Thursday’s News – 9th July

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well today!

Today’s suggested Home Learning activities are as follows;- More details on Tapestry!
The question from our book today is ‘Why do stars twinkle?’
In English, we will be thinking about the Nursery Rhyme ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ and looking closely at rhyming words.
In Maths, there are some time games to enjoy!
In preparation for Sports Day, (look out for tomorrows post) we will be warming our bodies up ready!
Don’t forget to read a little today and keep writing in your Reading diary this week!
Let me know how you are getting on with the Virtual Summer Reading Challenge too!
Have a lovely day and keep smiling as always πŸ™‚
Best wishes,
Mrs Brown

Wednesday 8th July

Good morning everyone!
I hope you are all ok!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-
In English we are thinking about the question in our book that asks ‘Why do trees lose their leaves?’
It’s Read-a-Book-Wednesday – enjoy cosying up somewhere and enjoy some time reading – Don’t forget to write in your Reading Diary afterwards!
In Maths, we have been learning about time this week. Today, we will use our knowledge to play a fun board game!
In Science, we will be finding out more about why trees lose their leaves as we discover more about the Seasons.
Thank you so much for all your messages, photographs and videos on Tapestry. It is so lovely to keep in touch with you all!
I will be ringing parents throughout this week in relation to Reports which will be sent out or collected next week! Please let myself or Mr Grason know your preference.
Have a good day and keep smiling as always πŸ™‚
Mrs Brown

Tuesday’s News – 7th July

Good morning everyone!
Tuesday’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-
Today, our question from our book is ‘What are bees looking for?’ With this in mind, we will be writing some instructions for bees to help them go about their daily routine!
In Maths, we will continue to look at time – focusing today on O-clock and half past the hour.
In Phonics today there is a fun diagraph song to enjoy!
Also, a happy song to listen to…..Don’t worry, bee happy!
In Science we will find out the answer to our question….What are bees looking for?

I hope you enjoy todays activities.
Don’t forget to write in your reading diary today too!
Bee good and keep smiling πŸ™‚
Mrs Brown

Good Morning Learners – Monday 6th July

Good morning everyone!
I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;- More details on Tapestry.
In English, thinking about a question from our book ‘Why do flowers smell nice?’, we will be focusing on flowers and also listing flower names alphabetically!
In Maths this week we will be looking at time – today let’s create a record of when we do things during the day!
This week we will be keeping a reading diary – keeping a diary in our own words explaining what is happening in our book!
In Computing we will be addressing the important topic of internet safety as a reminder of how we can stay safe online!

Keep in touch with me as always and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in any way!
Best wishes, keep smiling πŸ™‚
Mrs Brown

Hurray! It’s Friday! – 3rd July

Hello everyone, I hope you are well today!
It’s Friday again – the weeks are going so fast!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;- More details on Tapestry.
In English, we are thinking about the question in our book that asks ‘What do birds say when they sing?’. We will have some fun and imagine what the birds could be saying!
In Maths, we have worked hard on our daily challenges this week, so today let’s enjoy some fun games!
In Phonics we will practise our phonics sounds using our sounds mats!
In Science, we will learn to recognise different birds songs! This really is very interesting!

I hope you have a lovely weekend whatever it is you are doing!
Keep happy and keep smiling!
Best wishes,
Mrs Brown

Thursday’s News – 2nd July

Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well today!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;- Details on Tapestry.
Today, we are focusing on the question from our book which says ‘ How many people are there in the World? Is there anyone just like me?’
In English we will explore how we are different from the other people in our family, in our school and in the World.
In Maths there are two daily challenges today – just to keep you on your toes!
In Handwriting we will continue to practise, today writing the months of the year.
In PSHE we are celebrating ourselves and how amazing we are – this is for Mums and Dads too!

Keep in touch as always and keep smiling πŸ™‚
Best wishes,
Mrs Brown

A New Month – Wednesday 1st July

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well.
We are really enjoying our new book ‘Why is the sky blue?’ and finding out some fascinating facts!
Today’s question is ‘How big are icebergs?’ – see Tapestry for more information!
Today in English, we become an iceberg ourselves, finding out what is above and below the surface of ourselves!
In Maths, another daily challenge. These are really getting us thinking!
In Handwriting today, we will be writing the days of the week, thinking about ascenders and descenders when writing letters.
With our focus today on icebergs, in Geography we will find out about one of the coldest places in the World, Antarctica!,

The weather is slightly cooler this week, which is nice and refreshing for now!
Keep in touch with me and let me know what activities you are doing.
Keep smiling as always πŸ™‚
Mrs Brown

Tuesday’s News – 30th June

Good morning everyone.
I hope you are all well today!
Did you enjoy our new book yesterday ‘Why is the Sky Blue?’, it is full of fascinating things to talk about.
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;-
In English, we will be thinking about one of the questions from our book ‘Can fish hear things?’. We will write some sentences of the things that we imagine fish can hear.
In Maths, the daily challenge today will definitely require your thinking caps! Good luck!
There is some more handwriting to practise today – this time upper and lower case letters.
In Science, still thinking about ‘Can fish hear things?’ we will find out more about sound, what sound is and how sounds are made.

Keep in touch with me as always and keep smiling πŸ™‚
Best wishes,
Mrs Brown

Monday 29th June – A New Week

Good morning Learners and families.
I hope you have enjoyed the weekend, we have definitely had a real mix of weather!
Today’s suggested learning activities are as follows;- More details on Tapestry!
In English, we will be introduced to a new book ‘Why is the sky blue?’. We will listen to the fascinating questions in the book and try and think of our own too.
In Maths this week, we will have a challenge a day – These will really keep us thinking! Today’s challenge is about the number 8!
Some handwriting practise today – let’s get our writing even more beautiful!
Music – Thinking about our new book and our wonderful world, here’s a song to enjoy!

You have all been fantastic at staying in touch – keep it going- you are all amazing!
Keep smiling πŸ™‚ and look out for tonight’s story at 6pm!
Mrs Brown

Hurray It’s Friday – 26th June

Good morning everyone.
Thank you so much to families keeping in touch and sending wonderful pictures and videos of your amazing adventures! It is truly wonderful to see – I do miss you very much!
It’s Friday again – I can’t quite believe it!
Today’s suggested learning is as follows;-
In English, we will focus on the final line of our book β€˜Rain Before Rainbows’ which says ‘The morning is breaking, the morning is bright’.
We will take this focus into enjoying some Music today and enjoy listening and singing the song ‘Morning has broken’.
In Maths, there are some fun counting games to play.
Let’s practise our spellings today and become super spellers!

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the weather will stay warm and sunny!
Keep smiling πŸ™‚
Mrs Brown