Tiny Acorns

This week has been punctuated by acorns and conkers. We went to the forest on Wednesday and found the most beautiful Oak Tree covered in fabulous,silky smooth acorns wearing little hats. We filled our pockets with forest treasure and lay under the tree to see if the sky was falling. On return to the classroom we looked at the most beautiful book called Lost Words. The illustrations are exquisite.

Taking inspiration from our own green and pleasant land we drew pictures using pastels. Some drew acorns and some drew the owls we saw earlier in the week.

Beautiful learning.

Fun With Conkers

Our collection of conkers has grown and grown thanks to helpful friends,parents and Mrs Weston our wonderful reading helper. We now have enough to bury lions and tiger,to fill a wheel barrow and to make musical instruments with. I think a baby was also burrowing down in them this week too. Pouring,filling,measuring,rolling and balancing have all been very popular. The wheelbarrow added an extra dimension and it took teamwork to move it around our small space. The pipes and tubes have been adjusted and tilted to fire conkers from tray to tray.

Lots of fun and lots of learning

Go Pioneers-finding new ways to get things done.

A Snake,Two Owls and a Hedgehog

We have been asking the question,” Who lives in our forest? and today we met some possible residents. The Pioneers were absolutely delighted to meet a snake and find out that like the boa constrictor in our song, in squeezes its prey. Next we were introduced to the hedgehog,who seemed to hicccup when he was tickled. The owls were spectacular and the barn owl flapped his big wings.

The squeals of delight said it all.

Pop in to the classroom to see our story maps and some more pictures. We also have a wonderful snakeskin to looks at.

Paint a Pumpkin

Pumpkins are things of beauty and beautiful to hold. The initial idea was to paint the pumpkins-stilllife style however the instruction can be interpreted in a different way. One of the Pioneers decided to paint the pumpkin so that set our exploration off in another direction. We painted on the pumpkin and tried rolling and pressing them on to paper to make imprints.

This was truly beautiful to watch and we will repeat this to enjoy further exploration.

Reading Together

We had the great pleasure of welcoming the Leaders to read and sing with us. It was so lovely to see the care and consideration offered by all. The children are all familiar with each other after sharing lunchtimes,playtimes and Collective Worship. We began the session by singing our favourite,”Little Bunny Fou Fou” and then we quietened down to finish the day with a shared story. The older children wrote in the reading record of their younger friends,to note their visit and the book they shared.

Happy Sleights School Family

Autumn Sunshine

This week we have done  a lot of learning outdoors in our beautiful village and school grounds. The addition of some new bricks and some Hi-Viz Vests have brightened up our already popular Big Building.  The building tools have been used for the purpose of surgery. I have been invited to numerous appointments to have treatment. The treatment has most often been having my leg chopped off at varying intervals.

We have cut down some of our lavender to dry for playing in the dough over the winter and we have started to gather the apples from the trees to make crumble in the next few weeks.

We took a few trips to the forest too and it is just the best place. Our pockets were full of forest treasure. On return to the classroom we have counted and compared,looked carefully and found out more. So much learning.

We also walked up to the Church together and walked through the beautiful Church grounds. 

Happy Autumn.