Good morning Adventurers, happy World Earth Day! I hope you are all well today – it looks like it is going to be another sunny day!
I have posted some links on tapestry so you can find out more information on World Earth Day and do some activities relating to it if you would like. It is the 50th anniversary this year and they are celebrating climate change.
Today I have set an English, Maths and a short PE activity.
Maths activity:
To play some of the interactive pictogram games on Topmarks. Use the information gained from playing these games to write your own questions based on the pictogram you produced yesterday.
Give these questions to a family member with your graph and see if they can answer them.
English activity:
Today we are going to write a story based on the video we have been watching over the previous days. The plan is to include a clear beginning, middle and end with bullet points to show what will happen in each section.
If you are struggling for ideas, your story could be about a strong, beautiful flower that is battling the elements and pollution to survive. Or you could use the information you collected about the life cycle of a flower and tell the story of a seed growing into a beautiful flower going through each stage of the cycles.
There is more information on this on tapestry.
PE activity:
Roll a dice (if you don’t have a dice, you could make one or use an interactive one on the internet).
Roll it and if you land on…
1 – run on the spot for 1 minute
2 – Jump twice
3 – 3 star jumps
4 – do 4 rolls
5 – 5 mountain climbers
6 – touch your toes 6 times.
Keep rolling! Can you make up your own exercises to challenge members of your family?
I hope you all have a lovely day!
Mrs Burton