Learners being creative

Learners class have enjoyed some brilliant art lessons this week. On Wednesday we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon being artists. We explored painting and making different patterns using watercolours to see how different brushstrokes created different effects. Inspired by our focus artist Wassily Kandinsky, we listened to music while we painted. The classroom was focused and peaceful, as we enjoyed painting. Our sketchbooks are looking amazing and we are looking forward to sharing these with families at Parents Evening next week.

This week in English, Learners have been putting their finishing touches to their non-chronological reports around Global Goals. Learners have been passionate about the goals and have spent a lot of time understanding and clarifying meaning of each goals’ target. This depth of understanding is evident in the amazing pieces of writing produced throughout this writing topic. Well done Learners.

In science, we have been looking closely at the weather and have been filling in our own weekly weather chart. Thursday definitely provided a talking point as the rain was nothing sort of torrential. 

Learners are looking forward to sharing their achievements with families this week during Parents Evening. I certainly have many successes to share with you!

Learners love too learn 🙂