Chicken Licken

Down in the forest we found an oak tree and under the tree we found lots of forest treasure. This treasure was piles and piles of acorns and we managed to sneak some away before the animals got them. They will be returned. After this trip to the forest, we have been retelling the story of Chicken Licken. The Pioneers have been using the story map and the basket of animals to support their own versions of the story.

Our story has Chicken Licken,Turkey Lurkey, Ducky Lucky and Lovey Dovey and one of the Pioneers suggested a very clever ending. He spotted that two of the birds were good at flying and the other two were not so Lovey Dovey and Ducky Lucky could fly to get help. The suggested ending was not so good for Foxy Loxy as he ends up chopped up and in the cooking pot!

It was wonderful to welcome our families on Friday to show off the classroom,indoors and out. The sun shone and it was lovely.

Looking forward to another cracking week. Go Pioneers!

23rd September 2022

Leaders have worked incredibly hard this week and so much excellent learning has taken place.

In English, we began our new unit on adverts. At the end of the unit, Leaders will be writing adverts persuading people to visit Whitby. To start, we looked at an advert about Scarborough and identified the audience and purpose before identifying the persuasive devices in the text. The leaders then considered their favourite places in Whitby and wrote about them using a range of openers.

In science, the children learned about what is in the universe. Each group was given a set of information that they were tasked with learning. Some members of the group then became teachers, with the rest of the children moving to a different group to be taught their information. Children then returned to their original group to feedback on what they had learned with others. It was amazing to see the children teaching one and other and lots of new facts were learned!

On Friday morning, it was brilliant to have families join us in the classroom again. We are looking forward to seeing more families for the second session on Monday.

A fun four day week!

Hi families,

This week we have continued our learning in both history and English about Whitby. In history, we learnt all about Saint Hilda and why she had such an impact on Whitby and the wider world.

In science, we developed our learning of ‘Rocks’ further and learnt the names of the three different rock types. These were igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We even had chance to observe some different examples of each rock and take some observational drawings.

In maths, we have been looking at ordering numbers to 1000 on a number line as well as estimating the position of numbers. We have found this really fun!

This morning we enjoyed having families in class with us and are looking forward to seeing more on Monday afternoon!

Have a lovely weekend.




A fun-filled four days.

Even though we’ve had a four-day week, it has certainly been jam-packed. We have packed in so many learning opportunities into our four days.

We had a great time on Tuesday afternoon, as we travelled to Caedmon College for a multi-skills festival. We enjoyed throwing, jumping and running activities and had some great team spirit and lots of enthusiasm. 

This week we have started a new writing focus around our town of Whitby. We are in the process of creating an advert to persuade others to visit our lovely town. With this in mind, we created mind-maps of the places we liked to visit in Whitby and the activities we enjoy there. We worked in teams, drawing and labelling pictures to aid our learning.

In History, we have been learning about Frank Meadow Sutcliffe and have become very interested in sepia photography. So much so that we decided to create our own versions. These will be displayed in our classroom for us to enjoy.

We have enjoyed PE, computing and have shared many stories together this week too. 

There is always a buzz for learning in Learners Class. 🙂

A busy week in Leaders

It has been a great first full week back for Leaders class.

On Tuesday, the children had their first swimming session of the term. The children demonstrated excellent water confidence and swimming skills. Tuesday was certainly a busy day for Leaders as they also had dance with Hannah Verity in the afternoon.

On Thursday afternoon, after a break over the summer, the children were reunited with their instruments. It was lovely to hear the sound of music throughout the school.

The children have also been busy writing up information for their Tour of Britain posters in English. On Friday, the children began publishing their posters and have made a great start.

In maths, the children have been tackling place value and applying their learning to reasoning and problem solving questions.

In PSHCE the children considered how to keep their personal information safe online and applied what they had learned to scenarios they may face online. Some excellent discussion took place.

