Our first week in Leaders

The children have had a brilliant first week back in school.

This week, marked the whole school coming back together in the hall for lunch for the first time since 2020. Leaders were tasked with taking on the role of servers and have done a fabulous job so far. On Wednesday, children also paired up with children in Pioneers to walk from school to watch the Tour of Britain. The children were great role models for the pioneers, demonstrating exactly what it means to be a leader. 

The children have worked extremely hard in all lessons this week. In maths, the children have tackled Roman numerals and place value, working with numbers up to 1,000,000 and 10,000,000. 

In English, our writing focus has been on The Tour of Britain. The children have used a range of conjunctions in their writing so far and we are looking forward to completing this work next week.

To finish off our week, the children researched their focus artist for this half term, Esther Mahlangu. We are looking forward to learning more about her artwork and using it to inspire ours. 

Next week marks the return of swimming lessons and music with Ralph, which we are all looking forward to. Keep an eye on our class blog page for updates!

An Excellent First Week as Discoverers

Hello Visitors, 

We are so excited to be writing our first post as year 4 pupils! 

We are now in Discoverers class and can’t wait to share all of the exciting things that happen during our week.

This week, we went out to watch the Tour of Britain cycling race. It was amazing to see the cyclists pedalling so hard. We were inspired by their efforts and have organised our own cycle-to-school day. Check out our picture of posters below.


Our first week!

Hello families!


We have had a brilliant and exciting first week in Adventurers! We have spent the week getting to know each other and enjoying our learning!

In English we have been writing information posters about ‘The Tour of Britain’. On Wednesday afternoon, we were lucky enough to see the cyclists pass through Sleights – we cheered really loud!

We have started to read a book by Roald Dahl called, ‘The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me’. We have been making predictions on what we think will happen in the book as well as answering questions and being really good reading detectives!

In worship we have started to explore our value of ‘Generosity’ and we will explore this further throughout this half term.

We have had a great week and here is a picture of us all enjoying our new class!

Adventurers 🙂 


A great start for Learners.

Learners dived straight into their learning with enthusiasm and gusto this week. We may only have had a four-day week, but we have achieved a great deal.

On Wednesday, we delighted in being able to watch the Tour of Britain cycling race go right passed our school. There were cheers and gasps as the cyclists and safety vehicles whizzed passed. This has inspired our writing this week and we have been including onomatopoeia words in our writing about the race.

In maths this week, we have been sorting objects into groups and using ten-frames to build teen numbers. Learners have shown such confidence in their learning this week, which is wonderful after the long summer break.

We enjoyed PE with Mr Gokool and learning more about keeping safe online, with Mrs Gurney.

We have shared stories, explored the classroom and enjoyed playing together this week. We have settled into our new class and routines with independence and ease. There have been smiles all round. What a fabulous start to the school year! 

Learners love to learn 🙂

Nearly there!

Hi families,

Another busy week for the Adventurers last week! The children enjoyed two full days in their new classroom ready for next year. They all had a wonderful time and are excited for September.

On Wednesday we started to write haiku poems about the building work going on in school. The children had fun with these and it was really quite tricky counting syllables in words and making them fit the poem’s structure!

In History we looked at how Ancient Greece influenced life today. The children conducted some research on why arts and education were important to families in their homes. This was really interesting and the children found out lots of new information.

Here’s to a fun final week in Adventurers!

Nearing The Summer Holidays


Thank you for visiting Discoverers’ blog 🙂

We have had a very busy week, after lots of trips have been happening for different classes, and we had our transition days where we spent time with our new teachers.

We visited the North Yorkshire Moors, where we learned about the environment there, and the work that goes in to protecting it. 

We spent time with Mrs Porter this week, and did lots of fun activities getting to know each other better.

In class, we have also been thinking about the journey of different religions, and the important events that happen within Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism. 

We hope you have a lovely week,


A crane in the playground!

This week we have been incredibly excited. A huge crane arrived at school, to deliver the new Early Years buildings. Learners class were so excited and delighted in going outside to watch. We were amazed!
Monday and Tuesday saw the transition of the Year 2’s to Adventurers Class and we welcomed in the new Year 1’s with open-arms! We had a wonderful few days in our new classes and I know the new Learners will be wonderful.
In English this week, we have been using Christina Rossetti’s ‘What is Pink’ poem for inspiration and decided to write our own class poem. Please check out our video on Tapestry of our wonderful poem, we all felt very proud.
In Science this week, we have been focusing on how we keep ourselves healthy. We have been describing balanced meals, using different food groups and have also been able to identify the need to exercise, drink plenty of water and sleep to keep ourselves fit and strong.
As always, we have enjoyed reading and listening to stories in class this week. Some Learners even brought in their own books from home and read these to their peers. This is always fabulous to see. There is always a buzz for learning in Learners Class! 🙂

All About Creatures of the Sea

This week has been all about sea creatures and their features. We have taken a close look at the cod, prawn,squid and an oyster.We did take them outside as some of the rest of Team Sleights did say that they were a bit smelly but the Pioneers didn’t seem to mind too much.
We found out that cod do have teeth and that they have a mighty big tongue too. The fins were quite impressive and the eyes were bright and shining. The Pioneers drew foodchains and added labels. They then did some pretty impressive drawings,selecting colours with care.
The chip shop has been a very popular addition to the classroom. Pots have been labelled and menus have been written.
We also had time to look at Flotsam-a wonderful wordless picture book and as if by magic,we found a camera just like the one in the book. The Pioneers were fascinated by all of the things that had washed up from the sea.
Wonderful Happy Learning

Another week in Adventurers!

This week has been another busy week for the Adventurers! We started the week looking at the Ancient Greeks and learning about the Parthenon. We enjoyed comparing pictures of the famous temple from the past and the modern day.

In Science we have been learning about the human skeleton and how it supports our bodies. We moved on to look at muscles and how they work with the skeleton to allow us to move.

Yesterday, we really enjoyed ourselves in Church and loved performing our song ‘Three Little Birds’. We also shared an acrostic poem about how to persevere when things are difficult and why this is important.

We had a visit from the library who told us all about the summer reading challenge. Hopefully we can all get involved with this over the holidays.

See you next week,


Here is some of our art work that we promised to share with you!