Reading,Writing and Measurement

Every Friday we go to the Library to select a new book. In the process we have noticed how the books are arranged on the shelf and how the are stored with the spines facing out so we can read them. We are getting quite good at returning books too.

Trolls and giants have featured heavily in this week’s learning and we have been measuring using different bricks. The Pioneers took great care with this work and their attention to detail was amazing . The maths chat was wonderful.

Having written stories about the troll and the goats and discussed other versions of this,the Pioneers were delighted to have a go at constructing their own story maps for their own traditional tale. The focus and the ideas were brilliant and everyone presented their own story. This all happened late on Friday afternoon at the end of a very busy week. These ideas will for the basis of our writing next week. They are so good.

To be continued…