Welcome to Learning in Our New Classroom

This week we left behind the four walls of our old classroom and starting learning in our new classroom with all of our familiar resources.This transition was wonderful and well handled by everyone and we lost no learning time. 

We are continuing our work on Animals and this has been based around whales and then we had a wonderful arrival-an alligator head. This caused quite a bit of excitement and the writing flowed rapidly

Friday 10th June 2022

It has been a busy and productive week for the children in Leaders as they begin their final half term at primary school.

This week, Leaders have continued to focus on their writing. We started the week by watching an animation called ‘Wing’, which is about a one-winged creature, who is tormented by crows because he is different. In the end, with the help of a kind friend, Wing is able to escape the crows. The children have worked incredibly hard to use their Year 6 writing skills when completing a narrative based on this animation. They have now completed and edited their final pieces and are looking forward to sharing their stories with the children in Discoverers on Monday.

In addition to writing, the children enjoyed exploring using line and shading to create different tones and textures in art. 

On Friday, Leaders visited the Early Years’ buildings for the final time before work to demolish them commences next week. We made sure to take pictures and videos of the buildings as we plan to base some of our writing around the building work over the coming weeks.

Next week, there is a lot to look forward to in Leaders class. The children will be participating in Mini Medic training on Monday, and, on Friday, the children will attend a Quad Kids sporting event at Whitby Sixth Form along with Year 5 pupils from Discoverers class. Keep an eye on the class blog and Tapestry next week to find out about these events.

The World’s Most Disgusting Lesson

Hello Visitors,

We would suggest ensuring that you have eaten, before reading this blog!

This week, we completed a very disgusting task: creating poo! 

We have been learning all about the digestive system, and the body parts that are included within. We focused on new vocabulary, and learning the purpose of each part. 

Check out the photos below, to see our end product. 

Our new value for this half term is truthfulness. In worship, we have been exploring this word, and what it means to be truthful. We are thinking about what Jesus would do throughout this exploration, but are also considering the benefits to ourselves when we tell the truth. 

A Creative Week!

Learners Class have been busy writing letters in English this week. Letters to each other, letters to Mrs Eglon (thanking her for a delicious Jubilee lunch), letters to the neighbours providing them with information of how to be a ‘hedgehog hero’. We are really enjoying this writing topic.

In Maths we have been busy measuring weight. We have become human balancing scales and have been checking which objects in the classroom are heavier and lighter than each other.

We are LOVING our class song ‘Zootime’ in Music and have been reflecting on how the song makes us feel and trying to guess how old the piece of music is. Ask us to sing it for you at home, I think you will be impressed!

On Thursday afternoon, we became artists. Our new focus artist is Paul Klee, who draws in a cubism style. We  looked at some of Paul Klee’s work and tried a portrait in the cubism style. Our drawings were wonderful. Take a look at our pictures.

We are excited to attend Quad Kids Sports event tomorrow afternoon (Friday 10th) . Please make sure your child has a PE kit in schools, applies sun cream before school, has a hat and a water bottle to take with them. I am sure it will be great fun and a lovely way to end a busy week. 

Learners Class