Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well.
We are really enjoying our new book ‘Why is the sky blue?’ and finding out some fascinating facts!
Today’s question is ‘How big are icebergs?’ – see Tapestry for more information!
Today in English, we become an iceberg ourselves, finding out what is above and below the surface of ourselves!
In Maths, another daily challenge. These are really getting us thinking!
In Handwriting today, we will be writing the days of the week, thinking about ascenders and descenders when writing letters.
With our focus today on icebergs, in Geography we will find out about one of the coldest places in the World, Antarctica!,
The weather is slightly cooler this week, which is nice and refreshing for now!
Keep in touch with me and let me know what activities you are doing.
Keep smiling as always 🙂
Mrs Brown