Fun week in Adventurers!

Hi families,

What a fun week we have had for our sixth week of the autumn term! On Monday afternoon, we had a very exciting drama session in the school hall. We were learning about the history of Whitby and turned our learning into a play! Check Tapestry for our performance 🙂

In science, to end our learning on ‘Rocks’ we carried out some research on a famous fossil hunter called Mary Anning. Did you know she discovered the largest dinosaur fossil in the world? Also, she discovered seven different types of dinosaur.

 Yesterday, we were designing our Christmas cards that will be sent away and made in to real cards ready to give to family and friends!

Have a great weekend,


Happy Learners

This week in History, we have been researching how food shopping has changed over the years. We have been looking at Frank Meadow Sutcliffe’s pictures, which show the Market Square in Whitby dating back to 1640. In the past we were shocked to find out that the market sold urine as a cleaning product. This revelation produced lots of shocked gasps and groans in class.

In Science, we have found out that the Earth orbits the sun, with one orbit constituting a year of roughly 365 days. This lesson provoked some wonderful discussion points around the Sun, Moon and Earth. We all agreed that Space facts are fascinating.

Learners have felt a real pride in their writing this week, which has been a joy to see. Each individual is continuing to focus on ways to improve their own writing skills. This dedication has been wonderful and has really paid off with some great writers emerging. Keep up the good work Learners.

We are very happy learners in Learners Class 🙂

The Colours of Autumn

This week we began looking at how the trees are changing. The Pioneers looked at a selection of leaves and compared their colours and used paint charts to match them up. The Pioneers looked closely and noticed that the leaves varied in size,shape and colour.  They used hole punches to make leaf confetti and used these shapes to subitise and make number patterns.

Every Pioneer is working very hard on phonics and we are starting to write words together. Blending is great and whiteboards are being filled with wonderful writing.

This week we have been subitising all over the place. The Pioneers are experts at spotting groups of 1,2,3 and 4 and representing these numbers by drawing. We have been building towers and making shapes.

Happy Learning

Friday 7th October

It has been another brilliant week in Leaders class.

This week, Leaders have been working hard to complete their adverts about Whitby. I have been amazed by the vocabulary choices and the application of the new writing skills they have learned this half term. 

In science, Leaders have learned about the earth rotating on its axis and how this effects day and night. They drew diagrams and wrote explanations to demonstrate their understanding.

Our history unit for this half term is Black History. This week the Leaders found out about the first recorded Africans in Britain during the Roman era. They thought about how historians know that black people lived in Britain at that time and found out that bones and teeth can be analysed. They also learned about the Aurelian Moors. Ask your child what they have learned. Leaders love to share their knowledge!

On Wednesday afternoon, a group of Leaders took part in a football tournament. We are so proud of the great teamwork that they demonstrated and the way in which they represented the school. Well done to all involved!

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Abstract Artists.

A busy week as always in Learners Class. 

This week we have welcomed a new member of our class – Story Mouse. Story Mouse has very quickly made lots of new friends and has become a very popular Learner. We have enjoyed reading and telling stories to Story Mouse and are excited to learn more about his role in our classroom. On Thursday, Story Mouse left us a letter with a gift of HIS/HER favourite book to share. We delighted in sharing the story together and were eager to write letters in response.

We are continuing to enjoy learning more about the past and have been thinking about Museums this week. We discussed the Museums we had visited and also the Museums we would like to visit in the future. We watched some virtual tours and talked excitedly about artefacts and their importance.

We have also produced some stunning artwork this week, inspired by this term’s artist Kandinsky. The pieces of art were just amazing. We hope you enjoy them too!

We are busy preparing for Harvest Time and rehearsing our own class song, it’s going to be sensational!

Happy Learning as always 🙂

Learners Class

A Fabulous Week

Hello Visitors,

Thank you for visiting our class blog 🙂

We have had a fabulous week, where we have celebrated World Heart Day, learned more about Hinduism, and visited Robin Hoods Bay to learn more about rocks. 

For World Heart Day, we thought about how our hearts help us, as well as considering what we can do to keep them healthy. We decided that eating well, and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, would help. 

In RE, we are considering what it means to be a Hindu in Britain. We have started to explore Hinduism in more detail, looking at the four main aims of their lives, and then thought about four main aims for our lives. Some of us decided that if we live a life where we are kind, generous, respectful and loving, we will be happy 😀

Finally, our trip to Robin Hoods Bay was fantastic! We searched for fossils (and found so many), rockpooled for new and interesting sealife, and took a circular walk around the area, which was part of the Cleveland Way. 



Water and Paint and Buttons and Building

So much goes on in Pioneers in any one day!

This week we have been looking closely at a huge collection of buttons and the wonderful book called The Button Box. Everyone picked their favourite button and said why they had chosen it. There was lots of filling and pouring and teamwork to move buttons from jar to box and then into a makeup stand with tiers of sections.The buttons were sorted by colour and set out in shapes and in lines. The Pioneers left no button untidied and every little button made its way back to the jar.

We have played a number of maths games with hoops and skittles and bricks and dice. They have required patience,turn taking and counting and it was wonderful to watch this develop over the week.

We got some paint out on Thursday and did a bit of experimentation with mixing and moving the colours. The Pioneers pressed and rolled and painted and all was quiet while they concentrated.

Potions were popular on Wednesday and the Pioneers mixed up some flowers and herbs in the big giant teapot and made soup in some donated buckets. Many had damp feet but few complained!

Another week of happy learning!

Our weekly news

It has been another busy week in Leaders class.

A highlight of the week for all of the children was visiting Pioneers class. The children worked with the younger children, creating games, enjoying role play and helping to practice maths, reading and letter formation. It really was brilliant to see.

To finish a busy week, the children used acrylic paint to mix colours inspired by the bold colours of Esther Mahlangu. 

In addition to work in class this week, ten girls also represented the school at a football tournament. They were successful in securing fourth place. Well done everyone!

Our week in Adventurers

Hi families,


What a busy week it has been for us. The children have really enjoyed the opportunity to explore fossils this week. Together we learnt how a fossil is formed and compared lots of different types to see of we could guess what they were! 

In Art we continued our work on the artist ‘Bridget Riley’ and moved on to colour mixing. This was really successful and really fun for everyone (see pictures below).  

Yesterday was ‘World Heart Day’. We explored what it meant to have a healthy heart and ways in which we could do this. The children enjoyed coming up with ideas and illustrating them.

Today we head off to Robin Hood’s Bay for our trip! Check Tapestry later for some pictures.


Adventurers 🙂  


Learners are problem solving.

Learners have worked hard this week to gain more confidence in maths reasoning and problem solving. We have enjoyed using practical resources to help us learn more about number and place value. We applied our skills to enable us to solve problems, using a range of strategies. We are becoming proficient problem solvers and are working hard to build understanding and deepen our learning. What a productive week!

Also this week, we have immersed ourselves in the past. We have been learning more about how Whitby has changed over the years and have really enjoyed comparing old photographs to those of modern day. We were fascinated to find how some areas of Whitby still look very similar.

On Thursday, we recognised World Heart Day by sharing the book ‘In my Heart’ by Jo Widek’ We discussed how we could keep our hearts healthy and happy. 

An awesome week of learning again Learners Class! Learners Class just love to learn.