Marvellous Monarchs!

In history this week, Learners have been learning all about monarchs. We used drama to build our learning. We enjoyed becoming absolute monarchs, where we could make ALL the rules, dishing out punishments for anyone who didn’t comply. We then became part of a constitutional monarchy. Here, the monarch needed the partnership of a Prime minister, together with an elected Government to help make any decisions and rules. We were relieved to learn that we now have a constitutional monarchy and unlike the past, there would be no “off with your head” punishments.

Learners have been busily drawing story maps around the Peter and the Wolf story and are excited to begin writing a narrative next week. We have been gathering words with the suffixes -ment, -ness, and -ly in order to make our writing even more interesting! 

Learners attended a Gymnastic event in Whitby on Thursday, where we had lots of fun. Sports leaders organised events and Learners enjoyed rolling, jumping and balancing. We were able to show-off all our gymnastic skills and we enjoyed every minute. 

Next week, will be our last swimming session at Whitby pool. It is clear to see the progress made over the last months  and how confidence  has improved. We will be looking forward to starting dance sessions with Hannah Verity after half-term.

Learners love to learn, keep checking our class page to see what we are learning!