Poetry is in the air!

Learners have embraced poetry in English this week. We have been looking closely at Christina Rossetti’s poem ‘What is Pink?’. We discussed the language and mood the poem evokes. We then began to create our own colour poems, thinking carefully about our word choices and the overall feeling of the poem. We are very proud of our poems so far and hope to put all our ideas together to create a class poem to perform next week. 

In Science we have been learning about our senses, we can identify the parts of the body that enable us to see, hear, taste, touch and smell. 

In Art, we have been drawing in the style of Paul Klee. Drawing on our sills of mark making and using light and dark tone, we drew a Paul Klee style portrait. We listened to relaxing piano music as we drew and our final pieces were wonderful. 

We are enjoying singing in class in preparation for our musical concert in Church next Thursday (7th July) at 1.30pm.

Learners Class love to learn 🙂

All About Animals

The Pioneers really enjoyed their time with the visitor from The Dog’s Trust. They were very receptive and were able to recap on the 4 important points from the lesson. They knew not to tough a dog if it is asleep ore eating. The knew not to cuddle a dog and to ask for permission before approaching a dog that was not known to them. This was quite impressive. They all had lots of chat about dogs in their families.

Very useful learning.

After reading Somebody Swallowed Stanley the Pioneers voiced their concerns about the animals in the story-the turtle,the whale and the jellyfish. some had seen videos of animals in distress trapped in fishing nets and discarded plastic. When we went to our forest they noted that their was rubbish and this could be dangerous to wildlife on our site. The Pioneers made their own Stanleys and added labels with a warning “Plastic Bags Don’t Belong in the Forest”. They made story maps and wrote about Stanley.

Happy Learning

We love the outdoors!

We have had a week full of the great outdoors this week. We have enjoyed our first School sports day in two years and it was sensational! The sun was shining, the children tackled each activity with a sense of fun and positivity. They cheered each other on and supported their friends and siblings. Our families were able to spectate this year. There were smiles all round! 

On Friday, we ended the week with a visit to the forest. The weather was beautiful, we found some shade and laid out some rugs and cushions. We read and enjoyed stories together, we sketched using grass and charcoal, we climbed trees, and we even practised our singing for the up and coming church concert. We embraced every moment of being outdoors.

In maths, we have been measuring water this week and learning about capacity and volume. Whilst in science, we have been identifying parts of our bodies.

We were delighted to receive a reply from our hedgehog awareness letters (sent to our neighbours last week) and were lucky to receive a gift of a hedgehog ornament along with a letter. This certainly made our day and we were so thankful to our kind neighbour.

Who knows what next week will have in store?

Read our blog next week to find out!

Learners class.

A fun-filled week in Leaders

What a fantastic week it has been in Leaders class!

On Monday and Tuesday, 11 children from Leaders class took part in Bikeability training, receiving excellent feedback from the instructors. Well done to all involved! Children not attending Bikeability, enjoyed working with Liz Collier on the whole school art project as well as taking part in a visit from Dogs Trust.

On Thursday afternoon, it was brilliant to welcome families in to school again to watch Sports Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed participating in all of the events and a great afternoon was had by all.

In addition to the many events happening in school this week, Leaders have also conducted an investigation into the impact of exercise on their heart rate. It was excellent to see the application of their knowledge from previous science lessons when they were producing their predictions and conclusions. The children also enjoyed working in groups during history this week to research the Peloponnesian war, using the internet and books.


An Active Week for All

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for visiting our page again, this week. We have had another busy week, with so much fun and excitement. 

Earlier in the week, we spent time with Suzie, from Dogs Trust, and we learned how to keep ourselves safe around dogs. Then, later in the week, some of us took part in Bikeability, and learned how to ride our bikes safely. We practiced on the playground, and then traveled around Sleights Village, gaining experience on roads and different junctions. 

On Thursday afternoon, we had our amazing sports day. We had been waiting a lot time to welcome our families into school, and we showed them our great sport skills, and brilliant team spirit. 

For a look at this week’s adventures, take a look at the images below:


Our exciting week!

Last week Adventurers had a really exciting week!

In English we wrote letters to the WWF on why we thought orangutans were so important to our planet. Mrs Brown posted them on Friday! Hopefully we will get some replies soon.

On Wednesday, we had a busy morning creating some art work that is going to be displayed around the school. In the afternoon, we played tennis at Whitby College. Mrs Brown couldn’t believe how amazing we were!

This morning has been an exciting morning so far as we had a visitor from the Dog’s Trust. She taught us how to look after and protect ourselves around dogs.

Hopefully the rest of the week is just as exciting!

What a Whirlwind of a Week!

This week has had so much great learning going on. Our old buildings have come down and we have met Andy and Jack our builders who are keeping us up to date on progress. we have a whole new vocabulary to use when discussing the building equipment-Skid Steer,Rotor Snip and Containers. We have seen recycling happening on a big scale and watched as the materials are sorted and moved.

Liz,our artist joined us to work on big boards,talking about animals and colours. This was a moment of peace and focus.

The chicks caused a great stir and we all found it very hard not to squeal and jump. They did have little scratchy feet and they did want to flap about a bit. Mrs McGill was there to reassure everyone and offer a firm but gentle hand to move the birds around.

Maths has been magical and involved as always.

Oh and we went to the forest and something had been making big holes in the bark chippings. The Pioneers had a few suggestions to offer but we did not come to a conclusion. We will have to look for further clues!

Very Happy Learning!

Friday 17th June 2022

This week has seen two visitors, buildings being demolished and a sporting event. It has certainly been a busy and enjoyable week in Leaders class.

On Monday, we were joined by Mini Medics in school. Throughout the morning, the children learned how to call for help, put someone in the recovery position, give CPR and how to access a defibrillator. The children were amazing throughout the session and thoroughly enjoyed practicing their new skills.

We were also joined by local artist, Liz Collier, for two art sessions this week. Liz worked with the children to create art inspired by the five British Values that, when completed, will be displayed around school. The children enjoyed working collaboratively on a number of tasks during these sessions.

In addition to the visitors that we have had in class, the children have also been learning about phonetic sounds in French and have been using their calculation skills to work out salaries, take-home pay and hourly rates in maths. In science, Leaders learned about the heart, veins, arteries and blood. The children enjoyed creating a circulatory system on the playground.

What an exciting week!

Wow! What an exciting week we have had. We enjoyed our usual swim session on Tuesday and we are becoming so much more confident in the water.

In RE, we have begun to discuss our new focus question ‘What makes some places sacred?’ We had purposeful discussions about the word sacred and we drew pictures of our own ‘safe’ places and were able to explain why it was special to us.

On Thursday morning we were lucky to welcome local artist Liz Collier into Learners class. She worked with us all morning to create some art pieces around the theme of ‘diversity’. This will be collaborated into a whole school art piece and we are so excited to see the final result. Enjoy our pictures below;-

To add to our excitement, we were able to watch the demolition of our pre-school building this week. This was fascinating and a big moment for the school, as we look forward to the building of our new Early Years classrooms! There were lots of ‘oooohs’ and ‘aaahs’ from the children (and staff) as the building came crashing down! As our writing topic is currently letter writing, we have been inspired to write our next letter to the builders on site, we are thinking carefully about the questions we may ask them.

What an exciting week!

Learners class

Welcome to Learning in Our New Classroom

This week we left behind the four walls of our old classroom and starting learning in our new classroom with all of our familiar resources.This transition was wonderful and well handled by everyone and we lost no learning time. 

We are continuing our work on Animals and this has been based around whales and then we had a wonderful arrival-an alligator head. This caused quite a bit of excitement and the writing flowed rapidly