first thing is more positive than the second. For example: lots of ice-cream before feeling sick, long walk before big blisters. 

You could write your pairs, or draw them, which ever you would prefer 😀


Yesterday, you drew your journey in life so far, and today, we are going to look at this journey. 

Just as Christians have particular celebrations throughout their journey e.g. Christenings, marriages, Christmas etc. I would like you to think about which celebrations have been most important in your life so far. 

It may be a Christian celebration, or it may be one of your own. 

You could add them to your journey, if you haven’t already, or write about them separately. I would love to see them 😀 

Have a great day everybody, 

Mrs Taylor 


Tuesday 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Leaders
A beautiful start to the week – let’s hope it continues.??
I hope you enjoyed looking closely at the illustrations of the book yesterday.  Today we are going to concentrate on the characters – remember to look at the finer details of each picture to give you clues. ?
Rain Before Rainbows – English
After investigating the colours of the pages yesterday, today we are going to investigate the characters.
Have a look through the pictures and see what you can find out about the character in the story.  Can you tell how she is feeling?  Does the character(s) change throughout the story?  Why does this happen?
Graphs – Maths
Today, we are going to look at bar chart.  Answer the questions using the graph.
Nocturnal Animals – Science
The little girl in ‘Rain Before Rainbows’ has a companion who is a fox.  Foxes are mainly a nocturnal animal although some can be seen during the day.
Today, I’d like you to firstly define what a nocturnal animal is and then find out as much as you can about foxes.  You can present this information any way you would like.  You might want to create a poster, top trump card, fact file or something completely different.
Once you have found the information- why do you think the author has chosen a fox to be a character with the little girl?



Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning, Discoverers,

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend, and managed to enjoy the ever-changing weather.

It certainly helped with our rain and cloud experiments!

We are going to move on to learning about statistics, in maths this week.

We have looked at this in class previously, so hopefully it will come back to you when reading the questions I have attached.

Statistics is looking at data, which is usually in the form of a table, a chart or a graph, and analysing this.

Today, I want you to simply focus on the graph that you have been given, and see if you can answer the questions related.

Then, using the information in each table, create two bar charts to represent this. Use the bar chart in the first question to help you lay out your own.


This week, in English, we are continuing to look at our story: Rain Before Rainbows.

In the story, there are many examples where something comes before something else. For example: rain before rainbows, clouds before sun.

Today, I would like you to try and think of some other examples of this. For example: closed eyes before dreams, clean wellies before muddy walks, etc.


We are going to be learning about RE this week, and focusing on two key questions:

Why do some people think that life is a journey? What significant experiences mark this?

Today, I want you to think about your life so far. Do you think that it has been a journey?

To help you answer this question, you can draw a map of your life so far.

You can do this however you like: you may wish to draw key events on a timeline, or write captions along a road.

Get creative, and have fun 😀

Have a wonderful day,

Mrs Taylor 

Friday 19th June 2020

It’s Friday again already!!

This week seems to have flown quickly by. I hope you are all ready for a lovely weekend. You might want to try out your forest school knots making a den in your garden over the weekend to either enjoy in the sunshine or hide under in the rain. ?

It would be great to see your creations – happy den making.


English – Rain Before Rainbows 

‘A rope to hold on to.’

Today,I’d like you to have a go at a short piece of descriptive writing. Imagine you are a character in story. This could be any story you can imagine and you are up to the part where you need a rope to hold on to. Continue the story to tell me where you are, what you are doing and why you need the rope?


Maths – Ratio

This is the last set of ratio and proportion questions before moving onto a different topic next week.

See how many you can get.


Forest School

Another line from Rain Before Rainbows – ‘A rope to hold on to.’

There are a number of knots that we can learn to help us in forest schools – some of which are very useful in den building to help secure a tarpaulin.

Find yourself a piece of rope or you could even use a shoelace (remember to put it back in the shoe afterwards) and see if you can have a go at learning these knots. 

Friday’s News – 19th June

Good morning everyone!

I can’t believe it’s Friday already!

I think the weather is set to warm up a little again, which will be nice!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-
In Maths we will use all the coin/money skills we have learned this week and have a go at some money games!
In English we are thinking about the line from our book which says ‘Footsteps to follow, words that are wise’. I would like you to discuss what you think this means and talk about whose footsteps you would like to follow in and why?
In Phonics there are some real and nonsense words to practise.
It’s Read-a-Book Friday, so grab a book and cuddle up somewhere cosy and enjoy reading together!
RE – Following in Jesus’s footsteps – how and why would and should we do this?

Keep in touch with me as always and have a lovely weekend!
Best wishes and keep those big smiles smiling!
Mrs Brown


Maths – Money Games

You have worked really hard this week and have become much more confident recognising and using money – well done!