Finally, to finish a busy week in school, Leaders travelled to Whitby Sixth Form on Friday afternoon to take part in a cross country event. The children demonstrated excellent enthusiasm during the event and represented the school brilliantly.

Well done, Leaders!

Another fantastic week for the Adventurers!

Hi families,

We have had another successful and fun week in Adventurers. We started the week by publishing our ‘Tour of Britain’ writing. We then moved on to look at the benefits of cycling and why we think more people should use bikes!

In History we are learning all about ‘Whitby’. We started this learning by understanding how Whitby got its name.  Next week we are going to be looking at Saint Hilda. If you have some time over the weekend, why not do a little bit of research ready for Tuesday! 

In our Art lesson we looked at some artwork by ‘Bridget Riley’. Next week we are going to start mixing colours in preparation for creating our own artwork inspired by Bridget Riley’s.

In our RE lessons we are learning about the ‘Creation Story’. This week we thought about something that was ‘good’ in the world and how God would want us to look after it. We created a set of instructions that would allow us to look after it like God would want us to.

Have a lovely weekend!


Autumn days in the forest.

Learners have had a week full of super learning. We started the week with our new RE topic, around belonging to a faith community. We thought about the groups we belonged to. We drew pictures and discussed how belonging to our special groups made us feel. This prompted some meaningful conversations and discussions. 

On Tuesday, we had so much fun clapping and dancing to the beat of some ‘groovy’ music. Beat is our music focus this half-term and we are SO going to enjoy finding the beat in different music types.

In Science, we are learning more about seasonal change. So on Thursday, we headed down to the forest to see the signs of Autumn for ourselves. Amongst other things, we found autumnal leaves, brambles and acorns. We enjoyed some painting in the forest too. We figured out how we could make the secondary colours we needed (orange, purple and green) from mixing the primary colours that we had (red, blue and yellow). The sun was shining and we had a fun packed day learning outdoors. It is safe to say we had the BEST day!

We can’t wait to see what next week has in store!

Learners Class 🙂

Wow! What a Week That Was!

The wonderful Pioneers have completed their first week and they did an absolutely marvelous  job. The brand new classroom has been tested out and it functions very well. There has been so much to take in and everyone in the team did their bit.

We have painted and washed up. We have played with dough and added herbs. We walked with the Leaders to see the Bike Race.We have been to the hall for some PE and joined the whole school for lunchtime and playtimes. We have sat on the new carpet and sat at new tables on new chair and of course we have used the new toilets with electronic flush. So good.

The whole school have been to visit and take a look at the new classroom and the Pioneers have enjoyed seeing old friends,siblings and relatives. We have also welcomed families in and this is so lovely.

We look forward to so much new learning.

Our first week in Leaders

The children have had a brilliant first week back in school.

This week, marked the whole school coming back together in the hall for lunch for the first time since 2020. Leaders were tasked with taking on the role of servers and have done a fabulous job so far. On Wednesday, children also paired up with children in Pioneers to walk from school to watch the Tour of Britain. The children were great role models for the pioneers, demonstrating exactly what it means to be a leader. 

The children have worked extremely hard in all lessons this week. In maths, the children have tackled Roman numerals and place value, working with numbers up to 1,000,000 and 10,000,000. 

In English, our writing focus has been on The Tour of Britain. The children have used a range of conjunctions in their writing so far and we are looking forward to completing this work next week.

To finish off our week, the children researched their focus artist for this half term, Esther Mahlangu. We are looking forward to learning more about her artwork and using it to inspire ours. 

Next week marks the return of swimming lessons and music with Ralph, which we are all looking forward to. Keep an eye on our class blog page for updates!

An Excellent First Week as Discoverers

Hello Visitors, 

We are so excited to be writing our first post as year 4 pupils! 

We are now in Discoverers class and can’t wait to share all of the exciting things that happen during our week.

This week, we went out to watch the Tour of Britain cycling race. It was amazing to see the cyclists pedalling so hard. We were inspired by their efforts and have organised our own cycle-to-school day. Check out our picture of posters below.