Fun week in Adventurers!

Hi families,

What a fun week we have had for our sixth week of the autumn term! On Monday afternoon, we had a very exciting drama session in the school hall. We were learning about the history of Whitby and turned our learning into a play! Check Tapestry for our performance 🙂

In science, to end our learning on ‘Rocks’ we carried out some research on a famous fossil hunter called Mary Anning. Did you know she discovered the largest dinosaur fossil in the world? Also, she discovered seven different types of dinosaur.

 Yesterday, we were designing our Christmas cards that will be sent away and made in to real cards ready to give to family and friends!

Have a great weekend,


Our week in Adventurers

Hi families,


What a busy week it has been for us. The children have really enjoyed the opportunity to explore fossils this week. Together we learnt how a fossil is formed and compared lots of different types to see of we could guess what they were! 

In Art we continued our work on the artist ‘Bridget Riley’ and moved on to colour mixing. This was really successful and really fun for everyone (see pictures below).  

Yesterday was ‘World Heart Day’. We explored what it meant to have a healthy heart and ways in which we could do this. The children enjoyed coming up with ideas and illustrating them.

Today we head off to Robin Hood’s Bay for our trip! Check Tapestry later for some pictures.


Adventurers 🙂  


A fun four day week!

Hi families,

This week we have continued our learning in both history and English about Whitby. In history, we learnt all about Saint Hilda and why she had such an impact on Whitby and the wider world.

In science, we developed our learning of ‘Rocks’ further and learnt the names of the three different rock types. These were igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We even had chance to observe some different examples of each rock and take some observational drawings.

In maths, we have been looking at ordering numbers to 1000 on a number line as well as estimating the position of numbers. We have found this really fun!

This morning we enjoyed having families in class with us and are looking forward to seeing more on Monday afternoon!

Have a lovely weekend.




Another fantastic week for the Adventurers!

Hi families,

We have had another successful and fun week in Adventurers. We started the week by publishing our ‘Tour of Britain’ writing. We then moved on to look at the benefits of cycling and why we think more people should use bikes!

In History we are learning all about ‘Whitby’. We started this learning by understanding how Whitby got its name.  Next week we are going to be looking at Saint Hilda. If you have some time over the weekend, why not do a little bit of research ready for Tuesday! 

In our Art lesson we looked at some artwork by ‘Bridget Riley’. Next week we are going to start mixing colours in preparation for creating our own artwork inspired by Bridget Riley’s.

In our RE lessons we are learning about the ‘Creation Story’. This week we thought about something that was ‘good’ in the world and how God would want us to look after it. We created a set of instructions that would allow us to look after it like God would want us to.

Have a lovely weekend!


Our first week!

Hello families!


We have had a brilliant and exciting first week in Adventurers! We have spent the week getting to know each other and enjoying our learning!

In English we have been writing information posters about ‘The Tour of Britain’. On Wednesday afternoon, we were lucky enough to see the cyclists pass through Sleights – we cheered really loud!

We have started to read a book by Roald Dahl called, ‘The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me’. We have been making predictions on what we think will happen in the book as well as answering questions and being really good reading detectives!

In worship we have started to explore our value of ‘Generosity’ and we will explore this further throughout this half term.

We have had a great week and here is a picture of us all enjoying our new class!

Adventurers 🙂 


Nearly there!

Hi families,

Another busy week for the Adventurers last week! The children enjoyed two full days in their new classroom ready for next year. They all had a wonderful time and are excited for September.

On Wednesday we started to write haiku poems about the building work going on in school. The children had fun with these and it was really quite tricky counting syllables in words and making them fit the poem’s structure!

In History we looked at how Ancient Greece influenced life today. The children conducted some research on why arts and education were important to families in their homes. This was really interesting and the children found out lots of new information.

Here’s to a fun final week in Adventurers!

Another week in Adventurers!

This week has been another busy week for the Adventurers! We started the week looking at the Ancient Greeks and learning about the Parthenon. We enjoyed comparing pictures of the famous temple from the past and the modern day.

In Science we have been learning about the human skeleton and how it supports our bodies. We moved on to look at muscles and how they work with the skeleton to allow us to move.

Yesterday, we really enjoyed ourselves in Church and loved performing our song ‘Three Little Birds’. We also shared an acrostic poem about how to persevere when things are difficult and why this is important.

We had a visit from the library who told us all about the summer reading challenge. Hopefully we can all get involved with this over the holidays.

See you next week,


Here is some of our art work that we promised to share with you!

Fun in Adventurers!

Hi families,


We have had another fun packed week in Adventurers this week. We started the week with a special visit from Father Michael who delivered a worship session to our class. The children enjoyed discussing a story from the Bible and asking questions about it.

This week we have been writing poetry. The children have absolutely loved exploring different types of figurative language and creating their own free verse poems. Hopefully we can share some here next week!

Elsewhere, in Science we have been looking at how animals and humans have different body structures. Next week we are going on to look at the human skeleton in more detail which the children are really looking forward to!


Have a fabulous weekend! 🙂 

Our exciting week!

Last week Adventurers had a really exciting week!

In English we wrote letters to the WWF on why we thought orangutans were so important to our planet. Mrs Brown posted them on Friday! Hopefully we will get some replies soon.

On Wednesday, we had a busy morning creating some art work that is going to be displayed around the school. In the afternoon, we played tennis at Whitby College. Mrs Brown couldn’t believe how amazing we were!

This morning has been an exciting morning so far as we had a visitor from the Dog’s Trust. She taught us how to look after and protect ourselves around dogs.

Hopefully the rest of the week is just as exciting!

Last week in Adventurers!

Last week we started to explore our new Christian value of ‘truth’. We talked about this during our class worship sessions and are looking to explore this further over the half term.

In English we have been learning about the orangutan and why it is so important to the survival of our planet. Did you know that orangutans are known as the gardeners of the forest? This is because they disperse seeds and build nests that allow for these seeds to grow.

In History, we started to explore Greek gods. We looked at twelve different gods and created fact files about our favourite ones.