Today, we will use all the skills you have learned this week and apply them when we try these two fun money games ;- 




Yes its Friday again!
That can only mean one thing – Read-a-Book-Friday!
So grab a book, or you could even check out Oxford Owl or sign up for the Virtual Library Summer Challenge if you haven’t already.

Also check out the story link Mr Grason mentioned in his email on Wednesday, which has been set up by the National Literary Trust and Stephen Joseph Theatre – here’s the link again below;- 

Whatever you do enjoy reading today!


English – Footsteps to follow

In English today we will think about another line from our book ‘Footsteps to follow, words that are wise’.
Talk together and discuss what you think footsteps to follow means? Does it mean walking behind someone? What else can it mean?
Talk about why you might want to follow in someone’s footsteps? Whose footsteps might you want to follow in?
Have a discussion first, then write down your findings if you would like.

I would like to follow in my Grandma’s footsteps because she is the kindest person I have ever known!


Phonics – Words to practise 

Today in Phonics let’s use all of our Phonics knowledge and practise some words together.
There are some real words and also some nonsense (alien) words to practise! – see picture below!

Let me know how you get on!


RE – Following in Jesus’ Footsteps

In English today we have been thinking about what it means to follow in someone’s footsteps!
I would like you also to think how you can follow in Jesus’s footsteps.
What would you need to do to follow in Jesus’s footsteps? What does the Bible tell us about what kind of person he was? What did he do that we might want to be like him?
Can you discuss this together, there is no need to write anything down unless you would like to.

Watch this lovely dance and song about following in Jesus’s footsteps! 

Friday 19th June 2020

Happy Friday, Discoverers, 

I hope you’re having a great week so far 😀

Today, in English, we are going to be creating a piece of art. 

I would like you to listen to the story again: Rain Before Rainbows, and then draw a picture that represents how you feel when you listen to it. 

It may be how you feel at a particular point in the story, or the overall feeling you get after listening to the whole thing. 

You can draw anything, or simply use colours to capture your mood. 

It would be great if you could write a sentence underneath your picture, explaining why you have drawn this. 

Here is the link to the story, incase you would like to read it yourself:


Here are the answers for yesterday’s maths questions. How did you get on? 

In maths today, I would like you to answer this word problem. 

Try to explain your answer as thoroughly as you can, and use an example to prove your point. 

Continuing with our weather theme, today you could make a raingauge. 

A rain gauge is a tool for measuring the amount of rain that has been produced. 

Follow these simple instructions, and let me know how much rain there is where you live. 

Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend, 

Mrs Taylor 

Thursday’s News – 18th June

Good morning Learners and families!
How are you all today?
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows:-
In Maths, we will be using our money skills to have a go at some money word problems.
In English, we are thinking about the line from our book ‘A rope to hold on and treasure to find’. What are the treasures in your life and what treasures have you yet to find?
In Phonics, using our Phonics Sound Mats, we are looking for like-sounding sounds.
In Art today, still thinking about our book and the line ‘treasure to find’, we will focus on one of the beautiful illustrations and try to create a collage or a painting/drawing that is similar.

Keep in touch with me as always, I am always interested in what you are doing!
Keep smiling 🙂
Mrs Brown


English – A rope to hold onto and treasure to find

In our story, the people we care about are referred to as ‘A rope to hold on to’. Yesterday we talked about the people we could think of who were courageous and kind.
The story mentions that in the future we will have treasure to find……..
What do you think this means?
What are the things in your life that you treasure the most? And what treasure might you yet discover?
It might not just be people, it could be things that you love to see, such as the sea or animals or even something you would like to do in the future like travel to another country or ride a horse.

What will your treasure include?


Phonics – Like-sounded sounds

Today, I would like you to group together like-sounded sounds – using both of your phonics mats (I’ve attached some more if you you have mis-placed your own)

you could even write out the sounds and group the sounds that are the same – or even write a list.

For instance ‘igh’ and ‘ie’ are like-sounded sounds.
Can you find any others that are the same?


Art – Treasure to find

Today in art I would like you to look at page 24-25 of our book Rain Before Rainbows;- Here’s the link again ;- 

I would like you to create a picture today that is similar – you can copy the picture in the book if you would like. It is a picture that shows a new day and the rising of the sun and new hope.

you could make a collage with bits of paper/material, you could paint or you could draw. You could even use a mixture of all three.

I can’t wait to see your creations.


Money word problems

We have been getting more familiar with coins this week and have added different coin amounts together.
We have also been shopkeepers for the day, which was lots of fun!

Today we are going to use all our money skills to answer some money word problems – see photo below.
Remember to take your time when you are doing word problems, you may even have to read the problem twice.
Good luck!