It’s Lovely Outside

So much discovery and learning goes on  outside. We have so many different little corners and open spaces to explore. The apple tree is dropping apples and they have been used to fly through some pipe pieces. Others have explored the floating and sinking of natural materials-apples,leaves and sand mainly. The big building materials are always popular and the Pioneers have been creating homes and towers and some complex slides. Turn taking and following rules are always useful skills to work on and a big group sorted out there own game of searching for hidden items. This was beautiful to watch. Digging continues in one small corner and I am told that it does wonders for upper body strength and developing muscles and flexibility in the wrists and arms-all good for developing writing…and it makes a mess.

Happy Learning

Stay and Play

Every Monday after school ,families are invited to stay and play and get to know what goes on in Pioneer Class. Each week different activities will be set out. This week we tried a bit of painting and played around with Numicon. The Russian Dolls are a big hit. It was very lovely to have time to chat and play together.

Happy Learning

Our Green and Pleasant Land

To l.aunch our new topic, we started with art. What a fantastic day. All the children have used pastels and danced on paper to “I like to move it,move it” Mark making was a full body work out. We went to the forest and collected a selection of green things. On our return to the classroom we printed with plungers and mashers,whisks and cogs. It was clear that everyone was focussed and had a plan. Please pop in to see more photographs of the process.