Seasonal Change

The weather has turned autumnal outside this week. Learners have enjoyed learning more about the different seasons in science. This week we enjoyed selecting clothes we would wear in summer and comparing these to the clothes we would select to wear in winter. Our choices reflected the change in weather throughout the seasons. We had lots of fun trying on different clothes and were able to transfer our knowledge to draw and label pictures to show our learning.

Elsewhere in the classroom, learners have been working really hard in maths and have been focusing on Place Value. We have been partitioning and flexibly partitioning numbers to 100 this week ad have been able to use our knowledge to answer some problem questions too.

We welcomed our families into L:earners class on Wednesday. They were able to share in our current learning around Global Goals. We were delighted to share what we knew.

In history this week, we identified the changes that could happen over time and recognised that museums, artefacts and people could help us to understand more about how things have changed. We are looking forward to our trip to Whitby Museum inn a few weeks to consolidate our learning.

Learners have enjoyed listening to poems by Brian Moses this week. Our favourite being “Walking with my Iguana’.

Learners enjoy learning and are always so excited to see what we are learning next!